Loop 1

I found myself disoriented, uttering a bewildered, "Where am I?"

As I gradually opened my eyes, a faint glimmer of light pierced through, beckoning me to the surface.

Panic coursed through me, and I knew I had to swim back to that elusive light above. I attempted to move my limbs, but an invisible force held me in a motionless state.

In a frantic bid to escape the drowning darkness, I scanned my surroundings, but all I saw was water. My mouth finally moved, releasing a bubbling cry as I continued to sink away from the distant light.

My attempts to swim upwards were thwarted when an unseen force gripped my foot, pulling me deeper into the abyss. The sensation was strange; I could still breathe, as if there was air within this underwater realm.

"Help!" I screamed, though I knew my voice only resonated within my own head.

Am I... Going to die?

Time lost meaning, and though I could breathe, a suffocating sensation began to creep over me. My vision dimmed, and my eyes grew heavy.

In that dire moment, a memory flashed through my mind – a woman's face, a connection to a life left behind. Was she... Ah... Who was she againwasI strained to recall, but my memories remained frustratingly elusive.

I strained to recall, but my memories remained frustratingly elusive.

With each passing second, the light above shrank to a mere speck, and I realized the inescapable embrace of emptiness was consuming me.

The last thing I perceived was that dwindling dot of light, fading away as my consciousness slipped into oblivion.





I jolted awake, gasping for breath, my heart racing. My senses were flooded with confusion as I struggled to piece together my surroundings.

"What... Where?"

Where am I...?

Frantic, I surveyed the room only to find it familiar... Eh, isn't this supposed to be my room? Didn't I just... Wait!

The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Was it all a dream, or had I truly died? Ah... But that felt real.

"Ugh..." I groaned, a throbbing headache pounding in my temples. The memory of me dying and my struggle in the water as the mysterious hand that had pulled me deeper into the darkness lingered in my mind, like fragments of a forgotten nightmare.

...Maybe it was all a dream?

My eyes wandered around the room, searching for any clue, any anchor to reality. And then, my gaze settled on the shelf....

More specifically, to the calendar.


'First Day of School!'


(Chloe POV)

"Young lady, here's your bag," the family maid said as she extended my bag towards me. I reached for it and put it on behind me, allowing her to fix my uniform.

While I observed the maid as she adjusted my collar, curiosity gnawed at me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Where's Vallen?"

I noticed her flinch before answering hesitantly, "I haven't woken him up yet..."

This woman... I glared at her before letting out a dissatisfied "humph!" as I took a step backward.

"Young lady?" She tried to approach, but I swatted her hands away and turned around. "I'll wake him up myself," I said, ignoring the maid's pleas as I left my room.

He must've been asleep until now... I thought, shaking my head lightly as I proceeded to his room.

Moments later, I arrived in his room. Staring at the door, I sighed deeply in exasperation. He really needs to take better care of himself.

I was about to reach for the doorknob when suddenly the door swung open.

"So you're already awa—!!?"

Before I could even finish my sentence, Vallen pushed me against the wall. His breathing was frantic, as if he was still exhausted. But...

"What day is it!?" He demanded, locking his eyes with mine.


Flustered, I couldn't provide a proper response to his question.... Wait, how can he see me?


"What day is it today!!?" He shouted, causing me to jump in surprise. What was he talking about? The day...?

"It's supposed to be the start of our school," I added after seeing his eyes focused directly towards me. "You can see...?"

Although I was surprised and relieved, it somehow felt surreal. The doctor had mentioned that he would never be able to see again, yet here he was, seeing me. I needed to tell this to father!

While my excitement welled up inside, I unconsciously realized how close we were at that moment.


I called out, and he was still breathing frantically, his breath touching my face. I unconsciously raised my hand and touched his cheeks.


Just when I was about to say something...


He was suddenly swept away by a strong gust of wind.

"How dare you touch my daughter!"

Following that, I heard my father's loud voice.


I touched the red liquid that had splattered on my cheeks and looked at it, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"...ah? He's...."

My eyes followed the trail of liquid on the floor until it reached the wall.

That's when I finally saw him....

"Ah!! Brother!!!"

I couldn't help but scream out, my legs trembling to the point that I dropped to the floor.

When father finally reached me, he crouched down and hugged me, asking, "Are you okay? Did that person do anything weird to you?"

That person...!!? My mouth opened widely as I struggled to speak. However, I felt my voice was stuck inside my lungs, refusing to come out.

I could still see my brother's gruesome, lifeless form out of the corner of my eye against the wall. The memory of him being torn apart by the violent wind remained vivid in my mind.

It was...

"You killed him!!"

Those were the last words I managed to utter as I lost consciousness and crumpled to the floor.