Training (2)

Alexander kinda understood what Samuel meant but he was confused how will this help? if a refined version can't do anything then what can raw energy do? but since he didn't have any choice he sighed and did what he was told to do.

Alex gathers his nether energy and put it around his swords the same way he put fire elements around his swords.

After a thin transparent layer of purple-colored appeared around the sword he once again swing his dual swords in frustration of knowing the result.


With that noise, the giant earthworm gets easily cut into three pieces, and after that swing, a shockwave followed by it cut through tens of them which made Alex's eyes widen.

{[Achievement Unlocked]}

[Congratulations! You have unlocked this achievement by creating your own weapon sword style! You are the 13th person to do it!

Difficulty To Obtain: S+


Hidden Stat: Accuracy +50%

Strength Stat +10

Agility Stat +10

Energy Stat +10

Great Sword Sage (Title)

Sword Art Of Alexander (Sword Style) (Name Can Be Changed Later)]


[You have gained this title by creating your own swords art!

Name: Great Sword Sage

Difficulty To Obtain: S+


Hidden Stats: Critical Hit +50%

Over All Stats + 10 (Each)]

{[Weapon Style]}

[Your power will be greatly increased (+5 every stat point) when you use your sword style "Sword Art Of Alexander".]

{[Sub-Scenario Notice]}

[The difficulty of the quest has fallen with an increase of your strength. The reward will be the same since it wasn't your fault you are getting strong.

Difficulty Will Change From A+ To B+

Survival Chance Increased From 35% To 60%]

"W-what" Alex was not sure on which thing he should be more confused about. Whether about the fact he became so powerful suddenly or about the achievement he unlocked and the title he got.

Samuel looked at it with a nervous smile and gulped softly "What a monster... I know he was the one who found out about this in his last life but... didn't he get used to this too easily? I thought I wouldn't be able to use this power for a long time since its creator must use it first and gain achievement but damn... this monster never fails to surprise me."

In the previous life of Samuel, he learned this power from Alex since he directly worked under his command once. Samuel learned this sword still in around 10 tens and he was still called a "monster" but now he wonders if he was a monster who is Alex...? the god of monsters?

"Wow..." Alex grinned softly as his body was now filled with power but suddenly a voice came from above which was Samuel.

"Don't waste time! even though it makes you overpowered as hell it uses a lot of energy even though only a thin layer of energy covers the sword!"

It was too much for Alex's current self. Samuel knows it because according to his memory Alex made this style after exploring the fourth scenario's level 50+ which mean he at least had over a thousand energy stats point for sure.

Alex nodded quickly and started to cut downs those giant earthworms like a mad man with a crazy smile on his face at which Samuel shakes his head a little.

'This dude... if he gets too much power he starts to become arrogant but if he doesn't get too much power he is a coward who runs away... what exactly should I do which can fix his this personality?'

Samuel thought to himself and sighed sitting down there feeling a lot of burden and pain in his chest because of the large barrier he was maintaining.

Alex massacred them at which the mother earthworm ignored her pain and gets up forming the energy ball angrily as she no longer let her children suffer more. She couldn't bear it anymore.

Alex sees this as an opportunity and jumped towards her head but her children came in the way like a meat shield.

"No! leave my children alone!" She screamed with a voice full of pain as she saw Alex murder her children.

Samuel can see how the situation was. He knows this was unfair since both the deity (human) race and the demon (animal) race are just trying to survive but he couldn't help but lean to humanity's side since he was a human deity himself.

However, Alex who once blamed whatever he does for sake of survival now has lost his true meaning. He was now simply started to enjoy this power. Even if his arrogance was broken it wasn't completely and not to mention what he has right now is pure hunger for power.

"This won't do... I remember THAT thing changed his life but I don't feel like it should happen in this life too..."

Samuel muttered to himself before taking out another potion from his inventory but this time it was a blue-colored one. It was the potion of energy recovery. He drinks it and continued to watch the fight.

While Alex was getting closer and closer to the neck of the mother earthworm by cutting through earthworms that were shielding her as a meat shield like a savage, the mother earthworm was getting more and more angry and sad.

But those half minded earthworms didn't know that they were just getting the way. She can easily use her tail to hit Alex away but she couldn't since her children were in the middle.

All she could do now is charge the energy ball and release it towards Alex and since she can decide who will get affected by her energy attack she knows her children will be safe.

Alex was slowly getting closer and closer to her neck as those monsters jumped more into the air towards him only to be cut into multiple pieces.

"You damn relative of apes! die!" She screamed once again before launching her attack towards Alex.

Alex grinned and decided to just use those earthworms as his meat shield this time not aware of the fact she can determine who must get hurt by her ball since a CERTAIN person forgot to mention it on the guidebook.

Alex kept grinning hiding behind the giant earthworms but when he saw the ball of energy passing through them his eyes widened and only one thing came out of his mouth "Fuck."