Episode 20

Time ran towards noon. The sun was rising higher and higher. The library was immersed in the warm autumn sun.

Felix had been secretly recording something before. Recalling the memories of last year, he was writing down the contents of the exams he took in second grade back to ancient times. It was to hand it to Lucy when we parted today. I wanted to be of some help to her.

However, after sitting for a long time under the warm sun, I was getting more and more sleepy. I wondered if his hand was getting slower, and his eyes kept closing.

On the other hand, Lucy's eyes fluttered unchangingly even at this moment. It was a really great concentration.

Okay, so I'm going to be the chief... … That's great... … .

Felix narrowed his eyes, praising Lucy inwardly. I couldn't stand the pouring sleep.

His eyes closed for a moment.

… … how much time has passed

He was lying on his desk. He seemed to have fallen asleep.

I could feel the soft texture of the fabric under the cheeks facing the desk. The scent of medicinal herbs from Lucy emanated from the tip of her nose.

Felix opened his eyes. Suddenly, he was cutting Lucy's folded cardigan.

And in front of him, two emerald-colored eyes were staring at him silently.

When our eyes met, she quickly turned her head. Her cheeks were dyed red, pretending not to know.

Felix lay down on the desk, looking at his side face.


He lightly poked Lucy's shoulder with his finger. she looked back

"Would you like to go out for a walk?"

Felix asked.

Lucy, who looked down blankly at his sleepy and drowsy face, nodded slowly as if possessed by something.

The figure who repeatedly urged her to focus on the book had gone, and she quickly got up from her seat.

They left the library and went to the garden. It was full of students who came out to enjoy the warm weather after a long time. They sat together on benches, chatting or walking leisurely through the rose bushes.

Felix and Lucy appeared side by side in the garden, and several of the schoolgirls who had been sitting on blankets on the grass turned to look at them.

"today's weather is good."

Felix stretched as hard as he could.

"Yes. It's warm after a while."

"Shall we sit there too?"

Felix pointed to a fountain in the middle of the garden, spouting clear water.


Felix and Lucy walked across the grass, shoulder to shoulder.

"Does Adrian-senpai go home every weekend?"

Lucy, who was walking next to him, asked.

"Huh. Unless there is something special."

"Is it okay if I don't go, Felix-senpai?"

"Did you promise to study with you today?"

Felix chuckled, and Lucy's cheeks were dyed like roses. Soon a small smile appeared on her face.


She smiled shyly and looked through her pockets as if thinking of something.

"Then it's a drug."

She pulled out a small pillbox and held it to Felix. It was the completed maram allergy medicine.

"Have you been very uncomfortable all this time?"

"uh… … Well, it was."

Felix answered, remembering the medicine box he had left on the bedside in his dorm room. He lied to Lucy that he spilled the medicine on the floor, but his medicine box was intact. There was no itching anywhere due to taking the medicine every day.

"thanks. How am I supposed to repay you?"

Felix said as he handed the medicine.

"In return, a hat is enough."

But Felix didn't want to end with a hat alone.

A plan was laid out in my mind. First of all, go to town together with the excuse of buying rice. It would be ok to stop by a boutique and buy a dress that I was wearing at that time.

Suddenly, a happy and contented smile appeared on his face.

It was then that I heard the sound of several footsteps from behind.


Felix turned around and saw a group of girls standing there. It was the same girls who were sitting on the grass with blankets on them.

It was Claire Hamilton, a sophomore with him, who sang Felix. Since it was the same student council as Adrian, we passed by and said hello a few times, but we weren't very close.

"Didn't you say you were going to see your mother today?"

Claire asked, putting her fine blonde hair behind her shoulder. Her smiling face was different from Rosé, who boasts gorgeous features, and had a neat and noble atmosphere.

"I am not Adrian."


At Felix's answer, Claire made a slightly startled sound. She said after one glance at Lucy, who was quietly standing next to Felix.

"You thought it was Adrian because you were with a junior in the library?"

"Adrian hasn't come back yet."

"okay? I did not know."

Claire shrugged her shoulders once.

Even after realizing that Prince Berg was not Adrian, Claire did not leave the seat. The girls standing behind her continued to glance at Felix and Lucy alternately.

"Do you have more to say?"

he asked Claire.

"Ah, that… … ."

Claire blurted out her words as if hesitating, then exchanged glances with her friends. Her friends smirked and said to her, 'Ask quickly.' he whispered.

Unable to overcome the pressure of her friends, Claire finally opened her mouth.

"It's not a big deal, maybe the two of you… … ."

She licked her lips as if to speak. But then he shook his head and stopped talking.

"… … never mind. It's also absurd."

"What, if you have something to say, do it right."

"It's not. Sorry for taking your time."

Claire, who gave a fresh word, pushed the back of her friends and tried to get out of the place. Her friends said, 'I'm curious!', 'Ask me!' With the same words, it was seen that he was honing Claire to the end.

At last their figures disappeared around the rose bush. However, the noise of chattering from beyond the bushes flew over and flew into Felix and Lucy's ears.

"Who is he?"

"You know, the kid who organizes books in the library. I don't even know his name."

"okay? But why is he with Felix?"

"I will cry when I see Renee."

"what! Felix didn't seem interested in Renee... … ."

The voices of the girls who had been chirping like sparrows were getting farther away. When they disappeared, the surroundings became quiet again. It was as if a brief gust of wind blew through the peaceful garden.

Felix turned around and Lucy was staring at the floor with her eyebrows drooping. I hadn't heard anyone slander or ridicule myself, but I think I was shocked to find out that I was the subject of someone's talk.

Besides, the eyes they looked at Lucy and Felix.

Just as Confucius Berg asked why he was alone in the garden with a non-noble commoner girl, they had a strange smirk on their lips.


When Felix called out softly, Lucy raised her head. Felix was offended by her expression on her face.

because of me… … .

He grabbed Lucy's hand.

"Let's go to a place where there are no people."

He led Lucy into the depths of the garden.

* * *

The sounds of people's words, laughter, and eyes were far away.

They came to an abandoned vacant lot at the end of the garden. The ground was overgrown with weeds instead of ornamental plants, and tall trees were dotted with it.

All I could hear was the sound of birds and a small stream running around.

It was then that he felt something wriggling in Felix's hand. Only then did he realize that he was still holding Lucy's hand tightly. He hastily let go of his hand.

"Oh sorry. were you sick?"

"it's okay."

Lucy approached a fallen log nearby and sat down. She looked like she was trying to hide her expression, but she still looked grim.

"Thank you for making me allergy medicine. Grandma runs a drugstore?"

Felix asked a question to change the mood.

"Then did you learn how to make medicine from your grandmother?"

"… … Yes. From a young age, I learned how to distinguish herbs and their effects. Maybe one day I will inherit the pharmacy."

This is Lucy Keenan, who works at the drugstore.

I remembered the sight of white, fine hands scouring herbs in a small room that smelled of bitter herbs. He seemed to get along well with her.

"My father wants me to become a doctor in the capital after I came to Yiwang Academy, but… … . I do not know."

she smiled faintly.

"I still prefer to find herbs in the forest… … ."

Lucy got up and plucked the flowers near the log. It was a yellow flower smaller than a little fingernail that she didn't even know existed before she touched it.

"It's chick grass."

She showed Felix the flower stalk she was going through.

"It's a cute flower."

"Yes? The flowers have no effect, but the stems are dried and brewed for tea in the winter. It's good for a cold."

Lucy, who was looking around, picked up another flower. This time too, it was a flower that was not very conspicuous.

However, she showed Felix the flower and explained its purpose. The gloomy feeling of the past seemed to have melted away.

Felix didn't care what was on the ground, but he listened intently to her words. Surprisingly, hearing the explanations from Lucy's mouth, it felt like talking about the world's insignificant grass was very important.