Past Nightmare 1

[A/N : Next week is finally the exam!!! I can finally rest my eyes after it, and focus on creating new chapters]

Research Vice-Leader POV

-Thirty minutes earlier before the Operation start.

"Professor โฌ› will soon announce us to start. Before this, everyone, prepare to start the project." I spoke, staring at the infamous Team Alpha 'that' boy created.

Hearing this, the all the people in the Alpha that was just outside the Experimental Laboratory looked at the sign on the door, then turned their heads to look at each other before nodding in corresponding manner.

[Project: New World : Version 6.0]

Not long after this, I reached out and placed both of my hands on the hand scanner.



Slowly, the door opened up revealing a much more bigger circular-shaped machine that was placed inside the room.

Right where I was about to order then to move, two people got out of the door. One of them was pushing the wheelchair, while the other one was holding onto... a person who was tied in that wheelchair. It looks to me that the man looked like he was out of control.

"Denise, just what happened to you?" The nurses who had been tightly securing the man named 'Denise', spoke.

The nurses promptly passed by us without giving a glance.

"Let's get moving," I quickly announced after the nurses from the medical team left.

After I led them to their positions, soon enough, almost immediately after I ordered the team, they all went to their places as some sat on their seats while the others observed the 'machine' from earlier.

I too was staring at it, astonished from how big the machine is. How it works? No one knows... If it wasn't for the magnetic tool 'that' boy invented few months ago, this thing wouldn't probably be here.

As I continued to gaze at it with hidden expression, someone suddenly pulled me over from the shoulder behind.

Turning around, I saw a boy who had an emerald green eyes staring at mine in silent. He was wearing a long white coat and his greenish long hair was tied properly.

"Naim, what is it?" I asked, bowing slightly to the same height as he is, while looking at the short boy in front of me with a slight smile.

"Vice-Leader, I think there is something wrong with the machine," Said the boy. "Everytime we run a test into it, if the tool we use is metal, plastic, or something that can be considered as physical, this entire room's energy will start fluctuating uncontrollably." Hearing this, I walked towards the portal-like machine.

"What do you mean by fluctuating uncontrollably?" I asked. Which the boy answered, "One of the researcher from earlier went out of control when he came in physical contact with the 'machine', or what it looks to be a 'portal' to be exact."

๐˜š๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ... I thought to myself internally. "Anyways, what else is that guy's other symptoms?" I asked, placing the clipboard I've been holding since earlier when I came in on the table.

"I don't know. I'm sure that we'll figure it out eventually after the doctors finished examining his body." The man before me shrugged his shoulder.

"... I guess you're right."

Although I said this, some part of me still couldn't let go of the anxiety I'm feeling. I just somehow had a bad feeling about this.

Sighing, I went back to my original position to wait for 'that' man to call.

"I'm sure this will work out fine... Probably."


I waited for an hour until finally, I heard a loud ringing sound on the table.

Ring ring-! Ring ring!

I hurriedly picked up the call and waited for the person who called to speak.

"Is the preparations ready?" I heard the voice of 'that' boy on the other side. Because of this, I tensed up. I felt that every confidence I've stored had left my body.

Though, thankfully, it didn't take a few seconds before I could give a reply. "Yes. All that's left now was your orders."

After I said this, the boy pondered about something for moment as he went silent before saying, "Do it."

I nodded after hearing this, then returned my eyes to look at the machine on the right side.

"Yes, sir."

Saying that, I hung up the call and turned around to focus my attention back to the people gathered behind me.

"Everyone, get to your positions!" I ordered.

Soon enough, they all went back to their places. Right after I ordered them to start, the entrance of this room suddenly opened, making me divert my attention towards it.

I noticed that he was the boy, Naim, I left earlier.

"Vice-Leader, about the symptoms you asked me earlier... Here it is." He handed a paper to me, as I quickly looked at it.

"This... The symptoms of the guy who had passed by us earlier was a bit similar to the person who was the first one to find this thing?" I spoke to myself. "Is this all?" I raised my head to face him.

I really hoped that everything else was fine but...

Shaking his head in denial, he replied, "No... Unlike the first person who found the machine, the man from earlier developed a crest-like from the back of his hands. We don't know what it is, so the medical team decided to call 'that' boy, and 'that' girl to help them find some clues about what it is."

Hearing him say this, I went silent.

Something is wrong, I'm sure of it... But I don't know what it was, nor do I have enough proof to prove it

"Damnit!" I unconsciously clicked my tongue.

When the Naim heard this, he tilted his head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"...We need to cancel this project." I spoke out loud.

"Wh-what?!" The boy shrieked in surprised.

Although his voice was annoying, I managed to calm myself before looking at him straight in the eyes. "Tell 'that' boy we're going to cancel this project. And, no matter what he reply; even if he said yes or no, we are not going to complete this experiment for his self satisfaction."

Even though he was surprised, the boy forced a smile before saying, "Yes, Vice-Leader!"


โฌ› POV

I didn't know why, but I suddenly received a call asking me to come to where the medical team are in.

When I was about to ask why, the door of my office suddenly bursted open and two guys wearing a suit came in, as one of them lifted me up over his shoulders.

I was about to fight back and knock the head head of the guy who picked me up when the other guy finally spoke.

"There's no need to fight back. It was the Vice-Leader's order to pick you up on your office and lead you to where the medical team are." He said, smacking my butt with his huge palm.

"Ouch! That hurt, damnit!" When I said this, I accidentally kicked the poor guy's face who was the one to picked me up earlier, as he began to have nose bleed.

Although I'm sure that my kick was painful, the guy managed to remain in his indifference expression as he sped up his pace.

Because of this, I didn't try to struggle anymore and let the man do his job.

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