Dungeon Shade 6

An hour later.

After walking for quite sometime, Arthur and his companions finally close on reaching their goals. In their little survey, they encountered few monsters on their way that was ranked either G to E.

Anyways, there wasn't any noteworthy on their battles since Arthur just easily wiped them out after using his Gravity Magic, [Force Descend], to crush them.


A lizard-like monster, that was supposed to be ranked as E, suddenly got crushed down by an unknown force that came from Arthur.

"Kuiish!!" The monster was condensing a ball of light from his mouth when it suddenly exploded after Arthur forced it to swallow the light before it could even have a chance to release it on them.


Seeing the poor monsters that tried to get in their way either get crushed or explode when it tries to attacked them, the three girls behind Arthur couldn't help but let out a bored sigh.

"You could at least leave some of us earlier, so that we could get a proper warm up," Athena said, stretching her neck with the help of her hands.

"Yeah, I'm going to die out of boredom here," Said Lumine as her voice sounded sarcastic. "And also, what's with you being fully motivated all of the sudden? It's unusual to see you become this eager when fight."

Upon hearing this, Arthur shook and turned his head to the side to look at her with a smile. "I just remembered something. There's nothing to talk about that anyway," He said. "Anyways, what happened to the two? Cayla and Leigh?" Although his words made him more suspicious for trying to change the subjects, Lumine sighed and decided to not pursue the case and answered him after a brief moment.

"They are already on their way back," She said. "It'll probably take them a day or two to get back on the Aspirant Academy." Saying this, turned his head aside and looked at the two dark tunnels on the side of them.

"Arthur, I feel like there is something wrong..." Sophia suddenly spoke up behind them.

"Huh?" Arthur gave her a brief glance, then sighed. "You guys noticed it too, am I right?" He asked, staring at them with an all-knowing look on his expression.

Nodding, Sophia continued. "An hour ago, we've passed several team on our way before resting here..." With her chin rested on her fingertips, Sophia turned around to their backs. "It's been an whole hour since we've rested here, yet, no one still managed to reach us."

"They are probably resting too," Lumine stretched her arms boredly. "Or, maybe, they've finally gave up on conquering this dungeon and went back to wait for our easy-going Professor to open up the gigantic door from earlier." She spoke as she shook her shoulder while her face was holding a disappointed look.

Right where Lumine was about to say something else, Leo, who was resting beside her since earlier, finally spoke up. "Why don't we just use the Artifact Alicia brought when we went inside the dungeon, so that we can find out if there are still people behind us."

After hearing what he said, Alicia promptly took out something from here [Pocket Bracelet] and clicked up some buttons that made the artifact open up.

𝘈 𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘳? Arthur shook his head to remove his thoughts and walked towards the familiar artifact to take a closer look.

"...Shit," He suddenly cursed out loud after seeing that they're team was the only one visible while the others disappeared...

Yes. They all disappeared... Like out of thin-air.

"No way... How can they all just disappeared when the road was only straight?" Lumine muttered to herself, trying her best to keep herself calm.

"Lumine, calm down. We can still sort thi-" As Arthur spoke, he noticed Leo looking at something behind them.

"I guess I've found the answer to your question on how they've disappeared like that," Said Leo as he raised her hands to point at something.

Turning around, they all saw that the once supposed to be only a straight road, had now replaced into a door that covered the road.

How did that thing get here? They don't know. The moment they returned their attention towards their back after talking to each other for a few minutes, it was already there... As if it had magically popped out of nowhere.

After staring intently at the door for a few seconds, Arthur and his four other companion looked at each other before nodding.

It was as if Sophia understood Arthur's gaze that she took out her Adventurer's ID and contacted Cossette from outside.


Somewhere outside the dungeon.

Cossette was humming peacefully, with her back rested on the trunk of the tree when the watch on her wrist suddenly vibrated.

"Huh?" She promptly raised her watch up and then clicked a button on the side.


A blue-colored screen came out of nowhere, as she then stood up from the roots she was sitting on and turning her head to face the door's direction.

After reading what was the text all about, she carefully placed her hands to the door. "Looks like my students need me," Said Cossette as she pushed the door to open them.


"Huh? Why won't this thing budge?" She asked herself as she once again forcefully pushed the door while hoping for it to finally open.

It was as if the door itself was becoming more heavier everytime she pushed her way through.

Thus, after doing this for sometime, Cossette let out a sigh in defeat, raised her wrist and looked at the watch before once again clicking some buttons.

After informing the student who had called out for help that she might end up coming late, Cossette texted something that made her smile.

"Take care of this, Athan."


[There's a possibility that I might end up coming late. So, if ever you see a student who had a brown hair that was cut short and reached his shoulder, also he had an unusual colored eyes, inform him that he should do his job properly.]

Seeing the text and screen in front of them popped out of nowhere, after carefully reading what was written, Leo, including the two girls beside him; Alicia and Sophia, had a frown on their faces.

'𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴...' x3

Arthur who had noticed the expression they were making, decided to walk forward towards them to read the text.

He stared at the written text from the floating screen with a blank expression before finally turning around to face the door.

"She is too easy going..." Arthur said with a voice that was loud enough for all of them to hear.

""Agree."" x4

The others confirmed his words flatly before turning around to face the door.

After a brief moment, the five of them decided to enter inside the gigantic door on the front before the door suddenly disappeared.