Silent Pavilion-2

"Lunch is here. Do I need to serve it for you?"

Like every day, nobody answered as Aylin waited for a few seconds. Then, suppressing her curiosity, she turned her back towards that huge black-wooden and closed the door, and began to walk again nonchalantly, taking her time.

The paintings on the white walls of both sides of the corridor were mostly moon paintings and of nature's beauty. A wind chime was hanging from the ceiling nearby, chiming quite louder than its usual low clinking, due to the storm outside. The rain was still pouring outside as the pattering sound on the window panes was echoing in that empty corridor.

Suddenly, the door behind her opened with a low, wooden sound, followed by heavy yet gentle footsteps. Instantly, Aylin turned her head in that direction, stopping in the middle of her way. Immense curiosity lit up again in her beautiful, golden eyes.