Ch. 8: Mercy?

A teenage girl ran. She ran into the woods, being chased by someone, or something. She was a woman with long light brown hair, a petite figure and a beautiful face. Her skin was fair. She was scared. She ran, faster and faster, she was losing them. She was relieved. She was almost gone. But fate planned otherwise.

-----------------------------(September 2, 107 F.A.)

In a forest lay wagons passing through a mucky road. The wagon was protected by a group of Fjalheim soldiers. The soldiers had sallet helmets, chainmail, leather armor and boots. Some soldiers held polearms, some had spears, and some had a sword and shield combo. Two horses pulled a wagon forward, and on the wagons were equipment, food, and water. There were three wagons in total and 50 men in total.

The breeze made the trees dance, the sound of leaves and some rustling filled their ears. The journey to the Illnuin northwest takes more than 39 days. The Earbaum Forest is a deadly one, prone to ambushes, wild animals and robbers alike. But it takes a shorter time and lessens it by 9 days.

The peaceful sounds were disturbed by the whizzing of an arrow. Hitting one of the soldiers protecting the supplies in the neck. A barrage then came killing more. Orcs then emerged left and right of the forest road. Fighting and killing the perplexed group of soldiers. One of them crawled and hid under the wagon during the chaos. A huge number of orcs ambushed them.

Amidst the chaos some men ran away, some were caught and ultimately killed. But one was left near the wagons, the one under a wagon remained silent. As the orcs looted the wagons, talking amongst them could be heard. But out of nowhere, an arrow whizzed and killed an orc. Then another arrow. Then another. Five arrows whizzed, killing orcs, until a person stepped out of the tree line and rampaged upon the other orcs.

The man's face was covered by a great helm. His uniform was one of an Illnuin Ranger. A brown cloak, as well as black leather gloves and leather boots. He was holding a sword in his left and a Warhammer in his right. Dodging and weaving then striking and stabbing, the man continued the pattern until all but one was left. The one left then turned tail and ran. The man then looked around the wagons looking for something.

The person under the wagon began to slowly move away from the wagon silently. But when he moved his head, he hit the bottom of the wagon, notifying the person of his location.

The mysterious attacker then growled, "WHO'S THERE!?"

The hiding man, startled by the growly voice, jumped and tried to escape faster under the wagon. He was crawling away through the mud and blood of his comrades and enemies. As he was about to get out under the wagon. Another mysterious person wearing a bandanna, and a Fjallheim ranger's cloak appeared. Bow ready to shoot right at his face.

"Remove your helmet" the voice whom sounded like a woman's commanded him.

He then complied and took it off, showing a young teen with medium-length blond hair. The woman then stopped aiming her bow at him and took back the arrow to the quiver. The other person then came near him.

"It's one of the guards" The woman informed the other.

"Then we need to get him to an outpost or a camp." The other replied back.

"I don't know where it is."

"But the kid does"

"Then ask the guy!" The woman answered back.

The teen, who was getting up from under the wagon, looked at both of them.

"What?" he asked. He then noticed that the one with the womanly voice was at least 4 inches taller than him and 2 inches taller than the other guy.

"Do you know a nearby outpost or camp?" The man asked sternly.

"N-no…there isn't a camp near the forest, the nearest one would probably be near the Illnuin border."

"…..why did you guys even come here?" The woman asked.

"W-w-well, the kingdom needed armor and supplies, so a trade agreement was made. But since the other routes take long, we've been dispatched as the first ones to go here."

"Why need armor? You have plenty right?" The man asked.

"You don't know the problem?" The two nodded. "Super fortress Everest is being under siege and fortresses Caltuk and Jaihung fell."

The woman gasped and the man just tilted his head.

"Colonel Hetz is launching a surprise attack on the attackers. But we needed more armor so…that's how we got here." The teen finished.

"Well, kid you need to get out of here quickly 'cause more orcs may come." The woman said as she went near the border of the woods.

"There were also rumors…" The teen started. "T-t-t-t-that…t-t-he general of the enemy a-t-tacked fortress Jaihu-ng b-b-by himself."

The man dropped his Warhammer in shock but did not show it.

"W-what was the name of the rumored general?" he asked.

"I-i-think it was…Greed."

The man staggered a bit before regaining a foothold of the ground. The woman looked at him.

"Why? What happened?" She whispered to the man.

"Olivia, remember your…village?" The man whispered to the now known Olivia.

"W-what about it?" She asked.

"He…destroyed your village." He replied with a hint of sympathy. He then saw Olivia's left fist tighten.

"What do you know a-a-bout t-the Greed guy?" The teen interrupted. The duo looked at the teen before asking.

"What's your name?" Olivia asked.

"Uh-m Conrad ma'am." Conrad said, standing straight.

"Why do you wanna know about Greed?"

"I-I just want information…" Conrad replied.

"Well," The man began. "We should go hide first. The sun is setting and we can't stay here all day…er night."

"S-sure" Conrad said.

The trio then went into the tree line disappearing about 20 seconds inside. The forest, like any other, was filled with many insects, wildlife and trees. Although there were many nuisances there. It was also rather peaceful. No sound of battle, screams, and people. The sound of rivers echoed, the trees danced, and the birds chirped. It was a long walk until they finally reached a cave that was the two's makeshift home.

The cave was covered by fur and cloth. The inside was pretty much normal. A resting place, a place for supplies and a place for resting. The trio then entered the place. Olivia and Conrad then went to rest as the man went to get supplies. The resting place was cozy, it had a fireplace.

"The name's Olivia by the way…" Olivia mumbled/introduced herself to Conrad who was sitting down on the ground the opposite of her. The man then arrived with some food and water.

"This guy's name is Ajax." she informed Conrad. The following nodded. The three then ate in silence. Conrad looked at Ajax as he was wondering how he ate with his helmet on.

"A trick he mastered to not reveal his face. He thinks he's ugly." Olivia chimed in. Ajax only stopped chewing and looked at her.

"What? Isn't it the truth?" she replied to his face tilt. Ajax then went back to eating. Awkward silence followed.

"So…" Conrad began. "What do you know about Greed?"

"He is a murderer. Someone who kills for fun. Smart but also dumb. You do not want to mess with him." Ajax informed Conrad.

"Really?" Conrad asked curiously. "H-how did you know of this though?"

"I…." Ajax began feeling disheartened. "I saw it all."

"Y-you survived his onslaught?!" Conrad shouted in surprise..

"Yes." Ajax informed. He then stood up and went outside. Olivia and Conrad just stared at him before remaining in silence.

Ajax went to a nearby cliff, a torch in hand. He looks at the bright full moon of the night. The beautiful view of the forest. He sits down by the edge, blowing the fire on the torch and putting it on the ground. He looks at the sky before looking down towards the trees. He then removed his helmet. He looked at it from a front view. He sighed, putting it back on. Remaining there for a couple of minutes before leaving.


"KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL!" An orc commander shouted at his troops. They were burning the houses of a village. Killing the villagers and soldiers. The whole place was on fire. Tons of corpses lay on the ground, bloodied and maimed. The screams of the people were heard as more orcs killed them.

As the rampage went on, inside a burning house, an orc and a wounded soldier was seen. The orc held his weapon, prepared to kill the soldier, ready to murder. But his hands were shaking, looking at the wounded soldier accepting death, he closed his eyes. The orc hesitated, looking at the soldier, he dropped his weapon on the ground. It was a mistake though, for as he turned his back on the soldier, he was hit in the head with a mace by another orc. The orc then continuously beat his comrade until the head was beaten to a pulp. Then he did the same to the soldier.


Ajax went back to the base to see both Conrad and Olivia asleep on the makeshift beds. Conrad's armor was removed and put in the supplies. Olivia's suit was removed and what remained was her grey cloak and clothes. Ajax then walked near them. He saw Conrad holding something tight in his right hand. The item he was holding dear seemed to be a necklace. A leather one. Ajax then went to sleep on the ground.


"ANY TRAITORS WILL BE TORTURED AND KILLED!" An orc officer said to the other orc soldiers.

"NO MERCY FOR THE ENEMY!" He continued. A group of orcs were sent to the front and lined up in a single row. There were 15 of them. Guards were putting them down on the ground.

"AND NO MERCY FOR THE ONES WHO DISOBEY ORDERS!" The orc prisoners were murdered by the guards. The orc prisoners wailed and screamed for help. But none answered their call. The spectators merely watched them be killed.


Morning came, Ajax was already gone as the sun shone. Conrad groaned as he got up. He held the necklace tightly in his hand. He then got outside, rubbing his eyes slowly, and saw Ajax coming back with a pile of fish in a net. His clothes never changed last night.

"utro (morning)" Conrad greeted. Ajax only huffed in return. Ajax then put the net near the entrance of the cave. It was then silent as Ajax sat down on the ground near the pile of fish. After a few minutes Conrad finally spoke.

"Aren't you going to wake her up?" He asked.

"She wakes up on her own. You do not want to try and wake her up. Trust me." Ajax replied.

"…." Conrad was moving uncomfortably.


"I want to join you guys." Conrad finally said. Ajax merely looked at him.

"Why? Why do you want to join us?" He asked. Conrad sighed.

"Did you see the necklace I was holding?" Conrad asked. Ajax hesitated then nodded. "My father left before I was even born. The necklace was from my mother, she was killed by a criminal but before that, she was raped. I had a brother. We lived on the streets, stole things to eat. But that was not my regret, my only regret was not saving my brother from horrible people."

When Conrad was done talking. He was on the verge of crying. Ajax stood up and pat his back.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He replied.

"It's….It's ok." Conrad rubbed his eyes.

"So, that's why you want to join us. To at least save a life?"

"Yes…" Conrad stopped rubbing his eyes. "I couldn't save my brother, but I at least can save one life at the most. But I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Why did you not kill the one who got away?"

"…" Ajax was not prepared for that.

"Why? They're murderers, just like us! They killed many people around the continent. They killed without mercy, why should we give them mercy!?" Conrad's voice rose in anger.


"They killed! They are monsters! So why should we treat them like humans!?!" Conrad then shouted the last part at Ajax. A moment of silence followed. "Sorry…"

Conrad sat down on the ground with his head lowered.

"…Have you ever thought of the enemy as a human?"

Conrad looked at Ajax. "N-no."

"Have you ever thought if they even had a choice?"


"Have you ever looked in their eyes? The eyes can show you there emotion. Whether it be anger or sadness."

"No…." Conrad lowered his head again.

"The thing is, you don't know what they're thinking. You are not asking if they wanted to do this or not. You're not looking into their eyes. Their hands. Maybe some of them are not that bad as you might think."

"Same goes for us humans."

This time, it was Ajax's turn to look at him.

"You should also protect Olivia. She has fair skin, that's rare, she comes from a race that was nearly annihilated. You can only see that kind of skin in the countries of the Vesimehed and Zivali. She'd get you good money in exchange for her. If another person saw her, she might get kidnapped. Turn her into a slave. Yes, they still exist." Conrad looked away again.

"Then…you're in." Ajax finally said, making Conrad quickly look at him and widen his eyes. "Me and Olivia will train you. But we protect each other. What'd you think?"

Conrad smiled and nodded.