As Alexander and Kevin were enjoying their time alone and making their father-son bond stronger suddenly multiple people dressed up as a guard walked inside the inn and surrounded them.
"High ranking official and the Deity Of War, Alexander Lawrence! let go of the kid and follow us quietly if you dont want us to use force!"
One of the guards said as he pointed his sword towards Alexander and followed by him everyone pointed their weapons at him.
"Um-? What?"
That's all he replied looking at them with very uninterested eyes but his son, aka, Kevin started to shake a little scared.
Seeing him tremble so much the guard quickly put his sword back on his sword case and with him, everyone put their sword down too.
"Look... I am not a dumb guy who dont know what's going on but... it's an order from the Lord himself. He is the king of this kingdom I can't ignore his orders. Sir Alexander, please come with him and explain the situation to him. Even though he had promised to return a favor to the inn's owner he will never do anything bad. Please follow me quietly."
The knight tried to explain the situation to him and if he didn't and just would have attacked him all the knights here would have been dead by now. Or at least half-dead since Alexander has no intention of killing any human being.
"I see... but I can't trust my son to be with anyone else. You seem like a good guy so can you do me a favor and take care of him for a few minutes?"
The guard nodded and tried to get the kid off from his lap but he was refusing to let go of Alexander "No! I dont wanna leave dad!"
He sighed and pat him "Kiddo... I will be back in a few minutes so, please be a good child and stay with this uncle until dad comes back okay?"
He sniffed and didn't let go of him at first but then slowly let go of his shirt and get down hugging the guard now.
"Alright... so let's go and no I won't wear any kind of handcuffs. If you want I can fight you guys instead."
They were about to ask him to wear handcuffs but hearing that they all just looked at each other before just shaking their head and admitting defeat already.
Since he was a high-ranking officer in this kingdom according to the system they all know he was strong. Far stronger than they are so it's best if he comes with them willingly.
Not to mention when they read about the information he gave him and found out it was definitely wrong due to him getting high-ranking official clothes means that this guy's resistance stat must be sky touching. They might not even be able to give him a scratch.
They all had no choice but to take him to the lord's office with full respect because they wanted to die.
Everyone was looking at him and whispering about him which just made him sigh and roll his eyes. Well even though he acted like that outside he was feeling really nervous and awkward feeling so many eyes on him.
After a walk of five minutes, they finally arrived in front of the lord's office. The Lord's office was noticeably larger and had a more beautiful design than any kind of building he has shown in this whole kingdom by now.
One of the guards opened the gate for him and he was asked to enter alone and follow the girl who was inside.
He sighed feeling like he was now getting tired of this and just wanted to burn everything because they are taking too much time and they were also treating him like a world-famous criminal.
He quietly followed the girl who was shaking and was tripping after a few steps every time. She was scared of him. She was told he was a criminal who is a pervert who even takes away kids if he feels perverted enough.
Unaware of that he just sighed once again waiting for this to end quickly.
The girl stopped when she got in front of a door and knocked on it gently.
"Come in."
A deep masculine and calm voice answered almost instantly as the girl knocked on the door.
The girl opened the door and quickly run away when he was about to open his mouth to say "Thank you." He was not sure why this was happening so he just shrugged.
He walks inside and looked around the room which looked like was of a military general from the middle age period.
The office had a desk and chair which looked similar to that of the principal in a school, behind the desk was a map of the kingdom with full details and there were some more minor details such as windows and pictures.
He was not sure why he couldn't remember his past but he can clearly remember these things but it is what it is so he doesn't question it.
His eyes then fall on the man who was facing the biggest window and watching some kids playing outside.
"I was waiting for you, Mr. Lawrence."
The man looked around and revealed his appearance to Alexander while smiling softly.
The man was looked like he was in his mid-twenties. He had deep blue eyes similar to sapphire and beautiful blonde hair as bright and beautiful as the sun.
His face was very handsome and he had a weird attractive charming aura around him which could easily steal any girl's heart.
His skin looked as fair and smooth as milk which made Alexander wonder just how did he maintain such skin in that kind of environment.
He was also noticeably thin which was visual due to the tight clothes he was wearing which looked similar to that Alexander was waiting.
"O-oh," He smiled softly and shake his head in no "Please call me Alexander sir..." Even without himself knowing he suddenly was formal to him. It was 100% due to the aura around the man.