Peace Treaty!

Morning arrived as a mother's gentle hand, inviting the dreams of night to enter the day. The bright and warm sunray kissed Aylin's delicate cheeks and her eyebrows irked instantly.

"Umh! Stella, don't remove the curtains."

Aylin mumbled in a sleepy tone as she turned her face in the opposite direction.

'Clip! Clop!'

However, she wasn't able to sleep peacefully for long as the sound of hoofbeats woke her up from the sleep. While rubbing her eyes, she jumped up from her sleep.

It took just a moment for her to recall the incidents of the previous night. She checked out her surroundings as she whispered in a low and broken tone, "K- Kai? Are you here? Kai?"

But, her whisper only echoed in that empty and deserted cave. There was no sign of Kai and on the other side, the hoofbeats were almost near the cave.