The Action Was Short But Rewards Are Great

The shockwave followed by the swing of Alexander's right sword was strong enough to not only completely cut the pig demon from the middle like butter but also made a path in the ground!

It might not seem anything at first but... the world right now is far far stronger than it was before. A mere plastic right now would have the durability of titanium! not to mention ground... breaking it means it's a mere work of ear picking for him to destroy skyscrapers if this world was normal.

[You have leveled up]

{[Tutorial Combat System]}

[The buff will now disappear]

{[System Tutorial Part II]}

[You have completed part I of the system tutorial. You can now do part II of the system tutorial.

Knowing the system is important but you must also know how to fight without it. Choose a weapon and get ready to fight!

Quest Rank: Tutorial

Quest Tasks:

1. Choose A Weapon By Saying "Weapon Selection" (1/1)

2. Fight A Demon (1/1)

3. Win The Fight With The Demon (1/1)

Quest Reward:

+500 Exp

+50 Points

+5 Undistributed Stats Points

+1 Weapon Of Your Choice (Common Rank)

Quest Failure Penalty: Instant Death

Time Limit: 5 hours]

{[Quest Reward]}

[All the rewards will be given to you shortly.]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]


[Your stats won't be increased by leveling up since they are already maxed out. Please level up after the current scenario is over to increase the stats.]

"Too many notifications... but I can't increase my stats huh...? I guess this is what you call balanced power system... good jo-"

Once again like always the system interrupted him.

{[Achievement Unlocked]}

[You have just defeated the first demon you have encountered easily and in the shortest time in history! You did it just by one slash so you have gained a unique title "One Slash Man!"

Difficulty: EX


One Slash Man! (title)

+30 undistributed stats point

+10,000 points]


[By slashing the first demon you have encountered into half easily in one go you have gained this title.

Name: One Slash Man!

Rank: Unique

Effect: +5 stats when you swing your arms or any kind of weapon.]

"The title is good but the other rewards are useless for me... I literally have mod apk of this system."

He giggled softly and ignored the fact that how the system interrupted him earlier. He is used to it by now and doesn't care about it anymore.

{[Quest Reward]}

[Now please select a weapon of your choice (common rank) so you can participate in the next quest.

If not chosen in the next 5 minutes you won't get anything and the next part of the tutorial will forcefully start]

"I see... then I would like to choose this weapon. The dual sword. If possible just increase the rarity of this pair of swords itself. I think I got attached to this weapon."

{[Quest Reward]}

[Your request is fulfilled. The rarity of your dual sword will increase from none to common.]

{[Rarity Changed]}

[Dual Sword (none) -> Dual Sword (common)]

"Great... now let's go to"

Once again the system interrupted him. The system hates him at this point but Alexander just sighs in response.

{[System Tutorial Part III (last part)]}

[You have made it to part III! It's the last tutorial and then you can take part in the main quest to end the current scenario!

Now that you know how to fight without the help of the system now you must get control over your deity's power and then use it to defeat your enemies!

Difficulty: Tutorial

Quest Task:

1. Check Out Your Powers By Clicking On Your Deity Skillset. You Must Use Your Brain To Thing What To Do Next (0/ 2)

2. Understand Your Powers! (0/7)

3. Use Any Of Your Power To Defeat Two Demons (0/2)

Quest Rewards:

Access To Main Scenario

Stats Limitation Removed

Quest Failure Penalty: Instant Death

Time Limit: 10 hours]

"I see... now disappear"

The screen disappeared and then he looked at the pig which was perfectly cut into half "Can I eat demons...?"

He gulped the water which filled his mouth just now because of the imagination of him frying that pig and eating pork. It has been years since he last ate nice cooked meat of any kind. This is a natural reaction for anybody who used to eat meat a lot but then suddenly has to leave eating meat.

"No... no, I shouldn't... this may be harmful. It's a demon after all."

He controlled himself and turned around but before walking away he looked at the demon one more time.

"System... store that in inventory please."

As he said that the dead body of the pig disappeared and now it was in his inventory.

"Thank you." He then walked towards the biggest tree he could see in the area and sat under it. The shadows protected him from hot sunlight and the soft breezes of winds gives him good chilling throughout his body.

"Now... Status Window."

{[Status Window]}

[Name: Alexander Lawrence

Age: 21

Title: 2

Points: -

Godhood Path: Duality

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Energy: Ethereal (Nether)

Level: 3

Exp: 3%

Realm: Demi-Deity (None)

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Perception: 1

Stamina: 1

Durability: 1

Energy: 5

Undistributed Stat Point: -

Godhood Power: 

Personal Power: None (Not activated yet)]

"I just noticed that the system is actually getting better and better... it's like it's is modifying itself so it can fit us, humans, well."

He realized earlier when he got a title there was no explanation of how exactly he got it or how good it was but now when he unlocked another title there was an achievement unlock panel and then about the title panel next to it.

"Well not like I care so let's just do the quest before I die."

He moved his hands towards the Godhood Power and clicked on the Duality Deity Skillset.


There was no response so he clicked on it again but he still did not get any response from the system.

"System did you lagged because so many people are usi-"

Once again the system cut his sentence in middle.
