The Perfect Dress.

"What the!" was the first word that dropped out of Jada's lips on noticing the unfamiliar hand that held her back was Lewis's.

"Lewis?" She asked blinking repeatedly to make sure she was not dreaming

"Hi babe"

"You look totally different, I mean you are not you, you are not Lewis" Jada said to Lewis causing him to snigger as he rubbed his hands through his hair.

"I mean you changed your hair color, you…." Jada kept on describing but he cut her short of words, as he took her by surprise by doing the unexpected, in one swift movement he caught her by the waist welcoming her sweet tiny plush lips into his with a sweet yummy kiss, Jada gave into the kiss, her two hands circled around the top of his shoulders tightening the grip on the back of his skull as their lips fused with their breaths mixed together, their mouths yawned against each other  desperately. 

Their parents were too busy in their discussion not aware of the two lovers kissing but noticed them both when some passerby stopped by videoing and watching them but Jada didn't mind at all she has missed those precious killer lips for years she couldn't clearly remember the last time she kissed them.

Those lips! 

That one lip Jada has missed for years is now finally plunging inside her.

They broke the kiss still looking each other in the eyes, Jada blushed, her cheeks turning pink she rejoiced happily, Olivia definitely is going to hear about this one and maybe her doubt about Lewis playing her would be over. 

"You are still pretty even with your glasses on" Lewis praised her and with that single statement alone, Jada's cheeks turned pink, Lewis took her right hand circling it into his walking straight to where their parents were.

"OMG, my baby boy is so grown up" His mom Mrs Hailey hailed him, spreading her arms to embrace him which Lewis accepted warmly.

"I missed you mom" Lewis acquiesced, accepting her warm embrace.

"Missed you too" Mrs Hailey commented breaking the embrace

"Woah, my man's back and he's all grown up" His dad Mr Andy, revealed himself in their presence taking over from Mrs Hailey spreading his arms openly he embraced Lewis, Lewis did the honour of accepting it

"Hi Mrs Jane" Lewis greeted Jada's mom after releasing himself from his father's embrace

"Oh hi Lewis, how are you doing?" Jane asked him, hugging him too which he accepted also

"I'm okay, what about you?" He answered asking her how she was doing also separating their bodies from the hug

"We saw you guys making out, you can't wait till you get home?" Mrs Hailey sought an answer from the both of them staring at them both to know who was going to give her a reply

"It's not that mom it's just been long you should understand that" Lewis chosed to give a response to her question explaining to her why he decided to kiss Jada in the airport

"Who knows what they are going to do next?, sex?" His dad Mr Andy added to the conversation causing an awkward silence in the presence of everyone, his wife Mrs Hailey noticed it so she nudged him with her left arm to remind him he said a little something that was way out of league. Jada fidgeted anxiously at the mention of that, her mom Jane noticed it so she decided to break the awkward silence that failed in their presence with an obvious cough causing everyone to snigger.

"Come on let us go home, we got a welcome back party to celebrate, since you guys came anyways hop in, let's go together after all we don't only live in the same neighborhood we are family" Mrs Andy told Jada and her mom

"Thank you" Jada's mom appreciated him. They hopped into the car, Lewis still held Jada's hand into his, dragging her gently into the Range Rover car his parents came with.


"I told you he still loves me Olivia he is not playing me he totally kissed me in front of everyone in the airport, I was shy at first but I had to control myself I'm so in love with Lewis" Jada explained to Olivia on over the phone how her encounter with Lewis happened since she was absent.

"Oh girl, I have to admit he's romantic and all but that is so lame it's very normal for couples to exchange kisses with each other after being apart from each other for a long time. He did because he needed to if he didn't do that then there's no fun in it all I know is he is still playing you jada" Olivia criticized Jada over her explanation about what occured at the airport 

"You are the one that is lame Olivia, I told you something exciting you should be happy for me. Sometimes I do wonder why I am still friends with you" 

"Guess what? You are my best friend, You just can't leave me we are meant to be besties forever Jada" Olivia added a comment to what Jada told her

"That is still the reason why I hate you but I can't hate you because you are still my bestie" Jada confessed to Olivia lying on her back on top of her bed lounging her feets lazily up to the ceilings of her room 

"You see besties" Olivia acknowledged Jada's words

"Yeah besties" Jada commented

"Olivia you should have seen the way he plunged me onto his body his arms circled my waist and his lips crushed mine, oh my it was one hell of a kiss" Jada continued her preaching about her encounter with Lewis at the airport to Olivia

"Ugh, that is so gross" Oluvra blurted out to Jada

"You are the only girl that finds kissing as gross, it's pretty amazing and not gross you should practice it out one day with someone more special than Harry" Jada made known to Olivia who saw kisses as gross

"Please don't mention Harry" 

"I won't if you stop hating and cursing Lewis anytime I mention him" Jada cautioned Olivia. Harry is Olivia's ex boyfriend he broke up with her due to he says her kisses were weird and gross so she decided never to open her heart to anyone else talk more of kissing

"I promise" Olivia promised her

"Good, now I got to go find the perfect dress for Lewis's welcome back party, we would speak later, bye" 

"I would come by later to help you find the perfect dress Bye" Olivia said over the other line, Jada hanged up the phone getting up from the bed and finding her way towards her wardrobe hurling it wide open she searched  through her dresses till one particular purple dress cut her eyes

"There you are, my perfect dress"