Going Home Part 1

Days had passed and finally came the day for Cherry to get discharged from the hospital. She sat quietly at the edge of the bed, waiting with crutches at her side as she watched how Brandon waltzed around the room gathering her stuff, putting it in a duffel bag. At the sound of the hollow wind rattling the windowpane as if it wants to force its way inside, she cast her gaze over her shoulder to the outside world.

It seems as if sadness plagued the weather of New York, as she hasn't seen a clear sky ever since she got admitted to the hospital. Just imagining herself walking out of the hospital and getting whipped by that icy wind sent shivers down her body, causing her to release a short tremble.

"Are you cold?" Cherry turned her head to look at Brandon, standing in front of her with the duffel bag slung over his shoulder. She shook her head. How could she be cold when he cloaked her in his jacket and zipped it all the way until below her chin? Her eyes landed on the wheelchair that Brandon was pushing forward.

"A wheelchair is a bit of an overkill, don't you think so? I'm perfectly capable of going out with crutches." She voiced.

"I'm just trying to save us time of you fumbling and falling to the ground, as you haven't really had the chance yet to get familiar with the crutches."

"And whose fault do you think that is?" Cherry shot back, receiving a nonchalant shrug from Brandon and her eyes subtly narrowed begrudgingly at him. Even when the doctor declared that it was okay for her to go around with crutches, Brandon didn't allow even her toenails to scrape the floor. If she needed something, he would bring it to her and if she wanted to take a walk… well, let's just say that bridal carrying became a synonym for taking a walk. She's honestly glad that she's leaving the hospital as she couldn't handle the leering stares of the hospital staffs and patients anymore.

"I'm fine Brandon. I have one leg that's sturdy enough and equipments meant to be used for situations such as this one."

Brandon snorts. "Fine, go ahead. But don't expect me to help you up if you fall. I will just drag you over the ground since you can't wait to kiss it."

"You serious?" She stared at him bewildered, her eyes searching his face for any signs that he was joking, but the only thing she caught were those thick brows inching closer to his hairline, accompanied by a smirk. Challenging her to do it.

"Fine." She exasperated contemptuously, using Brandon's taunting expression as fuel to clutch at her crutches tightly, before springing off the edge of the bed on her good leg. "Wo-ow!" Turbulence carried her voice as she wobbled in place before finding her footing. Gingerly, her eyes fleetingly met Brandon's. His expression was indescribable, and she cleared her throat, acting as if her awkward start had never happened.

"Let's go." She nodded her head to the door, but not even one hop later and she stumbled, her body seesawing uncontrollably. She screwed her eyes shut. Bracing for the fall, but it never happened as something took hold of her forearm. When she slowly squinted her eyes open, she looked up to see Brandon standing behind her with his hand holding up her forearm.

"Now that my point has been proven, will you now finally sit in the wheelchair or should I let you go so that you still can make out with the floor?"

"I will sit in the wheelchair." She squeaked, embarrassed, her heart still thrumming from the close encounter with the floor.

A slow smile splayed across Brandon's face. "Good." He helped her to get comfortable in the chair whilst sitting on his heels. Placing her feet in the footrest and the crutches on her lap, having them stick out both sides of the wheelchair.

"I have called for a van to pick us up. It should be here any moment. Also…" he added before placing the duffel bag down on the floor, unzipping it and pulling a white casket the size of a shoebox out, resting it on top of Cherry's leg. "I guessed you would want to hold on to it until we reach home."

Cherry turned reticent as she let her fingers wander around the casket, but feeling the stony stillness made her throat clog up and her eyes glaze with a shower of emotions. Her eyes moved from the casket to lock with the measuring eyes that waited for her reaction. "Thank you." Her voice sounded scratchy. "I mean it."

Brandon smiled softly and from where he sat grasped Cherry's hand, giving it a chaste kiss. "Everything for you." He said, receiving pithily a smile from Cherry. Slinging the duffel bag back over his shoulder, Brandon stood up and went around to stand behind Cherry, his hands already on the handles, ready to push until the doctor waltzed into the room.

"Oh, good that you're still here, Mr. Graywood. There's a van outside waiting for you guys, but he's blocking the way for the ambulances. I asked him if he could leave and park somewhere else, but he was told to stay there until you come. Could you maybe tell him to go somewhere else momentarily?"

"We are already on our way there. In a minute we will be out of your hair." Brandon responded.

"Ah," The smile on the doctor's face went rigid. "to be honest, we just got a call that an ambulance is on its way bringing a critical patient. So we need the car to be gone as soon as possible."

Brandon subtly narrowed his eyes. "I will call the driver and tell him to move." He offered, already rummaging through his pockets for his phone. The trembling eyes of the doctor going unnoticed by him.

It took two rings for the driver to pick up the call. "Yeah, it's me." Brandon answered. "Could you move the van to a different place until I get there?" Both Cherry and the doctor looked at Brandon, perceiving how the scowl on his face deepened, before clicking his tongue at hearing the driver's reply. "Fine. I'll be there in a second." He hung up the phone, brushing his hair back as he exasperated, "It seems the driver can't find his way around and needs my help. I'll see what I can do." Brandon relayed the information.

"That will be appreciated." The doctor nodded thankfully, which ticked Brandon off, sending him a glare.

The two men were holding a stand-off. The doctor offering a smile reserved for clients, a hint of warmth behind it. And Brandon returning the doctor's smile with his frosty one.

Brandon lowered himself until his lips brushed against Cherry's ear shell while keeping his skeptic gaze on the doctor, whispering, "I will be back in a second."

Cherry nodded to see him trudge to the door. Leaving the room, Brandon shot one last side glare at the doctor before disappearing in to the hallway.

Hearing the sound of Brandon's quick steps receding, the doctor decided it was safe and released a sigh before he spoke. "Congratulations on your release, Ms. Graywood. How do you feel?" He entered further in to the room. His hands buried in the pockets of his white coat. Stopping three steps away from Cherry. The doctor didn't lie about the ambulance, but hid the fact that there's a different entrance special dedicated for emergencies. He had to make up an excuse so that he could have some few seconds alone with Cherry.

"Nervous. I wish I could 'walk' these feelings off."

The doctor chuckled. "Funny." He hadn't seen her since the day she woke up. Not because her husband was guarding her like a hawk, but because he was afraid his infatuation with this woman would grow. And his worries were justified, as the woman in front of him seemed to shine brighter than ever. Her hair was tied in a messy bun with few strands loose, framing her lovely face. The scars that were occupying her face were mostly healed, only a bandaid remaining on her cheek.

Maybe it was because his eyes were still raw from doing a 24-hour shift, but she looked nothing less than an Angel. Especially in that oversized black jacket covering her white Sunday dress that brought out the innocence in those globes of embers sparked with mirth.

He was worried that it would be awkward between after such a long time, but instead he was basking in this cordial air.

"Thanks, I had enough time to work on my jokes." She grins, triggering a bright smile from the doctor. But just as quick it came the smile was gone ones the gray eyes fell on the casket cradled dearly on Cherry's lap. "Is that…" He pointed only to turn mum when he noticed the twinkle in Cherry's eyes dwindle to a gloom. Her silence spoke volumes, and he decided not to pry further and used the chance to sequence to a different topic.

"We are going to miss your jokes."

Cherry giggled. "You're acting as if this is a goodbye doctor Hearts. I'm still going to visit the hospital often for therapy, and this cast still needs to get removed." She stretched out her leg showing off the white cast scribbled down with encouraging words written by the people dear to her and by some random kids who were also patients that liked to come pester her whenever they would trot past her room.

"Please call me Simon." His words fell out of his mouth before he could even catch them and his eyes widen at his mistake matching the surprised look on Cherry's face. He inwardly cursed at himself as he never planned to say that, but his lips became loose at the imagination of how his name would sound from those desirable lips. Though embarrassed, his body couldn't hide the excitement humming in his chest. He waited for her to speak, but changed his mind when Cherry quickly glanced away from him, wetting her lips before gingerly opening them again. She took one tug of air, preparing to throw the words out that he didn't want to hear.

"Can I!" He startled her with his voice that got high pitched out of anxiousness. He didn't want to hear her say that she prefers not to call him that. Drawing a clear line between them.

"Can I also write something on your cast?" The volume in his voice dropped, and he found it difficult to look at her face. His hand run through his hair only for the strands to fall back in place- a nervous tick.

"Ah- that… sure- I mean, of course you can. If you can find space, that is. Those kids used me like a color book."

"I will manage." Simon took a black marker out of his chest pocket and crouched down so that he could write something. Cherry had to tilt her head to the side as the words appeared to be upside down. She read; I hope that you'll find your happiness.

The tip of the marker didn't immediately leave her leg as the doctor pondered about something. That something was serious enough to cause the skin between his brows to fold. He gazed up at her. "About your husband-"

She wasn't able to hear the rest of the sentence as Brandon's voice ringed through the room. "I led him to a different place. That should be alright, right, doc?" The doctor jumped up like a frightened bunny. How did he not hear him approach the room? He thought as he tried to untie the knot that got his tongue stuck in place.

"Y-Yeah… once again, thank you for the help."

"Uh-hu." Brandon responded listless, taking big strides past the doctor to Cherry without sparing Simon a glance. "Then unless there's something more you would like to say I would like to take Cherry home."

Simon's eyes momentarily moved to Cherry, who responded to his gaze with a curious look. There's no way he could say it with her husband in the room. The doctor sighed despondently and took a step to the side, giving the couple their space. "No… there's nothing else. Please have a safe journey."

"You too, have a great day, doctor Hearts." Cherry smiled, while Brandon said nothing, and wheeled her out of the room.

"Fucking waste of space." Brandon muttered under his breath once they were going down the hall. Did that wimp of a doctor really think that he didn't notice the way he was looking at Cherry? And where are those fucking ambulances now, huh!? Brandon could gouge the doc's eyeballs out with a spoon and feed it to that disgusting cannibal for wasting their time like that.

"Did you say something?" Cherry asked, snapping Brandon out of his thoughts.

"No, nothing." He answered in a gentle voice, receiving a hum from Cherry, who was still gazing ahead. The sunlight passing through the windows kissing her profile.

"Are you excited about going home?" Questioned Brandon as he himself found it difficult to contain the giddiness at the thought of getting Cherry finally in his grasp and he hopes she shared the same sentiment, obviously not for the same reason… yet.

The glaring sun bothered her eyes, and she involuntarily squinted her eyes at it. "Well, to be honest, I'm pretty nervous. I know that to you and everyone else I've slept in our house multiple times, but since I lost my memories, I don't know what to expect and that's kind of scary." She was about to curse out the sun as it was really getting on her nerves when a hand came from the side, acting like a shield, casting a shadow over her face.

Her surprised eyes followed the line of the hand up the arm to meet the eyes that spread cinnamon sweetness in her chest. Brandon offered her a smile and said. "What is there to be scared about when I'm here with you? We will take it slowly, alright?"

There was a tremor in her eyes before she lowered her gaze, trying to hide the bashfulness that has exploded on her face along with her lips that curled up in a smile, before turning back her head around. This time looking forward to her house with excitement instead of nervousness.

"You know," she started. "This is really gentle-man-like of you." She gestured at the hand that still acted like her personal canopy. "But I would prefer the sunglasses in your pocket. Pushing me would be easier with two hands."

"Ah, right." He awkwardly retracts his hand, using it to scratch the back of his head. He felt stupid for not just handing her the sunglasses immediately.

Cherry lets out a sputter of giggles that placed a stop to Brandon's scratching. He stared down at her with a questioning look.

"I thought this from the beginning, but you can be so cheesy. But I guess that's what makes you cute."

Cute? Brandon wanted to be called handsome, cool, anything else but cute. But seeing the glow on her face made him want to be the very cutest that no one ever was!

"If cheesiness is what you want" Grabbing the sunglass out of his pocket he went down on one knee and as if he was serving something on a platter presented her the sunglasses. "Then cheesiness is what you will get."

His words made way for another skimpy laugh. "No, that goes too far. That deserves a hit." She grabs the glasses and gave him a playful tap on his head with it. "Now, stop acting like a knight and bring me home."

"As you wish, my lady." He stood and begun to push her again.

"Stoooppp." She chimes in giggles with tears about to escape her eyes. The smile on Brandon's face only grew wider, and he thought that nothing else could go wrong today as he made a beeline to the exit.

"Oh! How nice to see you here, Brandon!"

He thought nothing could go wrong today until Dean made it his mission to make Brandon's life a hell.