Intermission (Deus)

Lost between the line of good and evil.

Wondering if this life was ever even real.

Strange chills sent shivers down my spine...

After seeing the figure appeared who carried a black scythe.

Through his words, his voice whispered filled with shroud of lies.

{If you dare, come closer and take a chance.

Won't you please give me the privilege for us to dance?

Do not fear, do not fret. For I am simply not violent.

Why are you the one being silent?

When I should be the one consumed by life...

Will you just take my hand, a mere angel full of lies?

Or will you be the one to put a stake in my life?}

Hearing the voice, the boy accepted and jumped,

He walked to the figure, and it raised it's arm.

The figure chuckled, and revealed a puppet under his cloak.

The boy took it's hand and danced with it,

As the devil controlled his old and 'new' puppet by himself.

[A/N : I found a poem online. I rewrote some of it's part, and this is what the result is like.]


"Mom, look! I made a crown made out of flowers!" A child that had a sickly appearance, pale skin that was like a corpse after losing a lot of blood, and an average-looking face, however, one thing that was noticable was that his eyes were shining brightly like a star.


It was none other than me, Deus.

"Hmm...?" While humming, his mother that had the same sickly appearance turned her head towards his direction. She smiled at his direction after seeing her son's brightened expression. "What is it, my dear?" She stroked the lad's head as he looked up to her, seemingly enjoying her touches like a normal child.

"More~" I unconsciously spoke.

Before she could even pull her hands back, I reached for it and grabbed it, returning it back to it's original position above my head, and I did not plan to let it go.

"Pat me more~!" I said, rubbing my head gently to my mother's palm, it was too comfortable that I knew I could let myself do this all day.

Smiling gently, she shaked her head lightly and heaved out a short sigh, as if resigning herself to fate. "Dear, you had your chance. I have to go back to work..." She tried to remove her hands from the my head, but she couldn't since I stuck my hands on her's like a glue.

When I noticed her saw this, she let me do whatever I want for a few more minutes. And when 5 minutes had passed, she once again spoke up.

"I'll be upset of you if you don't let me go."

Even though I wanted to retort, however, after seeing the slight seriousness in her expression, I decided to let her hands go with a pout.

"Hmph!" I turned around, feeling slightly upset that she didn't spoiled me long enough till I'm satisfied.

"Come back here!"


Everything was going great. It was like this everyday. I wanted to experience more of this feeling, however, it seems like God didn't want any of that to happen...

On that very same day, there were a lot of strangers came in the village. They wore strange uniforms, terrible masks, with a floating hallow above their heads like an angel, and went door-to-door. They said that they were doctors from the city, they had to check the body for us because of the possiblity that we may have been infected by the plague spreading around the entire ciry. But I saw they took a lot of people... I was scared, afraid that they would take me away from my mother...




My next memory is cold metal and glass tubes filled with mysterious blue liquid. I was tied down to a metal table with wires stuck into my veins and some kind of oxygen mask strapped on. Around my ears were pierced by a muffled noise like a high-pitched hum. A pair of cold gloved hands touched and prodded my body. One of those people, a tall blond man, began to speak with another one, a female with dark hair and short stature, dressed in a uniform. I could not make out any detail. My vision was blurry. All I could remember was.... being taken away from my mother's grasp.

The bright light that blinded my eyes began to dim out, and slowly, my vision cleared and the world came back.

I looked around and noticed that I was inside a small room with grey metallic walls and a table with a white marble top. A few chairs and a bookshelf are there for the room to look less drab. A woman in uniform is standing to your front, holding a metal case, and a blond man in labcoat is sitting behind a terminal, seemingly monitoring some kind of readings.

The female spoke, "You are awake at last? Here, take this tablet. Its some painkillers, but you shouldn't talk too much, you are still weak."

"Wh-where am I...?" I asked, seemingly confused by what's going on.

"You're inside a safe facility." The woman hands the tablet to me. In a single glance, from the logo on the tablet, I figured out who's behind this. Its the logo of the world government, the most advanced country in the world, the country with the oldest bloodline of witches and mages. The same country that gave rise to legends such as Queen Brianna, the country known as... the Aesthemia Kingdom... I've heard of that country before, and according to the rumours, they are researching and experimenting on witches and mages in that place....

"The pain will be gone in a while. What is the last thing you remember?" She asked me this question emotionlessly.

"The last thing I remember... Was being taken away from my mother." Instead if feeling any sympathy to me, the woman let out a light-hearted chuckle.

"That's interesting.... What do you... feel when you recall the memory? What was your mother like? Do you miss her? Do you hate those who took you? What do you want to do to those who did that to you?* She began to record the answers onto a notebook beside her.

"I feel-!?" Before I could even give her a proper response, I felt a strong aching pain in my chest that caused me to breath roughly than normal.

"That's your soul, trying to heal itself. It'll hurt for while before it will stop." The female gives me the tablet and water to swallow it down. She continued, "Back to my question earlier, do not try to lie to me or I will cut out your tongue. You are my specimen, you understand? A fallen, the most dangerous species in the world with the blood of the Devil, who can do nothing to me now. I can do what I want with you." She says that with her face expressionless and her eyes looking at everything about me with clinical curiosity.

Even though I couldn't understand what she meant at that time, I still answered her questions truthfully. We talked around for a while, and at that time, she managed to gain my trust pretty quickly. She was able to extract information enough from what I'm saying.

I was about to begin to tell her the stories about my mother when I suddenly had a strong headache.

'This kid is useless...'

I suddenly heard a voice similar from her inside my head.

'I should just kill this kid and move on with my next test subjects.'

An ability that I didn't know I have, a mind reading skill, activated on instinct. Suddenly, I found myself being able to read the woman's thoughts... What I saw was horrifying.

Human experimentation, organ harvesting, brain surgery, memory erasure, the list goes on. She was the head of the Aesthemia Kingdom Research Team!


Even after all this, I still believed everything that she says, ignoring the fact I've heard her inner voice inside my head.

It took me a lot of time to finally able to realize that the person who I'm talking to was actually the devil that will cause everything I have to lose.

"From now on, you are patient Æ."