26th Night

Instead of answering Rouen, whom she knew wasn't looking for answers to any of his questions, Eona closed her eyes tightly and let her other senses go into overdrive because of her fear – the kind of fear which reminded her of that one particular snowy night where her life had been threatened by a being who died on that very same night at the hands of Aelvien himself. The trust she felt for Rouen dissipated as he posed a threat to her at that exact moment. She could not find it in herself to trust him like the way he trusted him with herself when she consciously asked him to drink blood from her because she did not know this side of him. This was not the Rouen whom she had grown accustomed to these past few days.

The sun which was starting to rise from the horizon didn't give her any sense of calm at all, because she knew it was the least of the prince's problems whether it would rise or not. Its existence didn't exactly bother him like it does in other vampires whose blood is in the lower hierarchy of their race. She felt every touch which was being made ever so lightly by Rouen through his fingertips that glided on her neck, shoulders and arms as if he was taunting her. She could also clearly hear him breathe with excitement, something that only a vampire like him could feel at that moment that she, as a human being, felt terrified of. She is aware that he won't hurt her on normal occasions, but will he be able to stop himself from the thirst he is feeling after the hardship he had gone through because of the blood severance? He wanted blood and he was out to get it from her.

Rouen truly intended to just mess with the girl. He wanted to play with her mind as he listened to how her heart beat fast inside her chest, her blood rushing through her veins. But, he himself never expected that something would happen to him the second the words 'meus amor' or in the common tongue "my beloved" escaped his lips. Something snapped within his mind. This time, the thread that entangled him to her the second their eyes first met in the grounds of Hillcrest Academy solidified and it was suddenly accompanied by a sudden thirst that made even his gums throb in anticipation as the surroundings of his lengthened fangs ache like never before. He wanted to have her blood. He wanted it now.

Everything between them tells him that there is something about her and if the pull of a beloved is only present, he can finally tell himself that she is the one. That she was the one he had been looking for for over two centuries now. That she was his beloved, the woman born bearing half of his soul. But, even at that moment, he still could not feel that particular pull making him curse fate all the more than he did before. Fate was driving him to madness and he was sure as hell it would not end with just that.

His hold on Eona tightened, afraid that she would slip away from his grasp and, before he could clearly think, his instinct as a vampire took place. His anger resurfaced as his mind was clouded by everything that was happening. He bites into her jugular at the side of her neck, which is completely on his view rather harshly, not caring whether some of her blood spilled down to her shoulders and then chest, staining the upper part of the gown she's wearing. The moment her thick blood glided through his tongue and into his throat, a bliss he had never felt before engulfed his whole existence. In his entire life as a vampire, this was the first time that someone's blood quenched his thirst in a way that he wanted more of it.

Eona bit her lip to stop herself from screaming in pain because of the way Rouen had bitten her. It wasn't gentle like the first time. It really wasn't gentle at all. Her tears fell from her eyes with a controlled sob as she held onto the prince's arm that was keeping her in place. She remained standing still because of their difference in strength, afraid that Rouen would decide to just tear away her flesh if she antagonized him. She thought that was it, so she resigned herself to her fate at the hands of Rouen, who had completely embraced his blood as a hybrid.


Rouen blinked as he heard that whispered word in his mind, but his fangs remained embedded in her flesh as he continued drinking her blood.

"Rouen, stop. Please… I beg you."

It was at that moment when Rouen temporarily reined himself in and when he realized what he was doing to the girl he had learned to care about in such a short time, he pulled away and let go of her immediately, as if he was burned by their mere skin contact. He used his ability as a vampire to move a few meters away from her in just a few seconds, afraid that he would hurt her more than he did if he stayed near. But, when she swayed and was about to fall down on the grass-covered forest floor, he flashed back beside her and caught her in his arms.

"No, no, no…" he whispered to himself, rather terrified at the sight in front of him.

Eona's blood, which spilled from his bitemarks on her neck, now covered almost her entire right chest and back because of how harshly he bit into her. A part of her pale arm was now starting to turn into a bluish-violet color because of how tightly he held her just a while ago after not taking it into consideration that she was just a human being, a fragile creature just like all those naturals in the world of the living. And the worst part was that she was unconscious with a heart beat which was too faint to hear even for a vampire like him.

"Gem?" He called out to her in an uncertain whisper as he shook her gently, but her eyes never opened. "Please, open your eyes," he begged, but nothing changed, rendering his pleading in vain.

Eona's eyes remained closed as she lay unmoving in his arms. Her chest, which is faintly rising up and down, is the only physical indication that she's still alive, only barely. He looked around to see if anyone had followed him inside the forest, but even with his eyesight as one of the beings who dwell in the night, he did not see a single shadow moving among the trees.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath.

Eona remained unresponsive like a bloodstained doll made to look like a beautiful person sleeping. Only that she is not sleeping peacefully. She is unconscious, in a state where her heart beat slows down by the second until she stops breathing completely. He could not let that happen. He needed someone to take her away from him at the soonest possible time because he knew he'd be losing himself again any minute now. He needed her safe. He desperately needed her safe from him. But first, she was in need of immediate medical attention, else her life would be put in danger, this time because of him. Preferably, he needed someone who was familiar with the effects of a vampire's venom on a human to look after her and he knew who exactly that. Alinah, a member of the House of Aldestine who has never left the Aldestine Duchy ever since Sorian turned her into a vampire.

"I hope I'll be able to take you to the Aldestine Duchy before I lose myself again." He thought to himself as he carried Eona carefully.

The moment he stood up with the unconscious girl in his arms, short black swords were placed in front of his neck and at the back of his nape by none other than Kaien, who was standing right behind him. With one wrong move, Kaien would easily decapitate him, especially when he seemed like he had all the intention of doing so. Seeing him back in his usual state must mean he received help from either Mihai, Sin or Caius. Only those three could give him the healing he needed after everything he went through under his hands.

"Are we going to be playing tag until the sun rises completely or are you going to surrender and be held accountable for what happened in the Crystal Manor the moment you lost yourself in your awakened blood?"

"Kill me afterwards. Right now, Eona needs medical attention."

"And whose fault it was?"

Rouen grimaced. "Me."

As seconds passed, one by one, the Silver Blood vampires appeared along with a few sentinels who worked directly under Mihai – those whom he recognized were not in the banquet's attendance, so they may have just arrived as reinforcements. Kaien's fellow hunters might not have been able to recover yet from their injuries, so he could not see them among those who had followed him in the forest. All of them are ready to restrain him while hoping that this time around he surrenders willingly.

When Kaien saw the state Eona was in, he tried to take her away from Rouen, but the prince growled in defiance as his eyes glistened once again, making everyone wary of him even more. Kaien backed away from the prince, one step and then another, in order not to aggravate him even more, just to make sure that he would not have another reason to attack them again. They have to make it their priority to ensure Eona's safety before everything else, because she is the only link that stops the Monarch from what he was capable of doing.

"I will surrender once I have brought Eona to the Aldestine Duchy. You have my permission to put me in the cell located at the lowest part of the Crystal Palace's dungeon underground. It is the only place I can assure you that can restrain me if I ever lose myself again. I don't care if we all barge into Sorian's house untimely. I don't give a damn if it will cause havoc to the members of the House of Aldestine. You can all follow me there. I just needed to make sure Eona was taken care of by Sorian's member of the house, Alinah."

No one spoke a word and Kaien let Mihai decide what they needed to do next. After all, he is the Knight Commander who reports directly to the king of Aceldama. The one who has all the right to issue an order to restrain Rouen even if he holds a position in the Monarchy of Aceldama higher than him.

Rouen looked at Mihai. "We don't have much time, Lord Elfenbrehm. I'm sure all you Silver Bloods, especially Lady Eberstein, can tell that I haven't completely reined in the blood awakened within me due to the severance."

Mihai and the rest remained tight-lipped. They knew what Rouen said was the truth. They can see it through his eyes, which glisten every now and then while his pupil changes from round to slits, as if another side of him is fighting for dominance and control over the other. His presence is also fluctuating, indicating that the prince is barely holding on to his consciousness. And when a vampire with a caliber like him shows such traits, it could only mean danger to those around him.

"Your highness, we will all accompany you to the Aldestine Duchy, but the minute you hand over the lady to Duke Aldestine's household member, Miss Alinah, we will take measures and restrain you immediately. The following procedures with regards to your detainment will immediately take place after such events and the days of your stay in the cell of four seasons depend on how early you can control yourself."

With understanding, Rouen nodded in agreement.

"Then, by all means, I will take the lead."

After quite some time, they all found themselves standing right in front of Aldestine Duchy's grand mansion. With a young Duke such as Sorian leading the family, it was quite such an achievement to have established such a home for his household members. Due to the sudden appearance of Silver Bloods and sentinels from different houses along with a single vampire hunter, every member of Sorian's family who are presently in the Duchy came out, all ready to fight if needed. But, when they saw Rouen standing right there with an unconscious woman in his arms, all of them suddenly bowed down with their fisted right hand over their left chest and greeted him, though they were surely questioning as to why they had suddenly visited the Duchy at a time when the Duke was away.

"We welcome you to the Aldestine Duchy, future ruler of Aceldama, crown prince Rouen!"

"Bring me the girl named Alinah," he ordered no one in particular, without beating around the bush because he was aware that he was running out of time.

Some looked up at him though they remained in their position and questioned him as to why, without a word. Their reaction, though understandable, slightly irritated him that it made his eyes glow dangerously as his pupils turned into slits and remained like that. He is starting to see red. He cursed. Any minute now, he'll be losing his grip on his consciousness once again as bloodlust is starting to control his entire being.

"I don't have time to spare. Bring her to me, now!"

When no one said a word, he growled in annoyance as the aura that surrounded him expanded beyond the Aldestine Duchy in just a mere second. He understands that they have all the right to protect one of their own, but damn it, he doesn't have much time to spare and he might end up slaughtering them all. Before he could say another word out of anger, a young looking vampire girl stood up straight and warily walked towards him.

"I am Alinah, your highness. Forgive me for my impudence, but I am not aware if I have done you any wrong – "

"I just want you to look after this natural."

Alinah blinked. Once, twice, and then she stared dumbfoundedly at the prince right in front of her. Did they enter the Aldestine Duchy without prior notice because of one single human being? When she looked at the girl, what stood out the most, underneath her blood-covered neck, was a seal which made her question as to why a natural like her has it. If one would only stare at it for a bit longer, they will be able to notice that the seal is slowly carving itself whole on the young girl's neck and it looked like it wasn't even that long since it first appeared on her skin because the filigree lines that first appeared glowed a little dimmer compared to the new ones.

Erythrós Signum or, in the common tongue, "Blood Seal". That is what it was called in the books she encountered way back. She once read that a vampire amongst the Purebloods was the one who created it for unknown reasons. It was rarely mentioned, almost like someone wanted its traces gone, but it was written to have been the strongest seal ever created. She had not found any records if it was ever used even once in the past, so why does a mere human being have it on her skin? What is there for her to hide? And, which vampire put it on her for reasons unknown?

Alinah felt someone's watchful eye on her and when she subtly looked around, she saw one of the Silver Bloods, the prince's best friend, Sin Edelweiss, staring intently at her. He is looking at her as if he is reading her thoughts right at that moment.

"Please…" The prince said, which made Alinah focus her attention back on him, totally forgetting about the prying eyes of the heir of Edelweiss Duchy.

Sounds of gasps were heard in the silence of that early morning when the sun was starting to color the midnight blue sky red. This is the prince himself. The sole heir born to be their next king and the only born vampire known to be a Gold Blood. They knew him to be so unattached to everything around him and that he only let a few get close to him. He is both cruel and ruthless as well as he is cold and heartless. It was in his nature. And seeing him beg for someone who was not even one of them made them think of the same thing. Could the human girl be his beloved?

Without a word, Alinah carefully took the girl away from the prince's arms. "What do I have to do, my prince?"

"Do whatever it takes to save her and make sure to send her back into the world of the living afterwards."

"What about her memory, your highness?"

"No one has the ability to rewrite it, so just heal her. I – "

"I apologize for the interruption but we need to go, your highness," Mihai, who stood behind him whispered.

Rouen sighed as he looked down at Eona before he gently tucked her stray hair behind her ear. He couldn't tell when he would be able to see her again. A few days, weeks or maybe even months. But when everything is back within his control, she is going to be the first one he is going to see, no matter what it takes. He was not even sure if Eona would be able to forgive him, but somewhere in the corner of his heart, he was hoping that she would.

"I'll leave her to you, Miss Alinah."

With one last glance, Rouen took a step back before he faced Mihai, who was patiently waiting for him. They disappeared just as soon as their arrival. Alinah already expected that Sin still had some unfinished business with her, so seeing him standing there all alone as he let himself be left behind by the group he came with wasn't surprising at all.

"Lord Edelweiss…" she acknowledged him.

She heard his words but his mouth didn't move at all and she understood immediately that he was talking to her telepathically.

"Blood Seal. Expect me to visit you one of these days, if not soon, to ask you about everything you know about it."

Alinah knew he was a night walker. So when he said the words visit, she was already expecting he would visit her in her dreams to get the answers he sought. Before she could tell him her thoughts, Sin disappeared, leaving her without a choice.


"You look lost in your thoughts," Wisteria pointed out, while her and Eona were both passing time in the library. Their research presentation had been somehow postponed so they were left with a little time to search for more with regards to the topic they chose. "What are you thinking?"

"That time I spent in Aceldama. More particularly about what happened on the night of the vampires at the manor owned by my family's employer."

"They are vampires, Eona. Don't trust them too much. Who knows, one of them might have tampered with your memories to not remember a particular thing."

She is trying to consider that, but would Rouen do such a thing to her? He may be a vampire and she may have known him only for a short while, but he isn't the type to do just that without saying anything. Besides, she remembered everything but her memory regarding that early morning stopped the second she lost consciousness at the hands of Rouen himself. What she wanted to know was what happened afterwards, because she had never seen Rouen nor Sin, nor had she heard anything about them or from them. She could not ask anyone from the Night Class because it seemed like they were instructed to stay away from their kind as long as they can and they have this presence that makes humans be naturally wary of them.

It had been two weeks since she was sent home without her knowledge, making her remember about the first time she faced death's door, the first night she came to know of Rouen's existence. Two weeks ago, she just woke up in her room like nothing had happened, though the filigree lines on her neck multiplied. It was the only clue she had that something had happened. And, aside from seeing that her mother and grandmother seemed to have become more sensitive when it comes to vampires and other supernatural beings, she was aware that neither Rouen nor Sin had ever reported at Hillcrest since then. It was as if they disappeared without a trace, leaving only a memory for those who knew of their existence. When she couldn't get her thoughts to settle, she stood up and excused herself from Wisteria. At a time like this, there was only one person she knew who could give her answers.

"Where are you going?"

"Cresian Hall. I need to ask something from the chairman. You can go on ahead if I don't come back after the classes for the afternoon ends."

"What about our plan to visit Reliquiae? Didn't you say you needed to confirm something from there?"

"I'm not in a rush, so we can do it some other time."

Wisteria could only nod at what she said as she stared at her like she was confirming something but didn't voice out her thoughts.

"Call me if you need anything."

"Sure. Thanks."

She left the library with a mission and that was to talk to Kaien and get the answers from him. But when she was already at the Cresian Hall, someone who introduced himself as Kaien's secretary stopped her by the door.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lorentz, but the chairman has a guest at the moment."

She frowned and forgot that beyond her not-so ordinary connection with the man whom she knew to be working as a hunter too, normally they were just both a student and a school chairman. "Who?"

The man smiled at her. "I don't think you have any right to be asking that. Considering that you were just one among the students the chairman looked after while you were enrolled at Hillcrest, Miss Lorentz."

For a while, Eona was rendered speechless. He was right but somehow he seemed to have slapped her with that reality ever so subtly that it made him look like he was innocent from something he did intentionally.

"You can come back at a later time. Who knows how long it will take for Kaien to be discussing things with his sudden guest."

She raised her left eyebrow in question and the man seemed to have realized his mistake. "Kaien?" Does he usually call his boss by his first name?

"I mean Mr. Cross."

"I'll let it slip this time but never again next time. Please do tell him I came."

The man smiled at her. "Of course."

When she turned around and walked away, Zaniel watched her back until she disappeared down the hall. With a smile etched on his lips, he opened Kaien's office door and two sets of eyes welcomed his entry: one from Kaien, who looked at him with a frown, and the second was from Sin Edelweiss, who looked like he knew what took place outside of Kaien's office. Traces of what they experienced two weeks ago at the hands of the prince are nowhere to be seen in them, because vampire healers have attended to them after they have finally put Rouen in the cell of four seasons underneath the Crystal Palace.

"I'm amazed you were able to send the girl away," Sin told him just when he took the vacant seat in front of him.

"I left her with no other choice."

"Eona was just here?"

Zaniel focused his attention on Kaien as he nodded to answer his question. "She's looking for you. She's probably here to ask about what happened back in Laudicea. Have you guys been avoiding her all this time?"

"She'll certainly ask to see Rouen."

"So you decided to avoid her?"

Kaien did not say a word. Eona's mother and grandmother were enraged because of what happened as well as regretful because of their own decisions and it seemed like they had chosen to keep the girl away from the supernatural world. No matter how much Eona wishes it, she is still at the age where her family's decisions weigh much more than hers. And they, as bystanders in their lives, don't have any right to interfere in that.

"Rouen is not in the state to meet anyone outside the Kingdom and that includes Eona, whom he cared for the most out of all those who knew of his existence." It was Sin this time. "His blood was pushing him to go and look for her. And I'm telling you, not for good reasons. He is still being detained in the lowest cell beneath the Crystal Palace and, just to make sure he won't escape, the Silver Bloods were the ones stationed there to look after him. The phoenix is still within him. And it seems like it will stay within him for long because of how strong his bond is with the Pureblood that sired his family's blood."

"But don't you think the girl was the answer all along? The prince never showed any signs of recovering from the severance since his and Eona's parting. And the only time he was able to control himself was when she was within his arms. Don't you think the girl somehow possesses something that calmed the beast that is the prince?"

Both Kaien and Sin remained silent. They are considering that fact especially after what the Monarch had said before the severance. But the question was, are they willing to face Rouen's wrath when he finally severed his bond after endangering Eona by bringing her right in front of him when he is still not in control of his own self?

For a while, they tried to formulate a plan on what to do next, but even after every time spent, they were not able to settle on one decision alone because everything ended up with Eona being involved. Even after Zaniel excused himself after receiving a call from the association, Kaien and Sin were still at a loss.

"Have you noticed any sudden changes to Eona after the incident?" Sin asked Kaien after some time.

"None that requires any perturbing thoughts from us. But the lines of the seal at the side of her neck seemed to have accumulated yet again. Have you found anything about it?"

"Erythrós Signum. What Eona has on her neck is a blood seal. Something that can only be cast by a Pureblood vampire by injecting their venom through biting someone to seal them. It erases one's power, rendering a supernatural being feel like a natural. More so, it can erase one's existence as if they've never lived that life before while they are living in the present as someone else. On normal occasions, it is invisible to everyone's naked eye, no matter what race they belong to. For us to see it being engraved on her skin at a steady pace must mean the effect of the seal is slowly diminishing. And if it was because of another person's interference aside from the one who has the right to remove it, the appearance of the seal endangers the life of the one who has it."

"Why does a human being like Eona, a natural as young as her, have it on her skin?"

Sin shrugged. "That is something I, myself, would like to know the reason why."

Kaien was left in his own thoughts as Sin remained silent afterwards. Does the seal on Eona have something to do with the reason why the Monarch and the Werewolf Supreme themselves have her on their radar? As the days passed, they couldn't help but unravel the things that remained in the dark and it seemed like that in everything that has been happening lately, Eona and Rouen have been in the middle of it ever since their paths crossed.

"Maybe if we learned how she was connected with the Monarch, we might learn about the things whose answers kept evading us, especially about those that concerned her." Sin continued before he stood up and prepared to leave. "I will continue giving you an update with regards to the prince's condition. If we were left with no other choice and things turned out for the worse, we'd be bringing the girl right in front of Rouen with your assistance. I hope by that time you will cooperate with us willingly."

"Just as long as Eona remains safe."

"Of course. After all, her safety is Rouen's first priority. He'd have our heads if there was ever a single scratch on the girl's pale skin while he was not in control of his own self. I'll see you in a few days."

Kaien was left alone in his office as he stared at the place where Sin used to stand before he suddenly disappeared. He sighed then combed back his hair using his fingers while leaning back on his chair. There is something between the prince and Eona. Something that those two could not recognize themselves and Sin looked like he had a slight idea of what it was. Is there a chance that Eona was Rouen's beloved?