"How was your day?"

Kiderak spoke in an evil smile, she ignored him and sat on the chair, the soup was hot, she glanced at him, before she could say what was on her mind, he raised the glass.

"Can I ask you?"

He stated, she opened her eyes, to the fact that he did not take her permission for anything. So wondering what so many questions there were going to be, she held her breath and nodded.

"Assume that your best friend is the villain with a bad background, and all the rumors about him are totally correct, will you stay by his side?"

He uttered the words staring at the glass, she gazed at him then she looked over her shoulder.

"I will be by his side till the last breathe"

she answered, doubting that he was talking about himself. He sighed feeling the atmosphere temperature increased.

"What if he's going to ruin the world just to take an old revenge?"

He spoke directly to her eyes, she blinked and turned to the other side her rosy cheeks get red, 'Damn it, don't give me that look' she thought.

"If he is my friend he would not do such a thing that makes me unhappy, the fact of he is the villain already tore me apart" She raised her voice, she wanted him to keep her words, he grinned in pain.

"What if it was late to give up on what he was doing?"

Kide stated putting the glass down, he was waiting her to speak, she gave him her chocolate cake and said:

"There's always a new chance to start from zero?"

His smile shined, he learned back and whispered "Will you be there to stop him from dragging himself worse?"

She laughed so he laughed too seeing her bright face as if she took his speech as a joke while it was not.

"What's wrong with those questions?"

She gasped as he came closer kneeling near her toes, he held her hand, she felt with her butterflies dancing on his heart beat.

"I badly want to know your answer"

her forehead touched his, it was too hard to control himself in front of her, he ended kissing her cheek.

"Let him discover that"

She mouthed, his mood got better, Kide left the room and went down stairs, Oliva knew that he was absolutely talking about himself, she wondered why would he say that, she did not consider herself as a friend to him nor a wife.

What was between them could not be called love, he just hooked on her, he wanted to take advantage as the rest of the other men did, he was not peculiar to them , she thought that her feelings were meaningless to such a play man like him.

The more she thought about this reality, the more her heart rejected the idea. As if her heart was playing a defense lawyer in his favor, she did not want to lose herself just of some butterflies and skipping heart beat.

She was more aware of her situation, her problem was with the solution that looked so far to get.

"Oliva, I've heard you get married to a prince, What are you doing here?"

Matia mocked Oliva, placed her magical stick over Oliva's bra, Kristen set off and walked round Oliva.

Those two were the worst type of bullies, Oliva rolled her eyes. She could have learned them unforgettable lesson, but they were too trashy to waste her time on.

She footed trying to ignore them, Kristen activated her magic aura and so Matia did, their families position coruscated them, the wealth they showed in every single thing disgusted Oliva, she was on her nerve, this was not their first time to mess around her.

"The necklace, give us the necklace "

Matia glanced at Oliva's golden old necklace that she wore, it belongs to her dead biological mother.

Oliva grabbed her necklace, and stepped backwards, till she hit Kristen who caught her arms. She resisted to free herself, but Kristen's magic bear puppet pressed on her harshly.

Oliva tried to be patient waiting for the academy security team to handle this fatuousness, Matia pressed her stick on Oliva's shoulder, a huge amount of electricity went through her body, she gave a scream lowering her head.

Kristen and Matia thought they might have overreacted but they did not give a damn so they continued torturing Oliva who was quiet with a faded look upon her eyes.

"Give it to me"

Matia yelled as she increased her magical aura, Oliva did not feel the pain regardless of how much they tried with all of their strength and power.

Matia sweated; she felt this argument was going to cost her lots of magical aura more than she expected, Kristen was a little bit frightened, Matia sometimes lost her magical control and this was what Oliva looking for.

"Stay back you bitches"

Oliva finally spoke with red eyes glowing, Kristen's magical bear disappeared, she stood in shock, this never happened to her before, she fell on her knees the moment Oliva gazed onlineii her with an arrogant look over her shoulder.

Matia was pissed off, she cursed Oliva and directed her most powerful spen towards Oliva who sneezed using to counter it.

Oliva made her bowing on her knees, Matia could not raise her head, the stress was huge enough to let her blink an eye.

"This is where you belong"

Oliva mouthed walking to the master steve office, she felt someone spying on her, she rolled her eyes all over the way.

"You know the rules, beautiful monster"

A young man in his tidy uniform stated as his green eyes shined in dazzling charm.

"Why don't you stop them since you saw everything?"

Oliva's voice raised a bit on that smiling fine looking man.

"Nah! breaking rules is what arrest my heart as same as a very sexy women like you"

He hessed acetifying his blond hair back slowly testing her patient.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you"

Oliva yelled crossing her hands, she heard a student calling for him.

"Nowa the principal is asking for you"

That student caught his breath, it seemed he was dying to find him, Oliva took the chance and moved leaving Nowa busy with that student.