Mission Impossible.

"What the fuck did you say?" Asked Olivia to Janessa, she didn't hear Janessa correctly right now. Did she?.

Janessa let out a mild laugh before speaking up "I'm offering you an opportunity to be part of us once again".

Olivia got up from her seat, her hands placed on the top of the table where she and Jada sat, cracking jokes before Janessa and her minions came in.

She leaned closer to Janessa, making sure she was on the same eye level with Janessa before mumbling something to her.

"To hell with your goddamn offer Janessa" Olivia glanced slightly at Jada before she left the table for her and the three J's. Jada knew that glance wasn't a friendly one at all.

Jada sat still watching Olivia leave the table for her and the three J's. All eyes fell on Olivia as she walked out of the cafeteria. Jada turned, focusing her attention on Janessa and her minions. 

"What do you mean by Olivia being a part of you guys once more?" Jada shot the question with curiosity to Janessa who was whispering something into the ear of Julia. 

She really needed to understand what was going on between her best friend and the three J's.

"I guess she hasn't told you the full story yet" Janessa responded to Jada but that response didn't satisfy her. She needed to hear the main detail of what was going on between Olivia and J's.

"Tell me Janessa, what's really going on between you guys and Olivia?" Jada demanded adamantly, all her attention fixed on Janessa firmly.

"Why don't you ask Olivia yourself?" Julia chipped in, blinking her eyes twice. Jada turned her gaze over to Julia, she looked like a hideous Barbie doll in the heavy makeup she wore on her face.

"Wouldn't it be better if I heard it directly from you guys?" Jada turned over to Janessa, the question was directed to Janessa.

Janessa got up from the seat facing Jada, Jessie and Julia followed along instantly, "You should ask Olivia, she would tell you the full details since she's your bestie" 

Janessa said to Jada and left, her two minions followed along immediately. Jada sat speechlessly watching the three J's depart from the cafeteria. 

Olivia clearly hated the three J's, so how was she going to ask Olivia what was going on between her and the three J's?.

Still on that thought, she turned her gaze over to the snacks in front of her, she tried eating the burger but it wasn't as sweet as it was before. 

Janessa and her minions were the reason for it, if only they had not come over to their table looking for trouble, maybe then the burger would still have retained its taste and sweetness.

Jada observed all eyes were on her, the three J's really did draw attention to wherever they went.

"Fuck this place" Jada cursed under her breath, finding her way out of the cafeteria.


Olivia sat on her seat, her head laid on her desk. She plugged earpiece into her ears listening to music. Jada came into the classroom. 

Thankfully the troublemakers weren't in class.

She went over to where Olivia sat, and slid into her seat which was beside Olivia unnoticed. She got Olivia's attention when she took a piece of the earpiece out, plugging it into her own ear.

Olivia glanced at Jada shortly before she rolled her eyes and sighed. Jada shrugged her shoulders and pouted her lips.

"Hey" She tapped Olivia on her shoulder, she wanted to speak to her but Olivia ignored her by flicking her hand away.   

"It's okay if you don't want to talk to me" Jada took a short glance outside of the window watching some students in the school field.

"I had no other choice than to offer them a seat, all eyes were on us and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it" She turned her gaze over back to Olivia who still kept her head on the top of her desk.

"Can I have my earpiece back?" Olivia lifted her head off her desk, her eyes locked with Jada's as she demanded for her earpiece back.

"Before I do that, I need to know what is really going on between you and the three J's," Jada said to Olivia, who let out a scoff before speaking.

"Did you really have to offer them a seat at the same table where we both sat?" Olivia asked with hostility in her tone, avoiding the main topic Jada brought up. 

Her eyes were soggy with tears wanting to roll down her cheeks but she fought them back hard.

"Olivia" Jada called her softly, observing the sad expression written all over her face and she seemed like she was going to break down in tears soon.

"You know I wouldn't but I did it to avoid drawing more attention on us, the crowd in the cafeteria was too much and if I didn't do that then it might have been worse"

Olivia stared at Jada as she sniffed, her nose turned red. She tried speaking but the words struggled to come out.

Jada noticed she was struggling to find the voice to speak so she just hugged her, rubbing her back softly.

"It's okay Olivia, it's okay" She whispered in her ears while rubbing her back also.

Olivia broke the embrace, smiling a little bit.

"You know you can talk to me always Olivia" 

"I'm sorry for walking out on you at the cafeteria" Olivia said to Jada, her eyes fixed on her hands rubbing them against each other, she felt guilty looking Jada in the eyes "It wasn't intentional, I lost myself when I saw them".

"I know but I really need to know what's really going on between you and them" Jada requested, she deserved to know so she could find a way to help settle the dispute between her best friend and the three J's.

Olivia took in a deep breath and let it out before she began "I was once like them, I mean a part of them but it got to an end when I kissed Harry"

"Harry, I thought he was your boyfriend?" Jada questioned Olivia. Her mind drove her back to the day Olivia told her Harry broke up with her because her kisses were gross. 

"He wasn't, I lied to you and I'm really sorry for that"

"Okay, so what happened?"

"Harry was Janessa's boyfriend who I crushed on, and when I couldn't take it anymore I kissed him-"

"Which Janessa found out about" Jada completed the statement for her.

"Yeah" Olivia bowed her head in shame.

Jada paused for seconds trying to find the right words to say at that certain moment, so that was the real reason the three J's hated her, especially Janessa.

Jada wanted to help settle the dispute between Olivia and the three J's but what Olivia told her now made it a mission impossible.