Towards The End

[A/N: If you're reading this, I'm dead... Lol, just joking.

If you're reading this, that means this novel has been dropped. I won't go into details why this novel has been dropped, but I'm going to put here what will happen in the story after Vallen got shot by Kim.

Anyways, to keep things short, here everything is. This will explain almost everything up until the ending. I love you guys, so I'm not going to leave you with a cliffhanger without telling you the ending.]

He will continue to die after the neverending struggle.

After getting killed for over 1,000 times repeatedly by Kim everytime he meet they meet, Vallen will reach the peak of insanity and decide to throw everything out the window.

Not by giving up and choosing to go with him, but removing everything that was unnecessary in his way.

In every death, he will begin to memorize everything including each seconds he breathes and the people he meets.

The last straw was when around 1,603th of regressing, the Aerial in that round had forgotten about her regressing with him. The following regression was also the same.

Meaning, Vallen was now alone as he regressed.

This took a toll with him because the two had fallen for each other. Aerial fell first, but he fell for her harder.

It was around 206th of their regression that they both realize their feelings and confessed to each other.

After doing the DEED in her apartment, they both had a promise that they will kill all of ATHAN'S fragments.

And then, Aerial teasingly mentioned that after they are done, they will make a family together until they die and stuff their bodies in one coffin coffin while holding hands.

He agreed to her proposition, prompting Aerial to say that it was all a joke. However, Vallen didn't say anything and just smiled. He was down to it.

Going back to main topic, around his 3000th regression, he had finally memorized everything and made calculations in order to survive.

First, he left a note to Aerial anonymously about the information he remembered about the portal, letting her complete it.

Then, he will use his best friend William to wage war to the __. After tricking him into killing her Fiance, Persia, which was actually the heir of the __, William will begin to realize Vallen's plan.

He will try to stop and kill him, but Vallen had already encountered during his past regression and made some countermeasures beforehand.

Vallen will lead William to the portal and push him. Since the portal was unfinished, his powers got sucked inside when he tried to get out.

While this was happening, Artoria will appear and ask what was happening.

Vallen will pretend that William tried to attack him. Artoria was about to ask for the reason, however, her words got cut short when Vallen kissed her lips to increase

Flustered, she pushed him away and question why he did that.

Vallen will act innocently, confessing his love towards her. He also added something about William trying to use his forces to push the refugees from the war outside the border as sacrifice.

Although she had doubts, she will believe his words and fight the powerless William in front of him.

William tried to explain what was happening, but he was also cut short when Vallen mentioned that the empire was the main cause that her parents died.

While this was happening, because of the missing prince, His Highness, Adam will order his men to eliminate all the enemies without sparing mercy out of anger.

Back to the academy.

After trapping William inside the incomplete portal by pushing him inside, Vallen will waste no time and try to finish the portal.

Artoria will ask what he was doing and he will explain things about his regression. Before he could finish his explaination, Kim and Kiyona will appear before them in order to stop him from proceeding.

Vallen will have a quick conversation with Kim. While talking, he didn't stop himself from completing the portal.


"Have I ever told you about the definition of insanity?"

Saying this, Vallen took the last piece and placed it to the portal as it began to activate.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Kim wondered at the same time.

In front of two godly beings that could make one's body tremble just by looking at them, how could someone remain so composed?

Unlike his past self, paralyzed by fear and unable to move, how could the man in front of me calmly face beings like that?

"If you're curious, I can show you."


Kim will attack Vallen, but Artoria will act as his shield.

Kim will politely ask her to get away since it was Vallen that they were after and not her, however, she refused.

Artoria was about to activate her Stigma to copy everything about the man when Vallen took this opportunity to pull her with him towards the portal.

After entering the portal, they will be transmitted inside an unknown space full of doors.

Confused to why William did not appear before them, Artoria asked Vallen about this and he answered truthfully.


"Why did you do it!!?" She pinned me in the wall.

"It was necessary."

"Necessary!? You trapped William in an endless loop!"

"...Didn't you say you trust me?"


"You don't have to understand my actions. Actually, it's better for you not to understand anything."


"What are you going to do next? Kill me? Hee... I should let you know that the looping ability didn't disappear... Whenever I die, I will go back in time."


"Knowing this, what are you going to do...? No, what can you even do?"

She let go and took a step backwards.

"Nothing, isn't it? You can't even go back since you, too, are deemed as a criminal. Right now, you are nothing without me."

As soon as I said that, I received a slap.

"I... I trusted you."



"Like I said, it was necessary."


"What are you going to do...? Join me or go back?"

"...I won't join... I will never join you!"

She gripped her fist tightly to the point blood poured out. She was about to approach him when he suddenly raised his hand.

"I see..."

Out of the sudden, an invisible air attacked Artoria from behind. Without having any time to react, her right arm was cut off.


"Irritation can cause someone to lose their focus.... Be careful in the future."

As her arm flew towards him, Vallen caught it without changing an expression. "I'll be needing this," he says, turning around.

Artoria was about to speak when Vallen's right arm flew away. She was about to call out when light came out his arm, grabbing the arm of her from earlier. Soon enough, Artoria's arm became a replacement for his.

"Vallen.... Athan...!!!"

She took a step forward, but was immediately blown away by the strong force of shockwave.

"Goodbye... Old friend."


With that said, Artoria was sent into a parallel space where he met Athena and Lilian, the two who got trapped in the Mirror World back when Evangeline died.

They will help each other get out by using their remaining powers to slash a space in front of them and get out.

While this was happening, Vallen will enter on one of the door and get transported to the world called Reunion and meet a person named Sakibaru.


"Let me reintroduce myself again, I'm Nasuki Sakibaru, the supporter of Amelia-tan and the best guide in this world." He announced proudly, "I'll be in your care, thank you!"

A world that shouldn't have existed in the first place was right before my eyes.

Seeing all the floating cars, people holding a guns, battle-axes, futuristic-looking bows, swords, guns and many more weapons, modern buildings that are more futuristic than back in my previous life, and many more, I feel like this place was more like a dream to me.

"Welcome to the world where reincarnation, transmigration, summoned, transported people from another world coexist with each other. The only planet where powerful beings existed at the same place. A place full of crossovers between the whole multiverse."

With a bright smile, he held her chin high proudly and extended his hands towards my direction.

"Welcome to the world of RE-UNION!"


And thus, he will create a group called "Trinity". It'll slowly grow into an army and they will invade a world, turning it as a territory.

After three years of being the world's leader, Artoria will appear along with Athena and Lilian. Not only that, Aerial was also behind them.

When Vallen saw her, he begins to hesitate but quickly composed himself when he recalled the time this happened in his previous regression.

Artoria and him had a long talk, ending to them battling to death.

Since Vallen had already memorized her movements in the very beginning thanks to his regression powers, he easily managed to beat her.

When he clawed his way forward, Aerial will step in and get hit by his attack.

He will ask himself why this happened since he had never encountered this before.

It will then be revealed that Aerial had recalled some of her memories and they will talk to each other.

Before she died, she held his cheeks as he began to cry before kissing his lips.

"Sorry." Was Aerial's last words before she died in his arms.

Vallen will begin to let out a scream out of despair. Everyone will see this and approached them.

This was the last thing that made him go way past insanity.

He will approach Artoria. She was about to ready her stance when Vallen just walked past her while carrying Aerial's corpse in his arms.

"I didn't kill her. She can still get revived."

He repeatedly said this to himself as he walked forward, ignoring everyone around him.

He created a white coffin and placed Aerial inside before carrying it to his back.

Before the others could follow him, he entered a portal and destroyed it from the inside.

And thus, his journey with Aerial begins... She's still dead, though.

He travelled across every world and destroyed everything in his path, stealing everyone's abilities and their powers. Let's not forget the fact that he keeps talking with the coffin each chances and imagined Aerial's response.

This continued until he eventually found EGO.

They fought for a while, but he easily killed him before using his powers to steal his abilities and powers.

After that was done, the 1st Ranker will appear before him.

The 1st used his powers to instantly kill him, but he remained standing.

«Authority of Absolute»

When he activated this, Vallen raised his arms as tentacle monsters appeared and swallowed the 1st.

Although 1st used his powers to prevent this, as soon as Vallen placed the coffin down, he launched himself forward.

I won't go into details in the fight, but all I can say that he Vallen beat him.

Anyways, shortly after, he will discover that he became the TRUE ATHAN. He was Deus, then became one with Athan(Past), turning into him, Vallen.

In the later story, Vallen will see a certain world that was binded in chains. When he tried to enter it, he was repelled back.

I won't go to details with this one since this will spoil my other novel. Nonetheless, he will meet a certain woman called "UNKNOWN".

She will tell him about the world and thus, causing him to make a decision to erase his timeline in order to help Saber (MC from my other novel) after hearing about him being a clone of his past self.

After erasing his timeline, he will become the «Holder of the Erased Stories.»

One of the strongest Entity who was the fourth strongest that has the authority to sit on the throne of «Ruler of Order».

If you remember the three throne from the past that Athan's father saw, Vallen sits in the right side.

Long story short, I will grant Vallen to reincarnate with Aerial in another timeline, «FUSION Timeline». Spoiler, they will get married there and have a child.

He deserves a happy ending after all the suffering he got. Plus, he needs to get revenge on the guy that made his life fucked up...

You'll find out who that person is after I'm dead, lol~!

If you want to find out the connection of this novel and my other novel, you should go read my other novel.

I'll put all the story there if I can't complete it, too.... If I'm dead, lol.

[A/N : I'm not sure if the story is within your liking. And all I can say is sorry to disappoint those who waited for this to continue...

I'm sorry, truly sorry....

This is the only thing I can do, rather than ending it with a huge cliffhanger.]