[New World Arc] Part 9: Unraveled

I was surrounded by characters that I already knew and others that I didn't even remember the names of. As soon as Mizuiro announced our arrival, Keigo and Inoue's other friends came quickly towards me. All asking several things at once.

Mizuiro decided to sneak past the students and headed towards Ichigo, Chad, Inoue and Tatsuki, as they were the only ones who remained seated.

Yato: "Wait! Calm down! Let's just sit down and talk calmly. I promise I'll try to answer everyone's questions."

They just decided that the sooner we got closer to the others, the faster I could answer their questions so they dragged me along.

When we were all apparently calm I decided to risk saying

Yato: "So, what would you like to know? Starting with…you" - I said pointing to one of the girls who, before asking her question, introduced herself as Mahana Natsui.

Mahana: "How long have you been married?"

Yato: "Married?" - I asked.

Before I could say anything else, the girl with the long hair continued the subject.

Ryo: "So you mean you're engaged?"

Michiru: "That would explain his reaction. Maybe it's even an arranged marriage like the teacher said" - continued the brown haired girl

Realizing that I was going to ask something, the girl with the long hair already interrupted me.

Ryo: "My name is Ryo Kunieda. This one next to me is Michiru Ogawa."

Michiru: "It's my pleasure, Yasakani-san."

Yato: "It's a pleasure…but guys, I'm not engaged-"

Chizuru: "You guys are so stupid. It's very clear why he doesn't want to answer these questions." - The girl replied as if what had just crossed her mind was the most obvious answer.

Keigo: "Maybe because he thinks he's too good for our humble group!!!"

Ichigo: "Don't be stupid. If it's an arranged marriage, the most obvious thing is that they don't know each other."

Chad: "Hmm..."

Chizuru: "The real reason you idiots can't understand is that he's probably in a forbidden relationship with another guy and he doesn't want you to know about this beautiful romance! That's inspiring! After discovering such a thing I won't hold back!! "

Then, without waiting for an answer, the girl again tries to grab Orihime but is stopped by another blow from Tatsuki.

Tatsuki: "Stop talking nonsense. You only leave bad impressions wherever you go."

Tatsuki was looking in my direction and trying to make a friendly expression even though she had just attacked the other girl.

Tatsuki: "I'm Tatsuki Arisawa. Try not to care about what Chizuru says."

Yato: "So Chizuru is her name" - I said more to myself since I had to pretend not to know anyone, however, despite being down, that girl seems to have heard.

Chizuru: "Yes… Chizuru Houshou…"-The girl who was walking was with her face on the ground, but to show that she was fine, she slowly raised her right hand and gives a thumbs up.

Orihime: "So if it's not a wedding ring it means it could be an inheritance from a relative who works for the FBI and uses super advanced technology to keep an eye on you at all times!"

Yato: "...What?"

Inoue's comment made everyone stop talking for a few minutes. Inoue seemed to be quite serious about her theory, but that doesn't change the fact that everyone thought it was weird.

Tatsuki: "You have a very fertile imagination"- Said the girl as she placed her hand on Inoue's head, as if she were dealing with a small child.

Tatsuki: "By the way, that's Orihime"

Orihime: "Yes, Orihime Inoue. It's a pleasure!"

Yato: "Likewise…but there's nothing about FBI in the story, Inoue. Actually, there's nothing about marriage. I'm not married." - I spoke calmly, taking advantage of the fact that the people were still a little in disbelief with Inoue's theory.

Keigo: "That's not what you said in the class!"

Yato: "And what did I say?"

Mizuiro: "Well, when they asked if your fiancée was from here you replied "I don't think so". This reinforces the theory that it's an arranged marriage and you've never seen her."

Yato: "I hadn't even paid attention…isn't there any question other than marriage?"

Keigo: "Don't try to change the subject!!"

Mizuiro: "This is Keigo Asano, but don't give too much importance to what he says."

Keigo: "Whose side are you on?!"

I sighed as I listened to the conversation. Looks like they wouldn't forget this wedding thing anytime soon.

Mizuiro: "And besides, it looks like you and Yato are neighbors, Ichigo." - He spoke while looking at the orange haired boy.

Ichigo: "Oh yeah? I don't remember him"

Mizuiro: "He said he came from Minamikawase and lives near a clinic"

Ichigo: "I see. Well, it looks like we're going to bump into each other from time to time. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki."

Taking advantage of his friend's introduction seems to have inspired Chad to unleash his extensive vocabulary.

Chad: "Yasutora Sado…"

Yato: "Okay…"

Keigo: "Now seriously dude, when are you going to meet her?"

Yato: "She who? My supposed wife?" - I replied already giving up trying to convince them.

Keigo: "She herself! Do you even know if she's younger than you?"

Mizuiro: "Or older?"

Yato: "I don't know…?"

Tatsuki: "Doesn't it enter your minds that maybe he doesn't even know her?"

Keigo: "But it's an arranged marriage! Not a blind marriage! At least something he'd have to know. It's almost like he's afraid of her leaving him before the ceremony!"

Yato: "Okay..okay…so I'm married…just change the subject…" - I said in a mocking tone.

Mizuiro: "So when are you going to meet her?"

Yato: "I don't know, next month?" - I replied tiredly and no longer giving much importance to the conversation. Maybe by saying that they'll stop disturbing for a while. But it seems like most of them didn't understand that I wasn't serious, apart from maybe Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Chad. As for the rest…now they are looking forward to the next month.

# A few hours later #

It's the end of classes today, and I'm even surprised they've stopped mentioning my supposed marriage. The way they were at lunchtime, I thought the subject would go on until the end of the day.

It was afternoon and I decided to walk instead of taking a bus. I knew it would take a while but maybe it was enough time to reorganize my thoughts.

When I was about to leave school, someone suddenly called me and when I looked, it was Ichigo.

Ichigo: "Hey there."

Yato: "What's up, Kurosaki."

Ichigo: "You don't have to be so formal. You can call me Ichigo."

Yato: "Right. Do you need anything, Ichigo?"

Ichigo: "Not really, but we basically go to nearby places so I don't see the problem."

Yato: "True, so let's go"

And so we walked for a while. None of us spoke a single word. Until out of nowhere Ichigo decides to break the silence

Ichigo: "Try not to care about today's conversation. I'm sure in time they'll end up forgetting about this wedding thing."

Yato: "Relax, I'm not worried about that…my concern is more about my pet."

Ichigo: "Did you forget to feed him?"

Yato: "Actually…" - I didn't finish my sentence because I thought of something else.

Yato: 'I was going to say I lost my pet…but with today's events that might not be the case…'

Ichigo: "Are you okay there?

Yato: "Yes, don't worry."

After a few minutes, Ichigo stopped walking and stared in one direction.

Ichigo: "Do you mind making a stop first? It's just that I need to check something"

If it was anyone saying that I would find it very strange and wouldn't go along. But I'm tired of watching Bleach and I know Ichigo's personality. He was probably going to check out the ghost girl's flower vase.

Yato: 'If he's really going to do that, I can already clear most of my doubts.'

Yato: "Of course, my house won't walk away."

I followed Ichigo and as I expected, he had gone to check that the flower vase hadn't been dropped but what happened next was what startled me, because I could see the ghost girl. While Ichigo was talking to her, I went back to my thoughts pretending I didn't see her.

Yato: 'If I can see and hear her it means I have a high level of spiritual energy. When I was in that house, I didn't see any Gikongan, shinigami emblem or a quincy cross and suddenly this ring appeared on my finger…conveniently when that peculiar red cat disappeared.'

I noticed that Ichigo had finished talking to the girl and was turning his attention to me.

Ichigo: "Sorry for the delay. I just wanted to see if those flowers were still in place"

Yato: "No problem."

And with that we resumed our walk while we talked now and then until we arrived in front of the Kurosaki Clinic.

Ichigo: "Well, I live here"

Yato: "I live in the third house next door then. If you need anything, just call me."

Ichigo: "Fine. See you later, Yato"

Yato: "See you later"

As I walked home, I went back to my analyses.

Yato: 'My tiredness seemed to have lessened as the hours passed…if what I'm thinking is correct…that cat will show up again'

As I open the door to the house, I am greeted by a meow. Before looking in the direction, I checked my left hand…and the ring wasn't there.

I smiled and turned around, coming face to face with the cat.


Yato: "So it's like I thought…you're my Fullbring"