It Takes Time To Do Some Action

{[System Tutorial]}

[The world tutorial quest will now begin...]

"Alright..." He mumbled sighing as he hate this system so much already. It feels like the system is just bullying him.

{[System Tutorial]}

[You must get stronger to survive in this cruel world and to get stronger you need to use the system.

Quest Rank: Tutorial

Quest Tasks:

1. See the status window by saying "Status Window" either out loud or in the mind 0/1)

2. Use stats points anyhow you want (0/10)

3. Close the status window by saying "Close Status Window" either out loud or in mind (0/1)

Quest Reward: Awakening of "Energy"

Quest Failure Penalty: Instant Death

Time Limit: 5 hours]

"Alright... now disappear." As he said that the screen disappeared with the computer shut down effect like earlier.

'Status Window' He thought.

{[Status Window]}

[Name: Alexander Lawrence

Age: 21

Title: None

Points: -

Godhood Path: Duality

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Energy: None (not awakened yet)]

Level: 1

Exp: 0%

Realm: None

Strength: -30

Speed: -25

Perception: -30

Stamina: -15

Durability: -19

Energy: 00

Undistributed Stat Point: -

God Power: 

Personal Power: None (Not activated yet)]

{[System Tutorial]}

[1. See the status window by saying "Status Window" either out loud or in the mind 1/1) is cleared]

"Oh... now I remember! My name is Alexander Lawrence!" He said cheerfully since he finally remembered who was he.

"But..." He looked at his stats which were on negative value and also notice that his stats points and points value were also negative (?)

"Why are there so many negative stats here system?"

He waited for the system response but no answer was given which made him sigh again feeling irritated.

He then moved his hands to the stats and as he did a ">" marked button appeared in front of the stat his finger was closest to.

"System... I would like to use stats points but it's literally showing I have negative stats points- and the negative value is also not showing! just how much in debt am I?"

The system once again did not respond which made me sigh once again and by accident touch the ">" marked button.

The "Perception" stats which he clicked on become -30 to -29 but... even then the negative stats on the undisturbed stats point didn't change.

"Um- is this an error...?"

Once again no response can be heard from the system so he increased the value of the Perception stat again and again.

{[System Tutorial]}

[2. Use stats points anyhow you want (10/10) is cleared]

"So- I am very confused right now bro... system you still there? you died or what?"

The system once again did not reply which made him furious.

"Fucking piece of shit! fine! I will see it by myself how much I can increase my stats value!"

After saying that he used ten stats points on every single stat again and again and again until the system appeared again.


[You have reached the limit of strength stat for the current scenario. Please wait until the next senior to increase the value of strength stat again.]

"Bro- you are not even going to care about how I did this huh? are you trying to make me the main character? bro, I am a lone guy. I will never be able to turn into a good mc so fuck off!"

Like always system didn't give him any response which made him grind his teeth and do the same thing for every single stat until he maxed it.

[Strength: -30 -> 01]

[Speed: -25 -> 01]

[Perception: -30 -> 01]

[Stamina: -15 -> 01]

[Durability: -19 -> 01]

[Energy: 00 -> 05]


[Congratulations for being the first one to max out all the stats in the tutorial rank! You have done something which is nigh-impossible!

You have gained the unique title "The Stat Master" (+2 instead of +1 every stat every time you level up)]

"No." He said with a straight face and sighed "What a drag... I am too lazy for this shit. Close status window."

{[System Tutorial]}

[3. Close the status window by saying "Close Status Window" either out loud or in mind (1/1) is cleared]

{[System Tutorial]}

[The world tutorial quest will now begin...]

"Alright..." He mumbled sighing as he hate this system so much already. It feels like the system is just bullying him.

{[System Tutorial]}

[You must get stronger to survive in this cruel world and to get stronger you need to use the system.

Quest Rank: Tutorial

Quest Tasks:

1. See the status window by saying "Status Window" either out loud or in the mind 1/1)

2. Use stats points anyhow you want (1/10)

3. Close the status window by saying "Close Status Window" either out loud or in mind (1/1)

Quest Reward: Awakening of "Energy"

Quest Penalty: Instant Death

Time Limit: 5 hours (4:48 hours left) ]

[You have successfully cleared the system tutorial! now the reward will be given to you immediately!]

{[Energy Awakening...]}

[You need the energy to perform active skills in your skillset and the higher the energy value is the greater your deity power will be.

Energy is of two types: Aether and Nether. Aether is creative and peaceful power while Nether is raw and destructive power.

It doesn't matter which one you like more or which one fits your godhood path more because you have no authority of choosing it. The energy chooses you. You don't choose energy.]

"Alright... I understand" Even though he said it calmly he was super excited. A man's dream is to be able to shoot fireballs out of his hands and that's what was the reason he chooses the fire deity godhood path too.

{[Energy Awakening...]}

[Aether and Nether are judging you...

Congratulations! Nether has liked you more and so you have gained Nether Energy! You are now more of a destructive god than creative!]

"Great! so when can I shoot fir-" Like always system once again interrupted him which made him sigh since he was now used to it.

{[Skillset: Duality Godhood]}

[Duality Godhood Skillset is taking effect... With Nether you have granted its opposite Aether as well.

The energy is being modified... congratulations! you have gained the energy of god! the "Ethereal" Energy!

Note: Even though you have gained both energies you cannot use them both together like a god. You can change your energy by saying "Change to Aether" or "Change to Nether". If used together the host have a 98% chance of instant and painful death]

"This seems overpowered but not like I mind- well what shall I do now?"

{[System Tutorial Part II]}

[You have completed part I of the system tutorial. You can now do part II of the system tutorial.

Knowing the system is important but you must also know how to fight without it. Choose a weapon and get ready to fight!

Quest Rank: Tutorial

Quest Tasks:

1. Choose A Weapon By Saying "Weapon Selection" (0/1)

2. Fight A Demon (0/1)

3. Win The Fight With The Demon (0/1)

Quest Reward:

+500 Exp

+50 Points

+5 Stats Points

+1 Weapon Of Your Choice (Common Rank)

Quest Failure Penalty: Instant Death

Time Limit: 5 hours]

"All of them seem useless for me but alright... I will do it. Disappear."

He stretched his arms and cracked his bones so he can move nicely "Weapon selection."

Another screen appeared before him with a similar style to that of the "Godhood Selection" screen.

{[Weapon Selection]}










Magician Staff

Angel Wand

Magician Wand...]

Seeing countless types of weapons named there, he sighed and scratches the back of his head thinking what should be best for him.

After a few seconds, he smugged as he remembers something and raised his hands up, and choose a weapon.

"This one would be best for me!"