What Are You Doing Here...? 1

Waking up from my bed, I sat up and yawned before stretching my arms up.


[5 : 29 A.M.]

Scratching my back, I stood up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and took a shower.

As I was nearing the bathroom, blood came out from my nose.

"A Nosebleed?" I muttered.

Inside the bathroom, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, while removing the blood that came out from my nose.

"...Why does this happen very often nowadays?" I asked myself, and took out a clean cloth that was beside my toothbrush before wiping the blood coming out my nose.

These days, almost every time I woke up from sleeping, I would always notice some blood coming out my nose whenever I look at my reflection on the mirror inside the bathroom.

Of course, I tried consulting to the nurses and healers who took care of me while I was out for a week, but... they would only excuse themselves by saying that the reason for my nose to bleed might be because of stress and exhaustion.

Even though I don't train my body very often, I was very sure that I'm healthy, not just because I eat a balance diet, but because my dark crest has the ability to keep my body in shape without even needing to exercise, unlike back at the castle and the mansion where I would always force my body to it's limit until I pass out.



Taking a step forward to the shower and turning on the shower by halve, water soon dropping towards my body.

Taking a shampoo that was resting to the right side of the shower room, I began washing my hair.

As I was washing my hair, I pondered, "Hmm... I wonder, why do I feel like I'm missing something?... It's probably not that important."

After I was done showering, I took out the towel on the right side that was hanging in the room before exiting the shower.

Tying the towel onto my waist, droplets of water trickled down to my body.

Walking out of the bathroom, I looked at the window outside, and truffled my hair before changing into my comfortable clothes.

Today is currently Saturday, so that means, there's no classes for today and I have some free time to do what I want.

*To Tok!*

Someone knocked my door outside my room.

Turning around, after I finished buttoning my shirt and putting on my pants, I walked towards the door while saying.


Suddenly, as I extended my hands to reach for the doorknob, the door unexpectedly opened just as I was about to say something else, and Chloe entered in.



Caught by surprise, my eyes opened widely and Chloe's body came crashing down on my chest, knocking me down on the floor.



While I was on the floor, I let a groan while rubbing my back before slowly opening my eyes. "What are you doing here, Chloe?" I asked, looking at her body if she were okay.

After I finished checking her out, I let out a sigh of relief.

Two months ago after their unexpected visit, after our quick meeting finished, the principal decided to take them to her mansion that was nearby the academy as her visitors, that includes his highness, Adam.

Although I was against at this because I know that my mother would have a chance to visit me more often to cause trouble, I had no choice but to accept this since it was the principal who suggested this matter.

Also, my mother and Adam would pretty much stay here for two months, and let my sister stay here for four months because my mother wanted her to experience what the festival is like since Chloe don't like to go out often at the house and used her training as an excuse.

Even though I'm happy that my sister was devoted on her training, I was still a bit worried as her own brother that she would grow up being introverted like me in the past... Well, actually, although I was an introverted person, I can still talk to people naturally when needed, except for girls.

Truthfully, to me, girls are the most confusing beings I've ever known on the entire planet.

I mean, when boy's asked them if there's something they want to talk about or if they want something, the girls would pretty much give a halfhearted reply saying 'No' or 'I don't need that'.

Also, these 'No' and 'I don't need that' actually mean 'Yes' and 'I want that'. Fuck, why are they so confusing anyway? Why can't they just get straight to the point and say what they want? Hell, do they think that all guys' minds are made to understand opposites!!? I'm always losing some part of my braincells when talking with either one of them. They're such a hassle!

My girlfriend, my brother's girlfriend and the other girls I'm quite familiar with is of course, not included in this 'confusing beings'.

And about my girlfriend, if she wants something, she'll immediately say it. Although she was blunt when speaking, it wasn't actually that bad. She's the kind of person that any guys would fight for.

To explain it in gamer terms, if she were about to visit her parents and leave you in the weekend, she'll prepare everything that you need like video game batteries, order pizza, beer, and heck, she'll even call and invite all your friends to the house!

Not only that, she'll even allow you to throw a party as long as you ask her for permission first and be the one to clean after the party!

These pretty much explains what kind of person she is, but, to say the least, she's the perfect w--

"Brother, didn't you promised me that you'll take me to the city last Sunday?"

Removing me from those thoughts, Chloe suddenly spoke.

Puffing her lips, she continued, "Don't tell me that you actually forgot about that?"

Hearing this, I deliberately turned my head to the side and ignored her words.

"...Anyway, where do you want me to take you in the city? To the chocolate sto- Oh, yeah, forgot that those don't exist here..." Holding my chin with my fingers, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Huh? What's a chocolate?" Chloe tilted her head to the side. "Like sweets?" She asked, blinking a couple of times while looking at me with a confused look.

"I guess you could say that, but... Let just go anyway."

After we both stood up, we fixed our clothes and walked out the door before closing them.

"Come on let's go?" With my hands inside my pockets, I nudged on my side's direction with my head before walking, and Chloe followed.

And with that, we left the academy to pass some of our free time in the city.


"Where do you want to go first?" I asked, glancing at Chloe, then the shops alternatively.

"Umm...." Chloe looked around for a few moments before looking at me as if she was having trouble deciding where to go first. The way she looks at me with troubled eyes made her look more cute.

"How about that famous restaurant? I heard that it's pretty popular nowadays because of it's dishes and dessert." I took the initiative and grab her hands, leading her towards the restaurant where I'm pointing at.

"Ah... Yes!" She stopped herself from fighting back, and let me take the lead since she doesn't know much about this city.

Random Woman A : "Hey, look at those two children over there."

Random Woman B : "How cute... Are they perhaps dating?"

Random Woman C : "Come on, they're just children. Stop fanaticizing."

Random Woman B : "Well, just look at their clothes. They're both born from a noble family. Dating even at that age is pretty much normal for them."

As the murmurs continued, I ignored them and gave Chloe a side glance to see if she was reacting after hearing those from the people.

But, to my surprise, she just gave me an enthusiastic smile as she tried her best to follow me from behind.

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Well, although this might be bad since there was still a possibility that she might end up doing something stupid, as long as she doesn't get overboard, I'm sure that this personality will help her a lot.

When we finally reached the restaurant, I looked around to find some free seats that was available.

"None...?" I clicked my tongue out of frustration before heading towards one of the waitress in the corner.

"Umm, miss? Is there still seats available?'

"I'm very sorry, but we're right in the middle of the lunch rush." A waitress in an apron bowed her head apologetically at the two us. "I can seat you immediately if you made a reservation or if you're willing to share a tableโ€ฆ"

"I don't mind," I replied nonchalantly. "Come on, Chloe, over here." Pulling Chloe in her wrist lightly, we pair sat side by side at a four-person table.

"Let me pour you some water."

"Thanks, brother. I was just feeling thirsty." When I passed her the glass, she immediately brought its rim to her lips. I also pour myself some water to my glass.

"Mr. Arthur, Ms. Athena, thank you for making a reservation. Please make your way here."

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Just as I was about to drink the water and drank it, just the same time as the waitress brought the other people to the table.

"Bwehhhh?!" I spat the water out.

Lifting my head towards their direction, Athena and I stared for a moment.

""What are you doing here...?""