Lewis is going to be back.

"Ugh, I'm so worn out" Jada mentioned coming into her house.

"Me too" Olivia said, following Jada into the house and closing the door behind her.

"I need a drink" Jada uttered, making her way towards the fridge, opening it and taking out the leftover lemonade juice she took in the morning.

"I need a drink too" Oliver repeated Jada's words.

"Hey" Jada called out to her.


"You don't have to repeat every word I say" Jada implied.

"I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"Forget about that just pour me a drink" Olivia told Jada walking towards her and grabbing a glass cup placing it on top of the table for Jada to pour her a drink.

"Here you go" Jada poured some juice in it, raising the glass and handing it over to Olivia.

"Thanks" Olivia accepted the drink from Jada's hands.

"You are welcome"

"Hey, so what about your brother Jay?" Olivia asked Jada, nudging her.

"Olivia stop nudging me and stop crushing on my brother, he's not even that cute" Jada taunted Olivia, always disturbing her about Jason, her brother. She knew Olivia has always had a crush on Jason, she wasn't against her just that Olivia disturbed her all the time about him boring her to death with her love feelings towards Jason.

"Yes he is, stop saying that" Olivia confronted Jada.

"Only in your putrefied eyes" Jada mocked Olivia speaking about her brother in a special way. 

Olivia raised her middle finger to Jada's face mouthing with her lips the word "Fuck you", seeing that Jada scoffed.

Yeah Jada had cute brothers but the fact that her best friend Olivia crushed on Jason disgusted her, wondering what was so special about him. 

Jada saw Jason as someone too obsessed with his looks, he cared mostly about his face than other parts of his body though he was really handsome but "i could never crush on or date someone like my brother" Jada always thought to herself whenever she listened to Olivia's love ideas about her brother Jason. Jada put back the lemonade into the fridge, closing it and finding her ways upstairs to her room.

"I'm going upstairs," Jada said to Olivia.

"To where?" Olivia queried her.

"To my room of course, where else would it be?" Jada shouted out to her walking up the stairs leading to her room.

"I thought it was Jason's," Olivia told her.

"Oh shut up" Jada retorted.

"Wait for me" Olivia dropped the glass cup on the table after gulping down the remains of it down her throat screaming to Jada and running up the stairs to meet up with her".

Jada opened the door to her room, dragging her backpack down her shoulders, keeping it on the floor of the room and falling on top of the bed, she muttered.

"Finally some peace of mind" She muttered relaxing on the bed comfortably.

Olivia walked into the room closing the door, she joined Jada in laying on the bed.

"It's so peaceful up here," Olivia said to Jada.

"I know, much more peaceful than school, school is hell" Jada told Olivia.

"School isn't hell, Janessa Young and her two evil feathered friends are" Olivia made known to her.

"Ugh please don't bring them up, I have had enough bad days already" Jada blurted out to Olivia not wanting to listen to the topic she brought up.

"They are so full of shit, pathetic moron queens of Lexington high" Olivia continued getting up from the bed dragging Jada along too. Lexington high is a school meant for the rich only and only the fittest could survive in it, Olivia's parents were super rich so they could afford it but Jada got in through winning a scholarship to study throughout the school till she was done with high school. Jada is really intelligent but not like in a nerdy way.

"Leave me alone, I told you not to bring them up" Jada remarked, sprawling herself lazily on the bed to sleep.

"You are not sleeping anywhere, not on my watch get up you lazy ant" Olivia told Jada using her legs to kick her off the bed.

"Stop that and I have warned you severally about calling me an ant, ants are not lazy what is it with you and my mom?" Jada cautioned Olivia using her hands to defend herself from the kicks Olivia was throwing at her.

"Fine, I give up," Jada declared, raising her hands in defeat, getting up and settling her butt comfortably on the top of the bed.

"Yes" Olivia cheered herself a high five on triumph over conquering Jada.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Jada asked her, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Nothing much but since today was your first day, let me update you on the latest in school, firstly the three J's" Olivia said to Jada waving her hands in circles like someone casting a spell.

" Ugh, not them I don't want to talk about them"

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Olivia inquired from jada who opposed the topic she brought up.

"Maybe about what Mrs Rogers taught today?" Jada brought a suggestion to Olivia's topic.

"Ugh girl, you are so boring, why would I want to talk about what I was taught in biology by Mrs Rogers when we got options like boys, cheerleading or even the three J's. Olivia told Jada who she thinks is boring when bringing up girls' talk.

"Because we need to study?".

"Stop being such a nerd Jada and let me continue my speech about Lexington high and their problems.". Olivia taunted Jada.

"I'm not listening to…." Jada tried saying but got cut short of words by Olivia continuing her speech.

"The three J's are the top rich hottest most followed queens of Lexington high school on splashtalk, splashtalk is the app trending in school an app students of Lexington used to know the updates and latest going on in the school. The names of the three J's are Julia Anderson, Jessie Moore and their leader Janessa Young. They are trouble makers no one wants to cross paths with them or else it would end up ugly for them that does cross paths with them. So when you see them in your path just mind your business and move along and you will survive. I'm going to send you splashtalk soon so you could be fully part of Lexington high".

"First of all, you of all people should know I have no interest in those things and I don't like the three J's simple" Jada shrugged her shoulders to show Olivia she was less concerned in what she wanted to talk about. 

"They are necessary things you should know about Lexington high since you started today to survive".

"I want to talk about Lewis" Jada brought up her own topic.

"Okay let's talk about Lewis since you don't want to talk about the three J's or Lexington high"

"When was the last time he called you on the phone or chatted you up?" Olivia asked her searching within jada's for answers.

"He does but he's busy sometimes," Jada replied.

"I asked when?"

"About a month ago" Jada responded.

"What!!!?" Olivia yelled, scaring the life out of Jada.

"Anything wrong?" Jada enquired from Olivia clutching her chest from the heart attack Olivia almost caused her.

"Yea everything is wrong, if a guy loves you he will call you on phone and text you all the time" Olivia preached to Jada about relationship stuff.

"I told you he's busy sometimes".

"Is that what he told you? I strongly believe he's not, he's playing you, just take a look at you" Olivia stared at Jada in an awkward way.

"What's wrong with me? Jada asked Olivia who's pointing and looking at her in an awkward manner".

"Who knows over there he's dating cool pretty hot girls already, no offense Jada you are pretty darling but you have got to have some sense of fashion…" Olivia got interrupted by the ringing of Jada's phone.

"Excuse me" Jada excused herself getting up from the bed to pick the call leaving Olivia staring at her speechlessly.

"Hello Mrs Hailey". 

"Hello Jada, how are you doing?" Mrs Hailey asked over the phone.

"I'm okay, any problem Mrs Hailey?" Jada inquired from Mrs Hailey.

"I want to let you know Lewis is going to be back on Saturday".