"Did you enjoy the dance Liv?"
Mrs. Griggs inquired from the hallway, ten paces from the open bathroom door where Olivia stood, staring into the mirror at herself. In her bra and panties, just out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her head and hair, Olivia was fuming and refused to answer her mother's question.
Her mom stepped closer to the bathroom and asked a second time. Again, only silence came in reply.
"I heard you."
"What's wrong? What happened?"
Olivia continued looking herself square in the eyes of her mirrored reflection.
"Why would you tell Chip I was gay?"
Olivia pivots toward her mother, folds her arms and waits for an explanation, her eyes glaring.
"But, I didn't. When he asked about you, I just told him not to think about you that way because nothing could ever - - oh God, Olivia, I'm so sorry."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know what to say! He's your half-brother! But I couldn't tell him that! How would I explain that?
"I hate my life," Olivia said and closed the bathroom door on her mother.