"His wife is my best friend"

She spoke in a calm voice, she thought of explaining some points, he seemed not focusing with her.

"I did not ask you about anything"

He stated, Kide was not one of the people who claimed things to go facilely.

The party was just a mean to demand what he wanted, he was laying on the bed, he shut his book the moment Oliva spoke.

"I want to keep attending my academy, I'm one step from graduation"

She whispered, he was in silence for a while, she thought of repeating her speech.

"I don't mind that"

Finally he mouthed and smiled leaning on the pillow, she jumped in pleasure, he was glad to see her happness.

"Really I can go"

She wondered, their eyes were almost a touch, he pulled her over him. He raised her chin, his breath was heavy.

"I don't like repeating my speech, Oliva"

He kissed her forehead, hugged her tight, she felt with the sadness tune on his voice but she ignored it.

He did not like the idea of her leaving his side, stared on her calm face, she was near him but her heart still a million miles away and he had to run all that distance to book a place on it.

"Can you stay till the festival?"

He asked gently, Oliva raised her eyes to catch his, and nodded her head, she fell asleep in his embrace. She was not a ware of that evil's aure which surrounding their room.

Kide laid her slowly and covered her with blanket, he footed to the window, a gigantic creature with long claws, his pods were half a meter, he stood on four legs.

So fast and them in turned to a very adorable woman, she bowed at his knees, she spoke after his permission.

"The track trap is ready my lord"

She hessed her bloody shiny eyes and the strong aure around her was pleasing him.

"Good to hear that Helleen"

He tapped over her silver hair, she floated in joy hearing her master panegyric.

He took a singht to his sleepy poor wife, Helleen could not approached Oliva, Although she was thirsty to pounce on Oliva's magical aura to absorb it, she controlled herself, one wrong move, which could tear her to pieces.

Helleen fell beneath the moon light, Kide watched her moving, he had under nights jobs.

"We can't take her with us, let's wait for he the suitable moment"

King Edward said to Robert as they discussed their next plan. Oliva was a necessary piece in his game.

"Price Kiderak is a keny legend, we would not succeed if we fight against him"

He added, when his door knocked loudly.

"Greetings master, I carried an urgent letter from the palace, the Queen is about to give birth to the heir of the throne."

A servant stated, King Edward stood on his feet, he moved back to his palace. He left Robert to complete the mission.

His coming child was more important than anything else atleast for now.

Oliva was packing her dresses to leave the palace within two days, she thought Kide would refused or got mad but he seem calm.

She imagined her father's reaction when she would came back, she hoped he would not mind her staying.

She glanced around room, she tried to keep every inch of it on her memories, it might be her last time seeing it.

"So that was her story"

Kide said gazing at his Kingdom map, He was planning to rule the magic world.

"Yes, your majesty"

Jian had told him about Oliva's secrets and hidden power.

"You have to watch her moves, your mission is to protect her, you will a company her to her hometown"

Kide said as he a signed for her to go, he did not choose Oliva to be his, ont even out of sudden or the fade but he was the one who planned for every simple step till he own her.

The olny matter was his love to her, he could not start his plan without her welling to be by his side. He was keen to keep her feelings.

He planned to take revenge from all of those who got a hand on the previous war, from those who had killed his family.He did not forget anything nor anyone.

"I'm sorry Oliva"

He uttered, he knew the truth might hurt her, but he had to completed what he started.

A new era would begin under his command and absolute control, it was time for the demons to be freed from their chains.

The fact that he had the most evil powers in the world that no one knew about yet.

"What was on your mind?

You ruined everything I was planning to"

Mr. Graint yelled at his wife and his daughter who avoided looking at him.

He walked up and down the room, he mussed his hair, he was on his nerves, he demanded to control Kide and made him his puppet.

"We are not a match for this girl"

Kathleen spoke. She had shivered the moment she remembered how strong Oliva was.

"Keep your cowardly advice to yourself"

Mr. Graint paused to sit on his chair, he thought of an evil idea, that would achieve his dreams.

Living in a world where power struggles, regardless of the means used. Of course, always the staying for the strongest, the most savvy and flexible.

"The Iko aren't they beautiful?"

Raphtan said with that thin smile, he peeked at her, Oliva was holding the Iko, she turned to faced him.

"Despite her short life and her extreme weakness, It blooms with sparkles to give that blossom and producing the huge auras of healing energy."

He added while touching the other Iko flower and rubbed softly.

"You're my Iko"

He hessed while staring at the Oliva. Definitely he fell for her, she could see that on his eyes.

"I do belong to someone else, but its nice hearing you saying this"

Oliva's smile was shining like the first ray after the dusk.

"I know, my Iko"

He said while watching Oliva leaving. Kide would pissed him off if he cought him flirting his wife.

Oliva was wandering around the palace, how large it was, she had known that her friend Lina had given birth to a child, she was very glad for her.

The persecution Lina was subjected to, when she was young by her stepmother could not be bearing. Her condition improved for the better, due to king Edward assistance and tenderness.