World Reset

"That should be for today."

Athan's voice sounded cold as it echoed throughout the empty hallway.

On the other hand, seeing the dead man laying down on the ground, Eleanor's body shivered as she backed away until her back hit the wall.

"Is...I-is that man dead?" Her voice lowered, and she turned her attention to Athan, who was slowly removing the pen from the man's forehead.

He stood up while staring at the blood pouring out from the man and his pen simultaneously with intent. It look as if Athan had something in mind as he stared at the blood. But after a couple of seconds, he wiped the saliva from of his mouth using his arm and turned his attention back to Eleanor.

"Let's go, Elle." He walked towards her. "They'll clean up this mess for us later on. So, we can just leave this thing at it is."

Athan removed his bloody gloves from his hands and gently patted Eleanor like a child before lightly pulling her wrist away from the mess he made.

Eleanor didn't try to refute, nor struggle from his grasp. She just let him do as he pleased while also secretly giving the corpse a back glance as they moved away.

Without the both of them saying anything as they walk, they exited out of the building.


After leaving the building, with thirty minutes passed, they both went to the famous restaurant Athan had reserved four days ago.

While walking, although Eleanor wanted to think that what happened earlier was just an act and was not real, the fact that she saw the blood gushing out from the man's forehead, she couldn't help but get curious, so she asked, "Umm.... What was that all about?"

Upon hearing her question, Athan stopped and fixed his necktie properly before turning his head to the side to take a side glance at her. "That's nothing important," He replied coldly, secretly waiting for Eleanor to react. Ultimately, she pondered for a couple of seconds before nodding her head and deciding to let go of her question.

Although she wanted to ask more, seeing that Athan's answer wouldn't change, she just silently gave up and left her questions aside.

They passed through the city square and turned a corner into an alley, where they were greeted by the sign for the deluxe restaurant.

Soon enough, the two of them had finally reached the restaurant.

"Let's go." Athan extended his hands to Eleanor, who nodded and reached out her hands to him.

Upon entering, they were both greeted by a waitress wearing an apron with a bow. "Mr. Granhart, thank you for making a reservation. Please make your way here..."

Athan nodded and lightly pulled Eleanor toward him as they followed the waitress from behind.

Eventually, the pair were led to the VIP area, where few people that came from an extraordinary family are in.

While she was leading the pair towards the VIP area, the waitress couldn't help but spare them a glance, secretly. She thought that it was quite sweet for the guy to take the lead, while also envious for the girl being able to catch his heart.

For a quick second, the waitress imagined someone pulling her hands lightly while also taking the lead on their date.

Coming back to Athan and Eleanor, they both sat across each other, as the waitress handed the two of them the menu.

Taking the menu from the waitress, Athan took a brief glance at it before handling it back to the waitress, and turning his attention back to Eleanor to wait for her to finish picking.

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Opening her mouth slightly, she glanced at Athan for a moment before turning her head toward the waitress.

"I would like an Oeufs en meurette and zucchini pasta with fresh cream sauce. Please make it ben cotto, or well-done, and keep the portion on the small side." She said this out loud, almost... Actually, it was exactly the same as what Athan thought in his mind.

"I would like an Alouettes sans tรชtes. After the meal, she'll take a cup of black tea with one sugar cube while mine would be a glass of champagne."

When Eleanor heard this, she promptly turned her head to face him with a surprised look.

Seeing this, Athan shook his shoulder and spoke, "Well, I heard you say a couple of days ago that you like tea's that doesn't taste too sweet, nor too bitter. Besides that, Black tea tastes not too sweet with a touch of flavor taste. Also, it is believed Black tea is rich in antioxidants that may provide benefits including improved heart and gut health, lowered 'bad' LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels."

Hearing him say this words, Eleanor's smile couldn't help but stiffened.

As for the waitress, what Athan said had threatened to make her laugh, that she used the menu Athan had handed her to cover her face.

"Besides, this should be our 183th..." He mumbled under his breath

"...Huh? Did you say something?" She innocently tilted her head to the side in confusion. Although his voice was faint, it's still loud enough for Eleanor to hear.

"It's nothing." Athan spoke as he made a slight gesture with his hands to calm her curiosity down.

Although her curiosity didn't died down completely, Eleanor just nodded and then, the both continued doing their thing.


Hearing the notification that came from her pocket, Eleanor took out her phone and turned it on to take a look at the caller.

[Uncle Moss]

"Uncle?" Eleanor mumbled to herself as she stood up from her seat. She turned her attention to Athan for a moment, then spoke, "Excuse me, Lucius. Can I take the call?"

He turned his attention to her and nodded. "Sure, why not?" Athan said so, motioning his hands for her to do her thing with a smile.

Seeing this, she smiled back before turning around to walk towards the bathroom.

"Uncle, is there something wrong?" She asked to her caller, Moss, with a concerned tone.

[It's about what happened earlier...] Moss' voice lowered after mentioning those words.


[Yes,] He answered. [Are you still with Lucius? If so, say to him that I want him to call me after the two of you got home. I just want to say something to him.]

"Yes? ...wait, what happened?" Eleanor curiously asked. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she was having a bad feeling.

[It's because...]

A few minutes zipped by.

After Moss was finally done talking, Eleanor hung up her phone and walked towards Athan with a gloomy expression.

"Hey... Did someone harassed you while you were on your way on the bathroom?" Athan crossed both of his arm to his chest.

"No..." Eleanor lowered her head and sat down without looking at him straight. Because of this, Athan couldn't help but squint his eyes with suspicion.

"Then, open your mouth and say it already. Why do you look so gloomy after leaving the bathroom?"

She went silent for a few moments before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "Uncle Moss wanted you to call him later. He said that it's important and it was also about what happened earlier."

Upon hearing this, Athan furrowed his brows. He was about to say something when the waitress from earlier and a new waiter with her had finally arrived with their orders.

The waitress and the waiter placed their food elegance. To Athan, it does seem like he didn't waste his time and money to find a reservation in this restaurant.

When they're finally done eating, the pair had left the deluxe restaurant, heading back to Athan's- Lucius' apartment.

The both of them was about to cross the road when suddenly, a screen popped out from Athan's vision.


[Due to the Player interfering much with the story, the โฌ› orders to reset the world]


Seeing the panel popped out from his vision, Athan abruptly stopped from walking and turned his attention to the timer below.

[Time Left : 06H : 46M : 52S]

"I see... It seems like my theory is correct," He mumbled to himself. "I really can't eliminate those three bitches from earlier. Probably because they're too important in this world... Tch!" Athan clicked his tongue and continue on walking while the traffic lights are currently green.

He then proceeds to continue walking and ignored the incoming truck from the right.

"L-LUCIUS! LOOK OUT!!" Eleanor was about to reach her hands to him when suddenly, the truck had finally hit him.


With a loud crash, Athan let himself get hit by the truck.

His body was sent flying a couple of meters away from the truck. His head landed first on the ground, causing his skull to break, and rattling his brain hardly on the inside.

Ultimately, he finally stopped rolling on the ground after a few seconds. With his crooked and twisted body, that looked like it came out straight from a horror movie, the people who saw this gruesome scene screamed very loudly.


As for Eleanor, by the time she recovered from her shock, she called out his name and immediately rushed towards him.


She tried to feel his pulse and asked people to call the ambulance, but...

"Lucius..." Eleanor held his hands firmly as she stared at him with teary eyes.

By the time the ambulance was about to pick his body up to take him to the nearby hospital, it was already too late.

He is dead.