Why The Hell You Called Me!?

Alexander sighed softly before stopping and facing the demon while holding the scroll tightly. She also stopped and dashed her head towards him to devour him completely.

The mother earthworm was an intelligent being but because of the anger she ignored the fact just why would he stop suddenly? he must have a plan right? but she didnt care about it. She was blinded by the rage she got by losing her children.

"Die!" She screamed once again now barely a few feet away from Alex.

Alex tears the scroll quickly and a bright light emits from it which slowly formed into a human-like figure.

Alex quickly grabbed the figure and put it on his shoulder before he used repulsive force against her but he knows he won't be able to do anything to her but since every force has an equal and opposite reaction he willingly flew away.

After getting far away from her he stopped using the force and looked at the human figure or- it's butt to be exact.

(A/N: kinda fruity not gonna lie)

"..." The light around the figure disappeared and it reveals the human-like figure was no one else but Samuel.

"You got three seconds to explain why I am in this situation before I kill you." Samuel said making a fist angrily.

"I need your strength or I will die." Alex replied feeling like he has gotten himself a bigger monster to deal with.

She quickly recovered from the effect of dashing his head into the ground and once again raised his head throwing acid at them.

Alex sighed and jumped away from there now again running away from there but this time he was doing it in a circle since if he drags her too far away he might lead her into a kingdom.

"I... get it." Samuel gets down from Alex's shoulder and runs alongside him sighing "Just how the fuck did you find a grade four demon? and mother of earthworm at that!"

"Bro I dunno! I literally somehow triggered a sub scenario or something!"

They both were dodging her attacks of acid and the rocks she throws at them while chatting so freely. She felt super humiliated by their action making her more blinded in rage.

"What in the world- bro are you unlucky or lucky!? I have never heard about sub scenarios appearing before scenario three!" Samuel really was surprised hearing that.

Sub-scenarios are no things to joke around with. They have higher difficulty than the main quests/scenarios. They surely return the same hard work if you complete it but there was no mention of someone finding a sub scenario before scenario three.

"I am unlucky for sure! system and the world hate me!" Alex replied while feeling really offended for some reason.

"But why called me here!? it's your fault for triggering this shit! I was helping new talented people to level up! they might die now!"

"Bro! want your friend to die!? can't you help me get rid of it!? with us together we might be able to take her out quickly!"

"Of course, we can! but my level is 99 right now! I don't want to level up for now!"

"Bro- how the fuck is your level so up wait no- it's doesn't matter right now. Bro, I will die for sure if I face her- help me or I won't be able to do your quests!"

Samuel opened his mouth to counter that but only a sigh comes out since he can't think of anything else "Fine! just make sure to pull me when times come alright?"

Alex did not get what Samuel meant but he just nodded feeling like he would soon understand it.

Samuel turned around and before anybody can even see he appeared below the head of her. He used the time authority to make the time slower for himself.

Samuel then kissed his fist as he did for Alex before he hit him. He then with full force punched on the neck area of her.

It as expected didnt even gave a scratch to her scales but she was moved behind and fall to the ground creating an earthquake.

Samuel then jumped at her tail and grinned looking at her "Is this everything you got!? is this how you will get revenge for your children!?" Samuel provoked her.

Getting easily provoked she quickly moved her head up and spit her acid towards Samuel at which he just grinned.

"Alex now!"

As the acid gets closer to Samuel he yelled that. Alex who was watching this fight in awe quickly understood what he must do so he used the attraction authority to pull Samuel towards himself.

Samuel could have used the time control power but the stronger the power the greater the side effects. Samuel when he chose this godhood path was given two choices either he will get a side effect with more uses or cool down with fewer uses. He chose cooldown... well the cooldown will disappear after he reaches a certain realm but for now he only could use it once with a minute of cooldown.

"You are a fucking monster..." Alex said to Samuel as Samuel was panting feeling like he would have just died right now.

Meanwhile, she was screaming and writhing in pain because of the acid she hit herself with which made the scales disappear.

"I forgot to add but her another weakness is her own attacks like acid and her beam. Sorry." While Samuel said that Alex looked at him almost impressed by his shamelessness.

"You little piece of sh- sh- syrup! yes, syrup!" Alex once again calmed himself down and stopped himself from swearing.

"Alright..." Samuel was confused why Alex was acting like this but he didnt question it because how Alex didnt question how does he know that he has attraction power.

"Anyways kill her fastly. Her scales are regenerating and once they are regenerated we won't be able to do the same trick twice."

Alex nodded and dashed towards her, to be exact, the area her scales were evaporated and now was slowly regenerating.

"Now..." Alex got on top of her flesh and raised his hand-ups pointing his swords down on her exposed flesh "Die!" He stabs her.