Chapter 5

As it quite down outside, Wang Ning went back into her space to start cultivating, While Susu was told not to disturb her unless absolutely necessary, and she would come out in the morning.

Sitting inside the cultivation room, she consentraded on her breathing while keeping her lotus position. She could feel the Qi entering her stomach and into her golden core. Hours went by quickly and it felt like she been here a day. After many hours, she decided to take a break. Her cultivation could wait a little, at least she felt she was near the top of the first stage.

Wang Ning smiled at her fortune, to be able to cultivate at this speed, it was unheard of in this place. She hoped she could get to the first stage by tomorrow morning, so she could take action before the ambitious empress send her more spies.

A little after the sun rose, she entered the first stage, Beyond Mortal. She could feel the power moving inside her, making her smile yet again. She had been up all night, however she couldn't feel an ounce of fatigue in her body. According to the books she read, the Qi inside her body would not make her easily tired.

Calling for Susu and Gu Yu, they started getting ready for the day. Several maids came in and pored warm water in a big tiled bathtub, while Wang Ning brushed her teeth with an wooden toothbrush.

After getting into the tub, she closed her eyes, trying to relax. She knew there would be some drama later today and she hoped that everything would be done before the empress made her appearance.

After the bath, Gu Yu showed her some if the clothes she's finished and Wang Ning was very satisfied with the end product. Eating breakfast, she thought about her steps carefully, and hoped everything would work spotless.

Sending out everyone except Susu, she told her what they would be doing today.

"So the princess wants to hire cultivators, but doesn't the princess know that the palace have many she can choose from?"

Wang Ning sighed "Yes, but I don't want anyone to know their cultivators, I want them to think their just regular maids. Today i want you to go out and buy me 4 cultivars, but you will not choose yourself. When you see one that I want you will feel a touch on your right arm, if I don't want it, you will feel it on your left arm, you understand?"

She felt it was very complicated to do it this way, but there where no way she would trust someone she just met, even if the original owner trusted her. No, this way she would stay invisible, but still lead Susu to make the right choice.

Susu looked at her with unease. "I will do as the princess ask." She understood the princess had some secrets but the former empress had trusted her to take care of the princess.

"When you are done, make sure that the palace register them as non cultivators. I want my enemies to be cought by suprise, should any of them try to attach me. "

This way she had some leverage and Wang Ning knew either the empress or her sister would try to kill her by using men. In two months at a party, a man will try to kill her, he was sent by her sister.


Standing inside the auction house, Wang Ning looked around in suprise and disgust. People were sold as if they where sheep's.

The auction house was built as a large hexagon, while the customers walked in the middle while the people being sold, stood in the corner all around them. Everyone sold in this room. was cultivators and ranged in classes, from best to worst.

Wang Ning stood by her maid, looking at all of them, feeling disgusted. Some where only children and obviously to young to be working, but they where all sold, like they had no other value in this world.

As she was looking around, she heard a deep laugh from a man and once she turned around, she was shocked. In a corner stood a old man feeling up on a woman's breast as if it was completely normal behavior.

When she saw the girls eyes, she felt shocked. They where ice cold, showing that this was not the first time someone touched her. Looking closer Wang Ning saw a intense longing to live and anger, it didn't suprise her much, considering many men buy these girls and after they are done they either sell them to a whore house or give them to their men to enjoy. But the anger in the girls eyes proved that she was not any push over and that's exactly what Wang Ning was looking for. Someone strong, capable and still had guts to glare right at the man groping her.

Looking around she found several more girls that showed the same emotions, but no one who was courageous or even dared to show some anger. Though who would fault them to close up their mind and only show coldness after years of abuse.

In a corner behind a woman. stood a girl about Wang Nings age. At first there where nothing to see, but after a second look, Wang Ning saw anger in her eyes. The girl was courageous, standing firm, not hiding like other where. Wang Ning made the choice and lead Su Su to her.

Wang Ning found 3 other girls, just like the courageous first one, but once she was about to leave, she saw something surprising. A man, standing by the entrance where the top male cultivators stood. He had the same look in his eyes as all the others, humiliation, coldness and hunger, but he too showed anger as the girls she chose. Deciding to keep him too, she gave the hint to Susu and as soon as she payed for everyone, we went back.


Back at her palace, nothing had happened yet, waiting for the new 'maids' and the man cultivator, she knew the empress would try something today. Considering all the maids Wang Ning sacked, the empress probably a little annoyed that she lost her spies and maybe wants to send more.

Wang Ning laughed sarcasticly, no the empress would be infor a suprise. Yes, she was looking forward to today's show.

Sitting down, looking out the window, she started to plan for today. Before she knew it, one maid came in and explained that Susu had arrived. I walked outside, looking at the new maids and the one servent in thought. They had no anger in their eyes now, though they still looked unsure. Wang Ning could understand, after all of them probably thought they would be sold to the whore house and then their future ruined.

She sat down on a stool in the garden, now everyone who worked here where trusted, because they came from her mother's home and had been trained, tested and gone true several screenings by her mother before they became hers.

I nodded to Susu and she started introducing them one by one to her. The oldest woman at the age of 19 was named Ani, the other girls was called Mo, Li, Zi and the man was called Qiu.

Susu continued;

"This is the first princess, master of this palace."

Wang Ning looked at the suprise one some of the girls, but the man named Qiu and Ani was most calm. This didn't suprise her at all, those two was clever and had been close to nobility. This was very clear in the way they moved and their behavior standing here. Most would be a little scared or showed greed, suprise or maybe happiness of the thought that they would be working at the palace. But these two where calm as could be.

Looking over to the maids at the door, she gave Wang Ning a nod and she knew the walls outside the palace was guarded. Now no one could listen in.

"Hello everyone, welcome to my home. I hope you will like it here and be absolutely loyal to me, and I to you. You may think you're here to do man labor, but no. You are here to be my hidden guards. To protect me from unknown danger that might occur. "

Looking at them , she knew most of them wanted to be here. Their obvious happy face was clear to see, but the Qiu looked troubled. After thinking about it, she thought of a solution.

" Some may have unfinished things to do and I don't want anyone who isn't loyal to me, so I'm giving you all a choice. You may leave here, do your business and come back or simply just leave and never come back. That's up to you all. "

Wang Ning looked calm, waiting for them to think it thrue. The reason she gave them this choice was to not only show that she could get many other servents, but she also want them to know that they have a choice and are not here by force. That's how you make loyal servents.

SuSu gave each of them their own tassel, proving they worked for the first princess. After everyone got one, Wang Ning stood and spoke. " You can leave or stay, that's up to you. For those that wish to stay, Susu will show you around. For those that wish to leave, bit come back have 3 days to finish their business. For those that wish to leave and never come back, return your tassel and your free too leave.

Qiu tapped his knuckle as he bent his back.

"This servent will leave, but come back in 3 days. " He looked releaved.

Making sure they be comfortable here and do their work probably Wang Ning spoke.

" Should some of you have a problem that maybe this palace can help with, speak to Susu and she will help you. "

They all cursied as she walked inside, feeling one problem fixed, Wang Ning took a deep breath.

Next problem would be the ambitious empress..