9th Night

Hillcrest is peaceful. When was the last time the academy grounds were this silent at night? When there was a gathering of vampires in Aceldama, old and young, no matter what their blood status, because of their festival called Blood Night, which was a long time ago. The Night Class and the teachers in charge of their education were not at Hillcrest tonight because all of them will be attending the soiree Cohen Lohengrin will be hosting the following night. Thus, they all went back to their world. It is an event where members of all the known vampire families in Aceldama gather to establish or create connections. For some, they find it highly beneficial, especially those who want to keep their positions under the monarchial reign, but for a few, like the crown prince himself, find it to be insignificant because they view it as something vampires use as an excuse to satisfy their greed and gain political connections.

Nevertheless, when vampires gather on occasions like that, the VHA sends a few of its hunters to Aceldama. It has been an established agreement between vampires and hunters over the ages to prevent any mishaps along the way. And in this coming soiree, Kaien is one of the hunters who will be visiting Aceldama because of the said event. He should have actually started to pack his things for a single night trip but he still doesn't want to move yet. His thoughts are in disarray, especially about what just happened in his office a while ago.

Kaien leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling of his office, his thoughts going back to what transpired an hour ago in this very same room, just as when he arrived from VHA's headquarters…


"Shall we discuss the reason as to why we are here?"

Without much choice, Kaien nodded to Siegrain in agreement before he walked towards his chair behind his oakwood table. He might as well listen to what they came here to say aside from them introducing themselves to him. He is sure these guys wouldn't be here for a second if what they came here for was not a bit important.

"We are currently on the hunt for the traitors from Elysia and Tempestra and we needed your help to confirm their location," Siegrain started without coating his words.

That got his attention. "Traitors?"

Siegrain nodded but it was Aelvien who gave him the details. "Elders from the five traitorous Noble Houses of Elysia - the ones who have sired the First Bloods of Aceldama, and one Royal Blood."

"And a recreant Great Wolf from Tempestra," Blaze added. "One who had a hand in the first Blood War that occurred before."

Kaien was speechless. He never thought they'd have a greater problem aside from the threats the Lepers and the Alliance pose and it was because of beings they thought had perished after the Blood War.

"I'm not sure if I can be of help. The hands of the Vampire Hunters' Association are full right now with the appearance of the Lepers in this world. Aceldama seemed to have a problem hunting them all and we have confirmed that someone has been behind all their appearances here in the world of the living. Until we find the puppeteer behind all the happenings lately, the killings will still continue, which I'm afraid will lead the Alliance to grab a chance to expose all the secrets of this world to all naturals."

"If we help you with your problem at hand, are you going to help us trace the locations of the traitors we are looking for? We only need to know the whereabouts of the key factors because, wherever they may be, we are sure that is where the traitors under their authority are also."

Kaien was left in his thoughts for a moment. That is a good bargain. If they give a hand in disposing the Lepers that are causing havoc in the world of the living, they'll handle the issue sooner than expected. But what they are asking from him is far greater than what they can give him.

"You do not believe that the Alliance have nothing to do with what's happening, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Saber leaned on the wall before he spoke. "The Alliance is an organization where strength is revered as a right to authority. They do not abide by the naturals' laws even if they are human beings to begin with. They experiment on humans - children who were kidnapped away from the security of their homes and have never been found, out of their own free will. Do you think they'd just sit still and watch everything unfold in front of their eyes when what they've been doing all this time is conduct illegal experiments on humans to create beings on par with supernaturals? They knew beings aside from humans existed. They have always wanted to educate the naturals who have forgotten that they were once oppressed back in the day by those same supernatural beings. They wanted humans to know of the existence of these beings. And for them to do that…"

"They'd do something like free Lepers to prey on the innocents," Kaien continued. Shit! Why didn't he think that?

"Yes," Archer agreed. "And while the Alliance put the blame on the vampires or werewolves, they get to play the hero. They needed to stage chaos to create a fake order of things where they are the ones sitting at the top."

"As a normal reaction," Lancer continued to explain, "naturals will come to hate and fear the existence of beings more powerful than them, of beings who once enslaved their ancestors. Because of that, they will wish for those beings to be gone. And which human organization possesses the strength to do just that?"

"The Alliance."

Archer nodded. "And if that happens, they can work freely without restraints to eradicate the supernaturals whom they believe have no right to be living amongst naturals."

Kaien looked at Siegrain. They have a point. "What do you want me to do?"

"Find out who occupies the 12 seats that holds the highest authority inside the Alliance. We believe the traitors we are looking for are among them."

"Do you have a name?"

"Zen Kaznier, Forrest Sirian, Jerod Severus, Enoc Kronos, Figlia Adair : five previous Clan Leaders from the renowned Noble Blood Houses who used to sit among the twelve Chamber of Elders supporting the Archduke of Elysia back in the Golden Age and Victor Landegrei, the only Royal Blood forbidden to enter Northernheim because of the sins he has committed in the past."

"What about the Great Wolves?"

Blaze looked at the moon as he reminisced the days back and anger made his golden eyes glisten. "There is only one whose head I wanted to decapitate. Zenon Blackburn, a Great Wolf who used to sit among the twelve Ieldraz supporting me."

Kaien massaged his temple. The people they are looking for aren't simply Nobles or Great Wolves. They're someone who used to hold high positions in their race before their betrayal so it only means one thing - they're all powerful enough to erase a country off the map. Damn it! What's in store for them is much worse than he anticipated. After discussing what they will do and how they are going to do them, they finally came to an agreement that they will work together. Since Siegrain's group cannot move freely because they are hiding their existence and presence from everyone, supernaturals and naturals alike, Kaien agreed to be their ears and eyes in the open. When everything has been settled, one by one, they start to leave his office. It was only when Aelvien and Blaze were left that Kaien mentioned a name that made them stop in their tracks.

"Eona…" he said out of the blue.

Aelvien and Blaze looked back at him, their eyes void of any feelings they held within. He was not even sure if they were being wary of him. They have masked their emotions well.

"Who is she to you both?"

"Someone precious," Blaze answered with a meaningful smile after being silent for a few moments before they both disappeared right in front of him…


Now that he thinks back, it was only Blaze who gave him an answer. What about Aelvien? Who is Eona to him?

Kaien gave out a sigh. He had done a background check on the girl after that day they talked in the hidden library. He even learned the extent of her sickness, the reason why she cannot be grazed even for a moment by the sunlight. Aside from the incident she was involved in when she was a child where she had lost all of her memories, there is nothing more suspicious about her. She belongs to a wealthy family who had been working in the Ducal House of Lohengrin for generations but she really only came to know about it recently. That's about it.

Eona said that the beings whom they thought disappeared after the blood war were flocking themselves around her. He never thought he would meet those beings so soon. No matter how hard he tried to search for more, he never found the answer as to why she was being protected by such beings. Who is she really to have those two standing beside her? He can understand if it is only a vampire of lower blood, or a werewolf at that. He could also push it to the side if it was Cohen Lohengrin himself. But not when it is both a vampire and a werewolf. He massaged his temple. Wasn't the girl aware that the ones protecting her from the shadows were the Monarch and the Werewolf Supreme themselves? Beings who are at the top of their race's hierarchy?

"Why do I feel like something dark is brewing?" He whispered as he closed his eyes, only to open them back again when his phone rang. It was an unknown number but he answered the call nonetheless. "Kaien Cross speaking…"

"This is Archer. You can reach us through this number. Since we have been monitoring the whereabouts of the Alliance for quite a while, I'll be sending you all the information we have about them so far. We hope it might be a little bit of help to VHA. Until then, ciao!"

Kaien was left dumbfounded as he stared at his phone in idle. Archer said everything he wanted to say without even saying hi or hello and he cut the call just as fast as he answered it. He sighed. At least they'll be working together from now on. It's not bad to receive help from time to time, especially from very capable people like them.


"Good morning, miss! We have been ordered by the queen to tend to your needs during your stay here in the palace. I am Anne and this is Caroline."

Eona glanced at the two ladies wearing a maid's uniform who had their heads slightly bowed in respect.

"Please raise your head," she told them awkwardly.

Even if she is born in a family wealthy enough to be able to hire a personal maid for her, she really is not used to being tended to because she preferred doing things alone, but she did not want to send them away in case they might get offended. They are after all sent to her by the queen herself.

"You're… vampires," she stated after she saw their slightly protruded fangs behind their upper lip when they both smiled at her in a friendly manner.

Anne nodded. "We're Blooded. New Bloods sired in the Ducal House of Rosenthal."

After introducing themselves to each other and being acquainted with one another, she let Anne and Caroline do their job. After being with them for half an hour, she felt pampered. They prepared everything from bathing to choosing her dress and doing her hair. They didn't actually let her lift a finger and, for her, the experience was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. They said she'd be going out with the crown prince, so she must be at her utmost best. How did they even learn about her and Rouen's plans for today anyway?

"Do I really have to wear a dress?"

"This is the capital city of Aceldama, Miss. No women actually wear jeans over here. You'll see when you go out with the prince later that all the women here wear a gown on a daily basis."

She sighed and had a sudden thought. These people are, after all, vampires who have lived for so long that they prefer following the customs of the olden times. Though when it comes to daily living, they have quite adapted to the modern one because they use electricity and the like.

"You are beautiful, Miss Eona," Anne exclaimed when they finished preparing her for the day.

She stared at herself in the mirror. She admitted her appearance today is somehow different. Her eyeshadows enhanced the color of her violet eyes and her white-blonde hair was done in a messy fishtail to the side which accentuated her face. They made her wear a peach-colored gown made of silk with sleeves made of lace which covered her arm like a second skin accentuated with small crystals on the waist. They said it was a gift from the queen herself and it fitted her nicely, as if it was tailored especially for her.

"I don't seem… human."

Both the maids chuckled at what she said though they, too, thought what she said was right.

At first, when the queen ordered them to tend to her needs during her stay at the palace, they really had second thoughts. Humans in general were afraid of them and they, as vampires, have their guards up when interacting with their kind. It is the first time for them to be with a human being for such a long time after they were turned. Being a New Blood, they are still considered young as vampires and their urge to drink blood is still hard for them to control with just a whiff of it. Upon receiving the queen's order, they are worried that they might end up hurting the girl. Though Eona was Cohen Lohengrin's guest, the queen had specifically told Cohen last night after the incident in the garden to let the girl stay at the palace before the soiree which will be hosted at his manor tomorrow night. The moment they opened the door to her bedchamber to meet her, they were still walking on a landmine but when Eona smiled at them kindly, with eyes full of curiosity instead of judgement, both Caroline and Anne took down their walls and interacted with her like they would with their own friends.

Eona is beautiful. That much is a fact. They had never seen a human as beautiful as her. At first glance, they even wondered whether she was really one of the naturals. They only did so little to enhance the way she looked and when they finished dressing her up, she completely looked like she belonged in this world.

A knock on the door caught all of their attention, followed by the voice of the sentinel guarding the door of Eona's room.

"Announcing, the crown prince!"

Not a moment later, the door opened and in came Rouen, who smiled genuinely at the sight of the human girl he had come to be fond of the second he decided to let her into his life. The maids were shocked. Having been working at the palace for a long time, they knew how cold the prince could be, may it be to his own kind or to others. Having his life accompanied by an upcoming prophecy of war from birth, Rouen built a wall that completely surrounded his heart for over a hundred years. It was actually the first time they had seen him smile like that - as if he accepted Eona's existence in his life, one which many women had tried their best to accomplish but failed to achieve.

"Greetings, future ruler of the Kingdom of Aceldama, the crown prince," Anne and Caroline greeted him after bowing their heads in respect.

Rouen nodded in acknowledgement, which for them was also a first. They knew he was being friendly. Is it because of Eona? Instead of voicing out their question, which would appear rude if they ever did so, they excused themselves the way they were trained to be and left the prince and Eona alone in the room.

Eona stared at Rouen. He looks more mature wearing a prince's attire compared to when she saw him wearing Hillcrest' school's uniform. He looks handsome even though his black hair was a mess as if he just ran his hands through it a couple of times. He was tall, she could tell that now, because she noticed her height could only reach his shoulder. He is perfect in any way, as if he was blessed by the gods themselves when he was born. His beautiful aquamarine eyes ran themselves through her unabashedly, which made her blush. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. How can he be so good looking?

"What is with that look?"

"Are you somehow planning to kill me today?" She asked after clearing her throat, trying to push his attention away from her blushing cheeks.

Rouen stared at her, trying to read her thoughts to check if she was serious, only to come up with nothing.

"Forgive me, what?"

"Your behaviour is somewhat… questionable," she said before she walked towards the french doors leading to the veranda of her room where the sunlight was already peeking through. "The handmaidens were obviously shocked."

"Do you think I will be able to kill you?" He followed her movements while thinking about what she was doing at the moment.

"You're a vampire, Rouen, while I, a mere human being. Of course you can. And you hate me."

"I do not hate you," he whispered, sounding bothered.

Eona smiled subtly when his words reached her ears but didn't say anything. She stopped just before the sunlight and thought whether she'd extend her arm to reach for it or not. If she burns even in the Aceldama's sunlight, then their plans today will be put to waste.

"Is there something wrong?"

Eona looked back at Rouen, who was looking at her with questions in his eyes. "I apologize if I didn't tell you last night. I have never been able to stand under the sun for as long as I can remember because I will immediately burn. I am wondering if it also applies in your world."

She wanted to bask herself in the sunlight. She wanted to feel the heat. She is born a natural after all, a human. Being able to stay in the sun should be her right, but no, she was a human born to walk not under the sun but on the moon.

Rouen flashed in front of her. Something only a vampire like him can do. He could see how envy made itself known in her purple eyes when she saw him standing in the sunlight and it tugged something at his heart. He could feel her sadness bouncing off his chest, as if it was his own. The devil inside him wanted to be let out, it wanted so badly to comfort her and he would do so with his own consciousness present. Rouen held out his hand for her to reach and fear accompanied the envy in her eyes that instant. Oh, how he wanted to remove those emotions from her.

"I am a Gold Blood, gem. And my blood is still attached to your own. Come here and believe me… you are going to be fine."

For a second, Eona doubted him but then she finally decided to reach out. Rouen held her hand in his gently as he ushered her towards him in the sunlight. She was expecting herself to burn, to feel the pain of her cells being torched under the sun, so she closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip. Seconds felt like minutes to her, but nothing happened, so she opened her eyes.

Rouen saw how happiness made her amethyst-colored eyes sparkle with glee when she found herself standing there with him without getting burned. Her pink lips curved into a beautiful smile and Rouen suddenly had the urge to kiss her at that moment, but restrained himself. He shouldn't take advantage of the atmosphere. Well, not now at least.

"Whipped," he could almost hear his friend Sin might say if he ever saw him at that moment. But he didn't care because the minute he decided to let this girl enter his isolated life was the minute a whirlwind of emotions took residence inside his heart. And he welcomed them all.

"I…" Eona stopped whatever it was she was about to say because tears flowed down from her eyes uncontrollably. She was happy and she couldn't help herself but cry. She couldn't tell how long she wished for this moment to happen and she was regretful that it would only be for a moment.

Rouen pulled her into a hug and he let her cry on his chest. He knew she was happy and all he wanted to do right now was to make sure her happiness would last. He never said a word and just held her in his embrace as he gently patted her back while caressing her hair. He felt like they fit perfectly together, like pieces of a puzzle finally connected together. It's as if she was born to be with him. Rouen breathed in deep as he hugged her closer to him. He felt his fangs lengthen and he saw in the mirror not far away that his eyes changed colors at that moment.

"Shit!" He cursed in his mind but his body seemed to be enjoying the moment as he ran over his tongue in his fangs.

He wanted to bite her and have a taste of her blood. The urge was so strong that he almost followed his instinct at the whiff of her blood's scent. The fragrance is enticing him, she is luring him in and it took his all to restrain himself because she is not even aware of what her presence does to him and to his rationality.

"I can feel you but I can't recognize you as my beloved." Regret filled his being at that thought because he knew what it meant. Even if everything feels right when he is with Eona, the woman born to stand beside him is somewhere else. "I wish my path wouldn't cross with her," he thought to himself again, because by then he knew he'd have to let go of this girl in his embrace.

When Eona finally calmed down, she made sure that her eyes weren't puffy before following Rouen outside into the breakfast hall.

"Are you supposed to be walking with me right now?"

Rouen glanced down at Eona beside him while they were walking along the large hallways towards the breakfast hall. "It's fine. This is me atoning."

Eona chuckled. "You made it seem like you did something unforgivable."

"I did, actually. And I haven't earned your forgiveness yet."

"Well, do you want me to - "

Eona was cut off when a woman's voice disrupted their peaceful moment. Looking at the woman who was wearing an indigo gown and hand gloves that reached beyond her elbows, she could now tell that her handmaidens were right.

She is arbitrarily ignoring Eona's presence, which did not escape Rouen's watchful eyes.

"Greetings, crown prince!" The woman greeted him with a smile as she curtsied. "I never thought I'd meet you here."

"Well, you are not supposed to. This part of the palace is after all restricted to anyone aside from the royal family and their guests. I wonder how you passed all those sentinels." Rouen said without pause, but knowing her, she must have used her ability as a Silver Blood, which is concealment.

Eona felt goosebumps rise on her skin at the way Rouen retorted. He could be really cold and heartless whenever he feels like it. The woman turned red in embarrassment but she was able to keep her composure even after hearing the prince's words.

"Do you know her?" Eona whispered, forgetting that the woman is also a vampire who can hear the lightest sound.

"Her name is Felicity. She is the daughter of Simon Elfenbrehm, one of the First Bloods who holds a seat at the vampire council," Rouen whispered in return, completely ignoring the woman in front of them.

Eona noticed how the woman glowered at her, so she frowned.

Rouen focused his attention on Felicity. "May I know the reason as to why you are here, Lady Elfenbrehm?"

"I heard that you are here in the palace after having been gone for so many years, so I came immediately to greet you, your highness."

Rouen subtly glanced at Eona, who was staring intently at Felicity. Whether she has her guard up because she is face to face with a Silver Blood or she's questioning the woman's motives. It would have been great if he could read what was going on in her mind.

"I don't think we are that close for you to greet me personally unless I called you for an audience in the throne hall."

"That is true. But I want to see you myself. It is not like you are here every day. You have been gone from the court for a very long time after all. Don't you think it's fate that we met here?"

Eona almost raised her brow in question. Fate? She dare say such words after obviously planning to come all the way here to meet Rouen? How can she be so unashamed of what she is doing? Does she think the prince is dumb to not notice her intentions?

Rouen remained tight-lipped. These kinds of women irritate him the most. The act-all-innocent-behind-their-devious-selves type. Those who have no self restraint and lower themselves into that of a person with no breeding just to be noticed. If he didn't have any ounce of respect towards her father, he would've brushed her immediately the minute she smiled in his way.

"Your highness, if I may, could I ask what day you will be free?"

"Why do you want to know? I certainly don't think there's any reason for you to be interested in my business."

"I was just thinking that we could spend some time… "

"Why should I have to go out of my way to make time for you?" He asked, cutting her out completely.

Felicity bit her lip in shame, but if she thought he was done, she was wrong. She had ruined his peaceful morning by gracing him with her unwanted presence.

"It's not like we were close. And I am with Lady Lorentz right now, whom you so obviously ignored and treated disrespectfully in my presence."

"She is a natural," Felicity gritted, her distaste clearly written in her face. As if she is saying a natural doesn't deserve to be respected by her kind.

"That may be so, but she is still my guest. At least that's what makes her different from you. Do you get what I mean?"


"Lady Elfenbrehm, I do not like it when people overly familiarize themselves with me. We aren't friends, nor were we acquaintances to begin with."

Eona saw how Felicity bit her lip before she lowered her gaze, only after she gave her a look of warning and threat. "P-pardon,me…" she said before she left as fast as she could, leaving Rouen, who gave out a problematic sigh and Eona, who was dumbfounded at what she just witnessed.

What she experienced in the garden couldn't be compared to what happened just now. At least Rouen wasn't as rude last night.

"Do you have to tell her 'no' that way?"

"It wouldn't have gotten through otherwise."

Upon reaching the dining hall, they were informed that the king and queen would not be able to join them due to some urgent matters, so she ended up eating together only with Rouen, who seemed to continuously stare at her as if she's an organism he was studying under a microscope, and Sin who stayed silent in his seat while watching them both.

"Will you stop that?"

Rouen feigned innocence. "Stop what?"

"Staring. I can't eat."

Rouen chuckled. He kinda likes ruffling her feathers now because she's as clear as a crystal glass when she displays her emotions.

Sin, on the other hand, was left gaping at his friend. What the hell happened to him overnight? Rouen was never this friendly. Not even to him.

Rouen smiled. "I didn't know you liked blood. That's medium rare steak you're eating."

"This is edible. It's different," she retorted while slicing the meat on her plate.

"So does fresh blood. What's the difference? They're both filling." His eyes glinted in mischief at that moment before he continued what he was saying. "Like cake."

Eona felt her face turn red in embarrassment when she remembered their conversation last night.

"Shut up," was all she could say and Rouen's laugh echoed in the room.

"I'm feeling left out here, you two. Did you somehow forget about my existence? And do you think there's something wrong with my eyes? I can see hearts flying."

Rouen glared at his friend who had a teasing smile etched on his lips, but it didn't mean he did not like the color of Eona's cheeks at the moment, which was a tint of rosy pink.