Chapter 315 The Thief Stole the Map

With a flash of light, Raymond disappeared.

Seeing this, the guards nearby continued to walk forward and patrol.

After the guards left, Morgana jumped to the place near the statue.

"Why is this place different?"

Morgana asked curiously.

He reached out and touched the gem of the statue. The sky and earth were spinning in an instant.

Before leaving, Morgana thought of something.

It seemed to be a teleportation site!


In the Dark Nether City.

Francis didn't worry about what happened to Morgana.

He walked out with Corsa and Allie.

Looking at Francis's behavior just now, Corsa and Allie sensed something was wrong here, but they didn't say anything.

The master must have his reason for doing so.

"How many adventurers have come in?"

"How dare they!"

Allie frowned tightly, full of righteous indignation.

A hint of slyness flashed in the eyes of the winner. Corsa stole a glance at Allie and Francis.

He didn't know what to say.