Episode 11

At Felix's request, Lucy looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"… … Adrian-senpai even took Felix-senpai's stuff… … Was it not enough?"

"No, I spilled it. on the floor."

Felix answered coldly. Of course, the allergy medication was piled up on the desk in his dorm room.

Lucy, unaware that Felix was lying, nodded her head.

"I was still trying to make extra allergy pills. Maram vines often bloom until November. When it is completed, I will deliver it through Adrian-senpai."

"No, I don't want to receive it through Adrian."

Felix's true intentions came out of his mouth immediately.

He already knew Lucy's heart. Maybe it's annoying for her to come and ask him to make medicine like this. However… … .

Felix paused for a moment before continuing.

"I want to receive it directly from you."

Lucy's eyes widened as if a little startled. His head tilted slightly as if contemplating the meaning of Felix's words.

"Oh, senpai! What are you asking so seriously? Of course, Lucy has to bring it herself!"

Breaking the subtle silence between the two of them, Colin stepped in.

"I told you before! Lucy says she's apologizing to seniors for what happened yesterday!"

"Hey, why are you talking about that?"

Lucy slapped Colin on the back with his clenched fist. Her face turned red in an instant.

She glared at Colin with her lips chapped, then turned to Felix.

"Last night… … Sorry to trouble you, senior. I will make you medicine for sure."

Lucy couldn't even look directly at Felix. What happened last night was quite embarrassing.

After apologizing to Felix, she took the honey from the stone wall and left the backyard without looking back.

"I apologize once again to my senior! I will do my best to help Lucy make medicine!"

Colin said to Felix, who was staring blankly at Lucy's back. But Felix suddenly turned into a grim expression and grabbed Colin's ear. It was the ear that was caught by Mr. Peter last night.

"You, don't come here."

"Aww! Why are you here all of a sudden!"

"If you come, you will die."

Colin Connor's screams filled the backyard of the library.

* * *

Felix headed to the backyard of the library the next day. I wondered if there was any Lucy. But no one was there.

Felix went to the garden, knelt down on one knee, and looked carefully at the herbs Lucy had planted in rows.

From golden butterfly grass with delicate yellow-green leaves to flowers that Felix does not even know the name of. There were so many varieties that it would not be an exaggeration to say that Estrid, who is in charge of herbal medicine, would attack with a flash of eyes if he saw it.

In his head, Lucy was squatting in front of him every day, carefully cultivating medicinal herbs.


Felix turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him. Lucy was standing there.

"Seniors? What are you doing here?"

"… … I came to see when the flowers bloom. I hope the drug will be completed soon."

Felix said as an excuse.

Lucy approached with a worried face.

"Are you itching a lot?"

she asked She came right in front of Felix and looked closely at the skin of his face. Felix took a deep breath and stopped breathing. My face and neck turned red without realizing it. He could feel the heat rising from that area.

Seeing Felix's reddened skin, Lucy's face grew serious. Felix's blushing face seemed to have been misunderstood as an allergy.

"Okay, okay. Be patient."

Felix stepped back and stuttered.

"I came to check if the flowers have bloomed."

He looked into the air with an unsettling gaze, and then hurriedly left the backyard.

Laughing at himself for his sloppy behavior.

* * *

Felix decided not to go to Lucy Keenan first, and to wait patiently until she brought the medicine she made.

But, despite such a promise, three days later, his steps were heading back to the library's backyard. Now even he couldn't predict his own actions to the point of laughing out loud.

As I was walking around the library and approaching the backyard, I heard the sound of rustling words. Occasionally there was laughter.

Felix's eyebrows twitched.

Is Colin Connor's son back?

From the first time I saw him, I didn't like him at all. Whenever I saw if there were any other friends, it was strangely annoying to see that she was close to Lucy and seemed to know her family well.

Today, I must get rid of it.

Felix swore and turned the corner.

As he expected, there was a boy next to Lucy. But he wasn't Colin Connor.


Adrian, who was sitting next to Lucy in front of the flower bed, looked back at Felix's voice. He found Felix and asked.

"What are you doing here?"

Felix, who had the momentum to kick out Colin Connor at any moment, stopped when an unexpected person appeared. Adrian Berg. A formidable foe that cannot be compared to Colin Connor.

"I'm here to check if my allergy pills are doing well."

Felix said.

"Your allergy medicine?"

"Yes, my medicine."

Felix strode closer to the flower bed and dug between Lucy and Adrian. They split in both sides without knowing what to say, and looked up at Felix with a puzzled expression.

Felix pretended not to notice their gaze and pretended to look down on the flower bed.

"I decided to give it to Felix-senpai when the allergy medication is complete."

When a puzzled expression did not leave Adrian's face, Lucy explained.

"If you still get it from Lucy, I was going to give it to you too. Lucy made the medicine I gave you a while back."


Felix responded bluntly to Adrian's words.

While Felix pretended to be looking at the flower bed, Lucy and Adrian continued talking about allergy medicine.

"I think the golden butterfly will bloom within two days."

Lucy said, pointing to the small raised bud.

"Just get mandragora root in town on the weekend and you will be able to make medicine in no time."

"It would be nice if I could go with you."

Adrian said with an apologetic expression.

"Even on weekends, it seems impossible to be busy with student council work. I'm sorry."


Lucy waved her hand.

"You don't have to worry about it!"

"Anyway, Lucy. It was originally made to give to your friend. I'm sorry for adding to the effort of making our own."

That friend is you, brother.

For Lucy Keenan, even making the medicine for you will never be troublesome.

Felix let out a smirk inwardly at my ignorant little brother.

"It's not that hard."

Lucy brazenly lied to relieve Adrian's pity.

The warm conversation between the apologetic senior and the junior who was willing to take on the hard work continued without interruption.

"Then I will pay for the mandragora root."

"You don't have to!"

"But mandragora is quite expensive."

"I know of a place that sells them cheaper than others."

"Then it would be better if I could just go with you."

"You are busy. It's really good."

It was really friendly. Felix didn't even have a chance to intervene.

"Then I will go."

Felix, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, said abruptly. Lucy and Adrian raised their heads at the same time. Even though he thinks that there is no place for him to go, he can't shake the desire to disturb the relationship between the two of them.

He spoke again with a clear voice.

"Town on the weekend. I will go with you."


Adrian had a puzzled expression on his face. Then he said, 'Did you like the drug that much?' made a face Soon he shrugged and nodded.

"Well, Lucy, it would be better than letting you go alone."

Adrian smiled at Lucy and said.

"Take it and use it as a porter to your heart's content."

Lucy didn't say anything of refusal, but with a face that was very uncomfortable, she looked down at only the golden butterfly grass. Felix watched the scene and secretly snorted.

Heh, don't you feel sorry for not being Adrian?

Instead, I'll make it an unforgettable weekend, Lucy Keenan!

* * *

On the weekend I promised with Lucy.

Felix was having a busy and hectic morning. He put on the clothes he had prepared the day before and looked in the mirror several times. He has already had his perfect hair done over and over again.

It was fortunate that Adrian had left the dormitory early due to student council affairs. He must have thought it strange if he had seen Felix's impatient appearance.

Felix had finished getting ready to go out, and after a long time wandering around the room, the sun finally rose to the highest point in the sky. Felix stood in front of the mirror one last time, checked his hair, and left the dormitory.

When Felix arrived at the front door of the Academy, Lucy was the first to come and wait.

She was not wearing her usual neat school uniform, but was wearing a plain dark brown dress. Her hair, braided back, as always, glistened in the midday sun.

As Felix approached, Lucy greeted her with a stiff face.

"Hello, senior."

"Hello, Lucy."

Felix answered her with an effortless, casual expression on his face.

Going out with Lucy Keenan for lunch on the weekend.

Felix's face twitched from holding back his cheekbones trying to rise again and again. They headed towards the front door, where the carriages were lined up. On weekends, wagons would come and wait for passengers to pick up Xenomium Academy students who went out to town.

Felix and Lucy also lined up in the procession for the carriage. Felix realized that many of the students in the queue were men and women holding hands. It was clear that they were a couple who went out on a date over the weekend.

Come to think of it… … .

Felix thought as he looked at Lucy standing next to him.

Isn't this like a date?