[New World Arc] Part 3: Minamikawase

I kept checking my ID and apparently my birthday hasn't changed.

Yato: 'That's good, I already had trouble remembering, imagine if it was another date.'

When looking at the class schedules, I saw that the first class started at 6:30 a.m. When I went to check the time on my cell phone, it showed that it was already 7:00 a.m.

Yato: "As I remember from the wiki... Minamikawase is quite far from Karakura High School. If I went on foot I would arrive only after 8:00 a.m. Maybe around 7:30 a.m. if I went with some transport. Anyway... I'm late... "

Already a little discouraged I went to look in the wardrobe. In it I saw that all the blouses, pants and shorts were my size. There were no smaller or larger clothes, which meant that only one person lived here, in this case, me.

Without much else to do, I decided to wear the school uniform that consisted of a white shirt, gray pants and a gray blazer.

Tucked away in the corner of the dresser was a school bag along with some notebooks and books. After tidying everything up I looked at the cat that kept following me no matter where I went.

Yato: "I'm already late, aren't I? And this is probably just a crazy dream so I'm not going to rush too much. Of course I'm going to wake up halfway there."


I really wanted to continue my "investigations" but I was stopped by the sound of my stomach growling.

Yato: 'I hope there's something easy to do here. Cooking is not my strong point.' I thought as I picked up my cell phone and went downstairs again.

So as not to leave the house in that absolute silence, I turned on the TV in the living room without caring much about the content that was playing and went straight to the kitchen. There was some coffee and some fruit on the counter.

I'm not used to drinking coffee but I thought that maybe if I drink a little in one gulp, maybe I'll wake up with the shivers.

After I drank and grimaced tremendously, I looked around and nothing had changed. I was still in that strange house with a different appearance.


I looked at the cat who was now on the counter staring at me.

Yato: "It's hard to wake up from this dream huh. If I wake up when something cool happens... I swear I'll throw something at whoever woke me up."

Without much to do, I grabbed some fruit to try to get that bitter coffee taste out of my mouth. As I ate, I took a look at the only two doors in the house that I hadn't seen before. The door that was in the kitchen led to the bathroom of the house. The second door in the corner of the living room led to the backyard. It was even amazing how many trees and houses the boy could see. It was all so close to each other.

Yato: 'I wish I could enjoy this place a little more but I think I better not be late any longer than necessary'. - I sighed.

I went back to get everything I needed and after turning off the tv, I went to the front door putting on a pair of shoes that were there. There were some keys on the wall and it wasn't until I got three wrong that I managed to leave the house.

Upon leaving I locked the door and took a good look at the house from the outside.

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the house. It was a small house but very comfortable for one person. The problem was when I looked around.

I didn't recognize anything from that place at all. And despite the amazement, the first thing that crossed my mind was:

Yato: 'It is better to discard the idea of being a prank. Where I come from, no one would have the budget for all that'. He thought a little scared as he took a slow walk.

All the houses looked relatively ordinary and didn't seem to have anything special coming from them. The next thing I knew, I found myself standing in front of a house that was vaguely familiar. Not because I've visited before, but because I've seen it several times on TV.

Yato: 'Kurosaki...Clinic...?'