Chapter 84 The Difference of Skeletons

Seeing that their tokens were decreasing at the speed of minus1, the adventurers didn't know what they had done and that their tokens would be deducted.

Generally speaking, only when carrying out a task, after doing something to provoke the releaser.

Their tokens would be deducted.

But they didn't attack Francis. Why were their tokens deducted!

"Didn't he make it clear when he released the task?"

"Who can bear the deduction of tokens all the time?"

"Is it easy to earn tokens?"

Many of the adventurers complained to the staff in the hall of adventurers that many of them had been deducted before the mission was completed. On average, the token points were deducted by ten.

Only an epic task would be given to 50 tokens.

The mission was not completed, but they had lost lots of tokens, no one could bear the loss!

They were both risking their lives to earn tokens and gold coins, and couldn't withstand the loss of tokens!