Kind-hearted Beast?

The fragrance of the different kinds of flowers filled the air of their surroundings as Aylin and Collins were walking through the gardens of the Silent Manors. This was the first time Aylin got the chance to see the outside of the palace and to tell the truth, it was one of the best decisions she ever made.

The Manor was surrounded by four or five vast gardens, filled with different types of known and unknown, beautiful flowers, and a bunch of colorful birds and butterflies were flying around them as it looked like they weren't really scared of them. Maybe because the area was so deserted that they became brave now. 

Far away, the magnificent dome of the main palace was visible as the crescent moon at the top of it was shimmering brightly in the golden ray of the afternoon sun. While scanning her surroundings, Aylin tried to find out exactly where the Silent manor was located as she didn't see it before within her short time in the Fintan.