Suitable One

"Greetings, Her Royal Highness!"

Aylin jumped at the sound of a sudden voice that interrupted her reverie. Startled at his voice as she glanced up. The tenderness in his expression amazed her. She was too surprised to do more than nod her head clumsily.

The Duke of Sol also noticed the astonishment in her melted gold eyes. But, instead of leaving the room, he bowed deeply to her as he spoke again, clearing his throat, "Her Royal Highness, Pardon my sudden arrival, I am here to inform you about some important matters which need your urgent attention."

Aylin's drowsiness had already subsided. Her hands, hidden from his sight, were twisting uneasily in her lap as she asked, collecting her all strength and half-sitting on the bed, "Kindly introduce yourself first. As far as I can remember, I saw you inside the cave and I can assume that you are the one who saved me and carried me back here. Are you a newly appointed Imperial guard? Sent as backups by His Majesty?"