" Your highness, please calm down, his majesty is in an important meeting and you can't... " 

Jian was begging Oliva to stay, she packed her luggages and moved down stairs, she felt neglected and her presence ment nothing, Kiderak was watching her childish acting that had not sense of logical, he ordered Jian to leave her on her own. 

Out of blue before Oliva could step out the palace gate, Kiderak grabbed her waist and squeaked, Oliva opened her dazzling eyes to be on the top of a huge mountain that surrounded with ice. 

"W_what the heck are you doing? 

You have to let go of me" 

She yelled at him, she already forget the fact that he was a bad temper and an impatient person. 

He shut her up with his wild kiss, that made her mind float to the seven cloud chasing the twilight behind them, hoplessly trying to huge the bright sun ray, his eyes were more charming than the sunset. 

"Which part from stay at home, didn't you get it" 

Kide sighed as he licked her earlobe, she kept her emotions in jail, damning the lust that ran through her nerves, she hate the joyful bless that she had it while being closer to him. 

"My father is in danger, his wounds can't be heal, I have to go" 

She got those words out loud although he was just one centimeter a way from her. His eyes could till the shocked upon his face. 

"I tried to have a word with you but no! " 

Oliva sharp tune made him little disappointed, he thought of the cruel treatment of him, she paused then said: 

"Damn you, let go of me, I hate you Kiderak, Iam so pissed off you" 

Her words ached him somewhere deep inside his heart. 

He was about to argue with her, but then one of his demons appeared bowing in respect he announced: 

"My apology my master, Aftan had reached the planned point, the army..." 

Before he could spoil things up, Kiderak shut him and waved his hand to let him disappear, he did want Oliva to know anything about his running plan. 

He closed his eyes and then eyed her with feeling he hoped that she might understandard his situation. 

"Fine, I will take you to your father, but put in your mind we have unfinished talk" 

He grabbed her waste gently and entered to a light magical transported gate, the moment she opened her eyes she found herself in front of her parents door. 

"I will be back to take you after a month" 

He uttered trying to kiss her, but she stepped towards the door so far from him, he closed his fist and twisted his neck in anger. 

"Calm down Kiderak, she is just playing on her own strings" 

He disappear in a second, Oliva fell on the ground and caught her breath for awhile before getting in the house. 

"I have to be more strong" 

She thought and nocked the door as her sister opened it in a pleasant smile welcoming her to be in. 

"How is my father?

Where's he? "

Oliva walked in quick steps towards her father's room, Otia was laying herself on the edge of the door. 

"He gone with mom to the light Kingdom" 

Otia said as she approached Oliva, who was trying to process her speech. 

"I lied to you sis, my dad is alright he had just some injuries and  mom healed him, they went there in a special meeting with King Lison" Otia uttered and sat herself on the sofa. 

"Ahh... " 

Oliva walked around the room her magic aura was out of control, she was so angery. 

"Calm down, and why did you take so much time to arrive?

It have been a week since I massaged you" 

Otia added while looking at her nails, Oliva was thinking on Kiderak's reaction when he would know about her sister's ridiculous lie. 

"Why did you lie? 

Don't you know how did I suffer just to be in front of you Miss Otia Marko ELeskitos" 

Oliva sharp voice got tough, Otia hummed and pointed to Oliva to sit by her. 

"I saw how your respectable husband treated you out side, your  relationship isn't that a match " 

Otia uttered, she didn't look at her sister, Oliva stated in a serious tune: 

"What's your purposed!" 

Otia grabbed the little rounded pillow next to her, she lowered her sight in a suspension way. 

"I want to take revenge of lacios, I caught him cheating on me" 

Oliva's heart beats were sad to hear about this, she tried to breathe slowly, she rolled her eyes, from the start she knew that Lacios wasn't serious about her sister. 

"What's you plan Miss rocky mind" 

Oliva stated after a long silence, The abuse smile was clear upon Otia's face. 

"He didn't know that I'm pregnant, thus he won't, the point I'm planning to have a political marriage, I have already received a royal marriage proposal from the kingdom of light ten days ago" 

Oliva could not believe her ears, she let Otia carried on saying: 

"Rattan the second price is going to be my future husband, I need you help, I want to meet with Rattan and ask for his power to have control over Aswait nobel family, Losion have to pay for every tear of mine" 

Oliva thought for awhile then said: 

"Is that going to make you feel better?" 

Otia ignored her question and turned to the other side in a red eyes wanted to cry but she could not. Otia moved her soft hand over her stomach, she said softly: 

"Your father must learn this lesson by the hard way" 

Oliva gazed at the vase on the table, Otia made some tea for both of them. 

"I need to find my real self, I want to go to the Kuns land" 

Oliva said as Otia gave her the strange look through her hot tea cup, she stated: 

"Why can't you use that man?"She scratche her head trying to remember his name. 

Oliva furrowed her eyebrows, expressing her admiration for her sister's words.

" What man? "

Oliva asked as she knew thousands of men, Otia smiled and said: 

"Raphtan, your husband Cousin, he is responsible for the transfering north gate to the Kuns land, you just have to ask him gently with some soft words and you will have what you want, see simple" 

Oliva clapped at how her sister thinking, she said: 

"I can't do that" 

Oliva remembered Raphtan's touchs and the disgusting feelings that she could not erase it till now. 

"Let's focus on your plan, I knew you will obligate me to agree if refuse helping you..." 

Oliva said but Otia cut her speech saying: 

"Exactly sis" 

Oliva stood watching the moonless night with the fear from the future. 

"What if we start my plan from now, I don't have time sis" 

Otia seemed so worried, Oliva nodded her head, she damn Kide and what he would do if he just found out.