Pieces That Have Been Set Right At The Beginning

[Do You Want To Restart?]


This pivotal juncture, an intersection of digital life and player's agency, mirrored the recurring decision points encountered each time my virtual persona met its end within a game...

A choice that now lay before me in the real world.

In the crucible of decision, I stood at the crossroads, faced with a pair of life-altering paths stretching before me like infinite horizons.

To my left lay the option of regression, a chance to step back into this world once more. Armed with the knowledge of past journeys, I could twist fate itself, molding the intricate threads of destiny to my will. I'd manipulate the very essence of the "Plot," scripting my own narrative to match the cadence of my desires.

And on my right, the path of reincarnation beckoned. A fresh start, untethered by memory or circumstance, awaited me in another realm. It promised a life adorned with the treasures of experience, a realm unburdened by the mistakes and shadows of my previous lives.


Yet, neither option resonated with the fire that burned within me.

"I won't choose."

Neither of these predetermined paths held my heart's desire.

If the universe limited me to these two choices, then by the gods, I would forge my own.

The notion of a reset, a return to square one, held no allure for me.

To hell with that!

I would not discard the story I had painstakingly etched upon the tapestry of existence.

With resolve coursing through me, I advanced with purpose.

With each step, a cascade of sound—a symphony of shattering glass—unfolded around me, as if the very fabric of reality trembled at my defiance.

"No matter what, I refuse to begin anew! I won't abandon this world, no matter its trials. I'll embrace the curses and sins that have woven their way into my journey. From the ashes of past decisions, I'll forge an unwritten future!"

With that vow, I surged forward, pressing on with an indomitable spirit.

The resonance of shattering choices faded as I strode forth. With every footfall, fractured fragments were cast aside like discarded remnants of a bygone era.

"I will carve a new destiny!"

Unbeknownst to me, unseen hands guided me, propelling me towards a radiant light.

Each step I took echoed with the resounding chorus of resolve, until my singular defiance transformed into a crescendo, a declaration that I would rise above the confines of fate itself.

And as I advanced, the shattered remnants of choices disintegrated into the air, leaving in their wake an uncharted expanse—a canvas upon which I would paint a future that transcended the boundaries of the known.

As I ventured deeper into the labyrinth of no return, an enigmatic voice—both foreign and eerily familiar—slipped into the corridors of my mind, a spectral whisper in the silence.




In the span of a blink, the world transformed, revealing an enigmatic tableau ahead. Three thrones materialized, shrouded in mystery and cloaked in shadows.

At the center, a figure sat regally—a man, his hair like freshly fallen snow and his eyes a piercing crimson that seemed to see through the very essence of my being.

"Have you found favor in my offering?" his words echoed with a cadence that both intrigued and unsettled.

"Considerably, I suppose." My arms crossed in a nonchalant gesture, a façade of coolness masking the curiosity that simmered beneath the surface. "The flood of memories, seemingly unbidden yet oddly fitting, has proven rather... advantageous since my encounter with Cossette."

A heavy sigh parted my lips, laden with the weight of the truth. "Thanks to this intriguing concept, I managed to orchestrate my plans—"

"To manipulate your other identity, make him feel those EMOTIONS, chipping away at the tapestry of your recollections to mold a desired outcome?" The man's words flowed seamlessly, as if he were an echo of my own thoughts.

Eyes closed, I nodded, acknowledging the path I'd chosen, the sacrifices I'd made. In the dance between shadows and light, revelations were woven, secrets exchanged in the depths of a mind both familiar and foreign.


With those words, a subtle shift played across his features as he reclined further into his seat. "How amusing it is," he mused, his tone a dance between amusement and intrigue. "To see you seize control of the vessel that once housed your most formidable adversary—truly, an experience to remember."

In the wake of his statement, a pregnant silence enveloped the space between us.

"How does it feel, then?" His words were deliberate, the question laden with layers of subtext. "To wield the lives and roles of every individual you once knew? To embrace the mirage of emotions, those intricate falsehoods you've so painstakingly crafted—what do they whisper to you in this moment?"

Once again, my response hung suspended in the air, a palpable absence of words.

"Empty, I'd wager," he concluded, the tenor of his voice shifting towards a sense of understanding rather than judgment. "A hollowness that has woven its threads into the tapestry of your existence."

There was a pause, a heartbeat suspended between us, before he continued with a sigh. "You know, you truly are a remarkable antagonist."

The words slipped from his lips with a cadence that was as intriguing as it was chilling, a testament to the multifaceted nature of our interaction. The line between adversaries and something far more complex blurred, the layers of our existence converging in this enigmatic encounter.

"I must say, your willingness to stake even your own being on the altar of your ambition... It's a trait that would send shivers down the spines of even the most fearsome Beings, including myself."

"Curse, you say?" A cynical smirk played at the corners of his lips. "No, my dear, those are but empty words you've created to fool your other self. You've never been cursed, because you are the very embodiment of a curse. A walking paradox, a human who dared to play chess against the ⬛ and ⬜. Your audacity is staggering; you reshaped the very fabric of reality, willingly becoming one of their pieces just to validate a point... and to fulfill a purpose."

A soft chuckle resonated, threading its way through the weighty atmosphere. "And that phrase you used to say so often, what was it again? Ah, right..."

«Our game of chess doesn't end even if the opposing side lose or win...»

«It will only end once I'm satisfied.»

The words hung in the air, each syllable a thread in the tapestry of our exchange. A game played on a cosmic board, where the rules were inscrutable and the stakes immeasurable. The boundaries between player and pawn blurred, leaving only a sense of calculated uncertainty, a dance of destiny that defied even the boundaries of existence itself.

As the memories swirled within my mind, I couldn't help but shake my head in response to the question that echoed in the depths of my thoughts.

"Do you truly believe that I've found satisfaction?"

His gaze bore into me, a momentary flicker of uncertainty betraying his composed demeanor as he observed my actions. His lips parted, ready to voice his response, but I beat him to it.

"Of course not," his words hung in the air, a mere echo of his earlier certainty. "I've witnessed your artful manipulation of two of my minions. Not once did your countenance waver..."

A deceptive calm permeated the air as my hands slowly raised, fingers outstretched and aimed at him, mimicking the stance I'd adopted countless times before when toying with those Beings.

"And now," my voice slipped into that same chilling cadence I had employed when toying with the threads of their existence.

"It's your turn to become my PIECE."