This blue haired dude.

The trip to Lewis's welcome back party wasn't that far due to the fact that they lived in the same neighborhood and not too far from each other. The J family arrived on time thanks to the car sent to them by the Reed family.

Entering into the compound and hopping down from the car, Jada stopped for a while in front of the house staring at the huge mansion in front of her, the house was repainted and decorated more beautifully this time, the water fountain positioned in the middle of the compound were designed with pretty rose flowers. 

She barely remembers the last time she set foot into the Reed's home, the place is completely different compared to the last time she always visited when she was little.

"It's really been a long time" Jada mumbled to herself, turning around staring and examining the whole place, she rolled her eyes wildly searching for places she always played with Lewis when they were little till her gaze stopped at a little bench situated at a far edge of the compound.

Her memories drove her back to her first kiss with Lewis happening at that same particular bench while they were playing.

She was reading her favorite book along with Lewis whom she read with. He had asked her to look behind her that she would find a dragon which she argued with him that it was impossible that dragon didn't exist. But she still looked behind her innocently only for her to turn back and tried saying to him she didn't find any, but before she could form words in her mouth he welcomed her lips with a sweet warm kiss, it was a short one but Jada never forgot about it till date. 

Jada's face parted into a broad smile, still lost in her sweet childhood memories staring clumsily at the same spot till her mom Jane who has been hollering her name persistently from a little distance away from her walked up to where she still stood unmoving and lost in thoughts, Jane jerked her causing her to return to her senses and out of the sweet memories of her childhood.    

"Come on, the party is being held inside and not that place" Jane told Jada pointing towards the spot she noticed she was staring at a while ago.

"Uhm yeah let's go in" Jada took her mom by the left arm leading her inside of the house. Her dad and brothers has went in already. The door was hurled wide open by two able bodied men standing at each side of the door.

"Welcome" They welcomed Jada and her mom. 

"Woah" Jada and her mom wowed the arena in harmony coming inside of the living room, every single area of the huge living room was fully furnished and decorated to the taste of the people flowing inside of  it, the huge chandelier situated at the top of the ceiling of the house kept entertaining people with the dazzling, luminous lights it spread throughout the whole of the living room.

"So this is what it feels like to be rich" Jane mentioned to Jada still scanning the whole place with her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so" Jada said to her mom but using her eyes to search for Lewis but instead her eyes caught someone else.

"I got to go, see you later mom" 

"Okay, go have fun!" Jane yelled out to Jada, the loud music coming out of the loudspeakers in the living room was a little bit disturbing. 

"Hi Jada" Paige, Lewis's fifteen year old sister paige waved to Jada.

"Oh hey, Paige how are you doing?" Jada enquired from her, still looking up to see if she would find Lewis.

"I missed you," Paige alleged.

"I did miss you too pai.." Jada couldn't finish her words before Paige gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Woah, take it easy I missed you too little buddy" Jada stated accepting the embrace and steadying herself from reaching the floor. Jada broke the embrace enquiring of Lewis's whereabouts from Paige.

"I'm not little anymore" Paige made known to jada.

"No problem Paige, but have you seen lewis?" She enquired of Lewis's whereabouts from Paige.

"I don't know, he might be up in his room!" Paige exclaimed to her loudly, shrugging her shoulders in an 'i don't know' manner.

"Why would he be in his room when this party is for him?" Jada enquired from Paige again who still gave her a shrug for an answer.

"Okay let me check him upstairs" Jada asserted, waving at Paige and finding her way to the stairs leading to Lewis's room.

She reached upstairs reaching the door leading to Lewis's room, she thought to herself. The whole place was changed completely, she barely recognized Lewis's room.

"This should be it" She mumbled to herself, holding onto the doorknob, opening it and finding way into the room but the room was filled with pitch darkness.


Jada hated darkness, not being able to see anything in the dark scared her the most. She used her senses hurriedly reached for the light switch attached on the side of the wall putting it on. 

Thank God the lightswitch was still pasted at the same place it has always been because If she searched for it and didn't find it, she would have ran from the room, running down the stairs like a mad lady.

"What the?" were the first words dropping out of Jada's lips staring at Lewis who was half naked. He just took a bath and came into the room to dress up. The only thing that saved him from Jada seeing him nude was the towel he wrapped below his waist. 

"Jada?!" He yelled out of shock, turning around to find Jada in his room.

"I thought the door was locked?" Lewis asked still looking at Jada.

"God, I'm so sorry, I didn't m..ea.nt..o" Jada stuttered, hastening her footsteps out of the room with her hands covering her eyes preventing herself from seeing more of Lewis's body.

"Jada wait" Lewis called out to her chasing after her but Jada was too fast, she ran out locking the door behind her holding, tightly onto the doorknob and resting on the door.

"I will come in when you have clothes on!" Jada yelped out to Lewis outside the room who's trying to open the door but she held tightly onto it.



Few minutes later.

"You can come in now," Lewis told her. Jada opened the door letting herself inside of the room, Lewis who turned his back against her turned around this time in a slow motion.

"Hi babe" He said to Jada, sliding his hands on his blue hair totally catching Jada off guard, whose legs wriggled almost collapsing but she managed to hold on. This blue haired dude is doing things to her body even without touching her.
