How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother chapter 58

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That night, I couldn't sleep until I was late.

This evening's banquet seemed more noisy than yesterday.

It was natural that the five families finally gathered together. Of course, some of them did not attend the banquet like me.

Still, I wondered if everyone would show up tomorrow, probably the last day of the reconciliation meeting.

According to what I heard from the butterflies planted in the banquet hall, it seems that Sylvia was definitely the main character today.

The image of a lovely girl with mysterious silver hair like moonlight and golden eyes sparkling as if sprinkled with star powder was sure to catch the attention of young people gathered in the banquet hall at once.

But I laughed without watching the video of the poison butterfly.

Jeremy went down to the banquet hall at dinner tonight. Perhaps it was because I was curious about Cassis' younger sister Sylvia.

But Jeremy's reaction to seeing her Sylvia... … .

Unlike the novel, it was a very harsh evaluation.

Jeremy was very funny as he shouted to himself with her face crumpled like a piece of paper.

It was unlikely that Jeremy of her reality would fall in love with her Sylvia and kidnap her.

Liu Jacques Gastor also looked at her Silvia and frowned on her face again, but it was weak to the extent that it was as unpleasant as seeing me.

Noel Bertium did not attend the banquet and stayed in the room without motion. In the middle, Landt seemed to be trying to meet, but he refused to accept the visit.

"Thanks. Now it's done."

I checked earlier than usual and sent the poison butterfly back to her place. As expected, the long-running poisonous butterfly here was too much for the body.

It was a deep night.

Inside the castle was very quiet, without a small pop, as if no one was awake.

After that, I couldn't sleep even after a while longer.

I remembered the image of Sylvia that I saw through the video of Lischel and Dolphin Butterfly I met earlier. Then she naturally thought of the faces of other people who resembled them.

After a while, as I tossed on the bed, I finally got up and left the room.

It was so warm during the day, but the night air was cold as winter was winter.

I thought I would come out wearing a thick coat, but it wasn't bad as it is now for a quick breath of air.

From the outside, there were a couple of rooms that were lit up at this time as well. One of them by location was the room of Lischel Fedelian.

It's already over 4 o'clock now, are you trying to stay up all night like this?

Of course it wasn't what I would say outside this time.

I looked up at the lighted room for a while and then turned my head down again. Then I took off my foot where I stopped.

Yggdrasil in the middle of the night was extremely quiet.

Is it because of this dense feeling of silence? Somehow it seemed that I felt more solemn and heavier than the daytime.

"I haven't died yet and I'm alive."

I went through the bushes by the side of the road and leaned against the tree trunk and squatted.

There was a growing grass with red fruits. Last year, there was a time when I came out alone like now because the interior was cramped.

I remember that I was very happy with the unexpected plant I found in an unexpected place.

Of course, even if it is said to be poisonous, it causes an upset stomach at best.

Anyway, I still have a familiar poison plant in front of me, so I feel a little calm.

As I breathed deeply, white frost flowers bloomed in the air.

As I've been doing it these days, my heart was bright again today. I knew well for myself what was the reason.

As it was, this year, when Sylvia, the female protagonist, turned 18 was the time the novel began.

However, it was clear that the story of reality would face a different phase from the novel.

First of all, Sylvia's brother Cassis was alive.

After leaving Agriche safely, he hasn't appeared in an official position until today.

So Landt believed that Cassis was dead.

When I thought about it, a laugh came out.

When I saw the living Cassis, I was already looking forward to the expression Land Agriche would make. How fun it would be to see that surprised face.

In the meantime, the sound of a small horseshoe rang out suddenly inside the Yggdrasil.

In the stopped carriage, a man of black color from head to toe stepped down.

Because he was wearing his outer hat upside down, he could only glance at the fringes of his chin, and could not confirm his face.

However, from a distance, it was clear that the man who got out of the carriage now was a man when he saw a solid body that seemed well trained at first glance, or a very tall height.

The line of the jaw that appeared white under the moonlight was sharp like a veil.

Is it Deon?

I frowned.

Deon was the only one who had such a tall and well-balanced body.

Above all, the atmosphere flowing around him.

The overbearing atmosphere that seemed to weigh heavily on the surrounding air was not something that anyone could feel.

It turned out that I was thinking that Deon might come.

I was about to leave a tricky job to arrive at the meeting as late as possible, but was it already done? It was really disgusting at this point.

I looked coldly at the man starting to walk in the direction I was in, then turned his head.

Don't pretend to know like this. I don't want to mess with words and spoil my mood.

However, as always, Deon betrayed my expectations too simply.

My footsteps along the way suddenly stopped right behind me.

The sound of the hem rubbing was audible. Seeing that the gaze is felt, it seems that he has turned his head.

I knew, but he was pretty bright at night. Even in the dark, he has found me exactly like this and is looking straight away.

With a shout, he came one step closer to me.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really boring… … ."

The moment I opened my mouth, the pace that was approaching stopped.

Something like a ghost. I was killing all of them, but how do I know I'm here?

However, it wasn't surprising that his persistence was as much as Deon, who had been following me tirelessly and persistently.

"How the hell are you going to be satisfied if you make me bored? You said you didn't want to look. You really can't understand even if you say it hurts."

I was really sick of it. It was obvious that this feeling was still in my voice.

I didn't even want to see Deon's shadow, so I didn't give it to him.

"Don't say anything, just go, Deon. Because today is a night that doesn't feel bad."

At other times, he would have attacked him with more cruel words. But I didn't want to do that today.

It was a waste to ruin a peaceful night in the ebb with heat.

Behind the scenes was silent for a while. The air around it was so quiet that it was confused whether it was just gone or not.

That way.

Then suddenly the footsteps that stopped a while ago continued. It was approaching me.

I was frustrated and opened my mouth again.

"Come close… … ."


At that moment, from the tip of my head, I was wrapped in warmth.

The warmth spread over my cold body. I hold my breath and harden.

What covered my body was the outer garment the man was wearing a while ago.

A feeling of heavy weight pressed his shoulder. There was a strange scent in it.

For some reason, I couldn't move my body.

So, I couldn't move a finger and I was just holding my breath as if time had stopped.

Then, the moment the sound of a small grassworm flowed into my ears, I was awakened.

After that, he jumped up from his seat. And he looked back quickly.

But a while ago, no one was already there. There was only a cold chill in the empty space.

… … It's not Deon.

However, the only one of that profound enlightenment, without a doubt, was only pointing to a so firm truth.