Something Is Changing (1)

As we were entering the school, I accidentally heard some rumours spreading about what happened yesterday.

According to the rumour, a student from this school had helped on preventing two accidents... Hmm.. Fortunately, thanks to my sweater, none of them seem to have recognized me last night.

I can probably rest easy for now...

Kim's sudden pause drew our attention, his gaze fixed on my face with an inexplicable expression...What's with him anyway?

He's been acting weird since this morning.... Wait, isn't he and Kiyona already weird since the very beginning?

With a silent nod to myself, we continued toward the classroom, Kim still recovering from his apparent shock.


As we approached, a group of students gathered by the door caught my eye. Curiosity piqued, I approached them to inquire about the commotion.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked one of the students.

-Ah... Well, do you remember the Artoria?


-Well... She's inside.


Artoria? Why would she suddenly visit this class...? Wait, could it be that she's regained her memories just like from the previous round?

...I think I'm assuming too much.

As I silently mulled over the situation, I noticed the students parting to make way for someone. Before I could fully process what was happening, Kim's sudden grip on my shoulder startled me.

Turning to him, I was about to ask what was going on when I caught sight of Artoria standing nearby, her expression inscrutable.

Was she trying to convey something to me? Or perhaps she was waiting for me to move out of her way? Glancing around, I realized she was directly facing me, indicating that she had something to say.

"Do you need something?" I ventured, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

Silence greeted my question as the tension thickened in the air. Sensing the discomfort, Kiyona intervened, effectively diverting attention away from the awkward exchange.

"Apologies, miss," Kiyona interjected smoothly, "but we're on our way to class. However, if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to exchange numbers with you." She punctuated her offer with a wink, her playful demeanor evident.

While I appreciated Kiyona's intervention, I couldn't help but feel that asking for Artoria's number was unnecessary.

Kim let out a resigned sigh behind me, pulling me back slightly. "That's just Kiyona being herself. You can ignore her."

Taking his cue, I decided to leave it at that, the moment passing with a sense of relief.

It was then—


As Artoria drew her sword from its resting place at her waist and executed a swift diagonal slash, I braced myself for the impending clash. Yet, it wasn't Artoria's blade that left me dumbfounded.

...Where did she?

In the blink of an eye, Kiyona vanished from my line of sight. Before I could comprehend what had occurred, she reappeared behind Artoria, a mischievous grin adorning her features.

"I have a soft spot for feisty girls like you," Kiyona teased, her tone playful yet tinged with underlying sincerity. "However, my heart belongs to another~"



With a graceful maneuver, Kiyona dodged Artoria's subsequent attack, effortlessly evading the blade. Swiftly, she seized Artoria's other hand and pressed a gentle kiss to her ring finger.

"My lady, your strength is admirable," Kiyona acknowledged, her voice taking on a cold edge that sent shivers down my spine.

"But even you cannot match the power equivalent to a god."

A chill descended upon the once lively atmosphere, the surrounding students rendered speechless by the sudden shift in tone.

Maintaining her composure, Artoria regarded Kiyona with an impassive gaze before withdrawing her hands. In that moment, the frigid tension dissipated, replaced by a sense of uneasy calm.


As Kiyona turned away, her expression shifted from cold detachment to mild displeasure. Without uttering a word, she strode past Artoria and made her way toward our group, leaving behind a palpable aura of intrigue and uncertainty.

"Let's go," Kim's voice broke the silence once more, his hand reassuringly patting my shoulder as he passed by. Kiyona shot me a playful gesture, prompting me to follow suit.

...Wait a minute, did Artoria just break character back there?

Shaking off the thought, I trailed behind my friends toward the classroom. Despite Artoria's cold gaze, I couldn't decipher her intentions as she sheathed her sword and mouthed something inaudible.

Entering the classroom, the heavy silence weighed upon each student. Fortunately, however, their attention fixated on Kiyona.

As I quietly made my way to my seat and sank my head onto the desk, exhaustion washing over me, a sigh escaped my lips. At last, a moment of respite...

However, my tranquility was short-lived as Alicia entered the room, looking somewhat disheveled as she settled into the seat beside me.

Should I ask...? Nah, it's pointless.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered Professor Cosette's arrival.

I wonder what mess will I go in later?