Chapter 2 Super Beast Taming Zone

"I finally made it."

He had thought that it would be difficult to create space.

After all, the level-SSS beast tamer's talent was much higher than other levels.

The starting data of a level-A talent was only one cubic meter.

The space of this level-SSS beast tamer was also terrifying, reaching a terrifying 1000 cubic meters.

Is this the level-SSS beast tamer zone?

"It's so horrible!"

Ricky sighed and stood up from his seat.

When he was about to go out to the beast taming center.

At the same time, Karl was also ready. He came over and patted Ricky's shoulder. He asked happily, "Ricky, what kind of talent did you awaken? I came back to the classroom earlier than you. What I awakened was a mental disorder level-C talent."

Karl was a good friend of Ricky. He had helped him a lot since he was a child.

And the reason why he was so happy was that the talent he had awakened had exceeded his expectations.

After all, most of them were able to awaken level E, and only a few of them were able to awaken level D.

And those who had awakened the level C talent belonged to the outstanding level.

As for level B, he was a genius.

"I have activated the level-B talent mirror copy. I can copy the skills and skill points of other pet beasts. But there is a limit to the skill, so I can only copy the pet beasts one level higher or lower than me."

Karl's surprised tone changed. "You are still great, it is a mirror copy. You know, this skill is known as a golden treasure. No matter how many skills your pet beast has learned, you can copy other skills of the pet beast, and the replaced skills can also become skill points. It's really awesome."

"No matter how many skills a pet beast has, what's the use of it? What suits you is the best."

Karl said helplessly. "Don't be so ungrateful. You are so hateful."

"Look at my talent for mental disorder level C, which directly limited my ability to find only spirit manipulated beasts. And this talent actually has the chance to make the owner suffer mental disorder and make a wrong decision."

With a bitter smile, Ricky said, "No wonder you are always a little abnormal, so you awaken this talent. Isn't there anything special? There shouldn't be only side effects without any benefits."

"Of course not. The owner of the chaotic state can increase the attribute value of the contract beast by two times," said Karl with a smile.

"I knew you wouldn't do a business at a loss, or you wouldn't be so happy."

On their way to the beast taming center, they talked and laughed with each other.

No. 3 high school of Jiang City was very lively recently.

Many people had awakened their good talents.

As a result, the beast taming center of No. 3 high school was full.

Ricky and Karl came in.

Some of them looked sad, while others were overjoyed.

Those who wore the sad faces were fighting with their favorite beasts, trying to succeed.

"I hope I can succeed in this month. Otherwise, when the center closes, I will be miserable." he sighed.

"By that time, the school will distribute the worst contract beast, which will be crippled for the rest of my life."

If that was the case, it would probably be the worst start. In the eyes of the teachers and schools, there wouldn't be many resources, even if it was a level-B talent.

"Let's go inside and choose!"

After saying that, he followed the crowd into the beast-taming center.

The beast taming center of the No. 3 high school of Jiang City was very large, which could accommodate nearly 3000 people.

It was crowded in the beast-taming center. As for the pet beasts for the beast tamers to choose, they were bred by the teachers of the school and the society.

Each pet had a different bloodline, which was: "Awakening level, supernormal level, leader level, commander level, King level... "

Each level was divided into ten levels.

For example, a supernormal-level bloodline pet beast would definitely reach the supernormal level when it grew up.

The leader level was the leader level.

Of course, some pet beasts could grow to a higher level without the restriction of the bloodline.

And the bloodline of the pet represented the initial combat power. For example, when the awakening level met the supernormal level, they would be suppressed by the bloodline.

Most of the beasts in the beast taming center were at the awakening level.

After all, most of them were level-E talents.

Only a few people had outstanding talent.

However, it was not said that a person with level-E talent would choose a pet beast at the awakening level, but that this pet beast could not be promoted to the supernormal level, which depended on the beast tamer himself.

As for some people with higher talent, they would choose the supernormal-level pet beasts.

Karl's goal was the illusory pupae of the spirit manipulated beasts of the high level of the supernormal level.

The mature illusory pupae were also called illusory butterflies. For him, this was undoubtedly a perfect choice.

"I heard that the school has spent a lot of money to mix the level-king cubs with these beasts. I don't know if it's true. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

"It seems that the school attaches great importance to the opening of the beast taming center."

Ricky asked in surprise.

In the No. 3 high school of Jiang City, only the principal was a level-king contract beast, and no one else was.

He attached great importance to it!

"It's hard to say. Maybe the school is to enhance its status in Jiang City."

Ricky nodded. It was possible.

"I've found the position of the illusory pupae, so I'm leaving now. Come on, Ricky. A level-B talent can range from contract to a leader level."

Looking at the receding figure of Karl, he felt a little helpless. He had been with him for a long time, but he had actually become mature in character.

Looking at the other people around him who were still choosing the contract beast, Ricky was not in a hurry.

After all, the beast taming talent of SSS level was there, which could easily leak out the breath of the beast taming zone.

That would probably make the beasts in the beast taming center crazy.

After all, no pet beast would refuse the growth speed brought by a level-SSS beast tamer.

"Iron back turtle."

"Level: Awakening level one!"

"Bloodline: Awakening high level."

"Talent: low level of earth degree talent."

"Skill: 1. Crush 2. Tortoise's back."

"Known finch."

"Level: Awakening level two."

"Bloodline: Middle level of extraordinary."

"Talent: Middle level of wind talent."

"Skill: 1. Wind claw 2. The cold wind howled."

"Earth Dragon."

"Level: Awakening level three."

"Bloodline: Low level of leader."

"Talent: High level of earth talent, low level of speed talent."

"Skill: 1. Tail shaking 2. Rolling and moving 3. The roar of death."

"Silver wings with double-headed eagle."

"Level: Awakening level three."

"Bloodline: High level of leader."

"Talent: High level of wind degree talent, high level of speed talent."

"Skill: 1. Wind claw 2. The cold wind roared 3. Silver wings chop."

Along the way, Ricky found many talented pet beasts.

The silver wing with a double-headed eagle was not bad, and there was an imperial crab.

With the talent of high strength and speed, if he didn't think that crabs walked horizontally, he might have chosen it.