
A week has passed after the incident. Since then, there are many noticable changes happened to Cossette.

Like for example, when were training.

From before, once Cossette finished her demonstration, she doesn't repeat it afterwards. Because of this, I would always need a pen and a note to write down all of her explanation in paper. This was also one of the main reason why I planned the incident in the first place.

Honestly, even though I've done this many times on my past life, I still couldn't get use to this feeling whenever I tried to manipulate someone else emotions. It always gives me a bitter taste after I finished.

Now, then. Continuing back to my explanation. After the incident, instead of leaving me behind like she used to do, she would always stay by my side for a few hours just to make sure I managed to grasp to her explanation.

Thanks to this, my training rapidly boosted than the past before the incident.

As of now, she was teaching me how to use my darkness crest to attract and absorb magic. If this were the past, I wouldn't be able to learn this for a few weeks, or maybe months, probably?

"Feel the mana on your surroundings. Then, try to gather them up to your palm to absorb them."

Cossette said, while also making a demonstration.

Lifting up her arm in the air, a blue hue of light suddenly appeared and began gathering to her palm. Then, after gathering enough mana from her surroundings, she began condensing it, slowly turning into a black flame that covered almost her whole arm.

Even though her arm was covered in black fire, her clothes didn't seem to show any signs of damage or burn.

Next, pointing her arm on the trees in front of her, she finally released it.

[Dark Abyss]

Soon the black flame on her arm turned into a dragon-shaped, that quickly flew over and swallowed the trees in it's path.


The dragon-shaped flame continued flying even after it hit the mountain, causing a huge hole to appear that was visible even though we're far away from it.


After it reached outside of the earth's atmosphere, the black dragon-shaped flame exploded, making the clouds above us to clear up.

Although I'm a bit surprised by the attack power of her magic, I didn't let it show on my face as I continued staring above the clouds expressionless.


"It's time for you to show me yours as well!"

While I was deep-in thoughts, I heard Cossette's voice. Thanks to this, I managed to remove myself from deep thoughts.


After I replied, I began walking to where her eyes was directly pointed at. Then, stopping a few meters away from Cossette, I asked.

"Will fire be okay?"

"You sure?"

Cossette asked with a tint of doubt could be heard from her voice.


"Guess that's fine."

She shook her shoulder and nodded in return

Hearing her reply, I nodded before focusing my attention back to the trees in front of me. Raising both of my hands to the side, I began visualizing the black flame Cossette used earlier.

Since I couldn't copy everything Cossette did earlier, I decided to change them and add a bit of twist.

'Visualize burning. A flashpoint is created, and when oxygen is added, it induced combustion.'

That's right!

The twist is I'm also adding a bit of science in it.

"I-I've never seen those pale blue before!"

Cossette stuttered from her words as if she was trying her best to came up with a sentence she wanted to say.

I smiled after I heard her comment for a second, as I continued on and focused my attention on what's in front of me.

'Take a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. Encase it within a partition of air, and at the moment of impact...'

Creating a black bow from my left hand using my magic, I slowly placed the arrow I created on my right, and then aimed forward.

The air and mana around me began fluctuating uncontrollably, as the ground shook, making a huge crack around my foot.

'Ignite it from the flashpoint.'

I released the arrow from my hands and it began flying for hundreds of meters before finally hitting something.



Releasing a clicking sound after hitting, the arrow released a pale blue flame that quickly swallowed everything around it like a black hole before exploding, and releasing a lightning effects on the sky.

[Ignite • Great Annihilation]


Although the explosion happened from far away from us, it sent a powerful tremors on to it's surroundings that made it's way towards us.

Thankfully, because Cossette was nearby, she managed to summon a black barrier that protected both of us from the impact my magic has released.


It wasn't for long before the ashes caused by the explosion to clear up, and when they did, Cossette's mouth almost dropped in surprised from what she was seeing.

The trees and grounds all disappeared. If your asking for the range of the explosion, it's size was enough to swallow up a whole town, without even leaving a single trace on it's surroundings.

'It worked!!' is what I wanted to scream out, but due to my mana exhaustion, I fell on my knees and was later picked up by Cossette, placing me to her back.

With a tint of curiosity, Cossette asked.

"You... How did you do that?"


Panting heavily, I answered before falling unconscious on her back.