Chapter 15: I'm glad I did not fall pregnant

I'm glad I did not fall pregnant

"No no no no no, Marks it's not what you think; please Mark let's talk about this." Is this woman's head screwed on right?

"This man was inside you, on top of you just now and you say it's not what I think? Celia? Do I look like a fool to you?"

"No Mark listen to me, let me explain please."

"Explain what? It is clear that this has been going on for a while, this is not the first time for you to do this. To actually think that I asked you to marry me, is this what will happen in our marriage huh? Me sharing you with someone? I'm glad you did not fall pregnant otherwise I would not even know if the child would me mine or some guy."

I walk up to her and grab her chin and squeeze it hard and she flinches. I look in to her eyes and give her a smile that does not reach my eyes. "Since I am not good enough for you Celia, this is where we end. I want you out of my house by tonight."

"Huh! Out by tonight Mark are you mad? You bought this place for me after our engagement. This is my house!" She exclaims loudly all to my amusement. I shake my head and chuckle.

"Sorry to burst your bubble sweet, beautiful, busy Celia. The house has not been transferred to you yet. You see since my dad never liked you and called you a gold digger, decided to stall on the transfer for after we were married but hey! Look at us now? Mmh? You, cheating on me." I shove her back to bed and stormed out of there as soon fast.

Reaching the car I find Jay laughing his head off. He jumps to the shotgun and throws me the car keys clearly not in a good state to drive. We then drove to the company. "Man that was awesome." I seem to have made his day. Well I made my day too.

Lydia's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello" I answered still feeling very sleepy. "Lydia it's me." She says and it seems like she's been crying. "What's wrong dear? Have you been crying? What happened?" I ask showing 'concern' for my best friend.

"It's bad Lydia. I'm in trouble. I found my boyfriend in bed with someone, can you believe that. He is actually cheating on me so I need a place to stay for a while I look for another place. Can you help me?" She asks while sniffling.

I roll out my eyes knowing very well that Marks left a while ago. He told me he has a surprise for me. I guess dumping Celia is the surprise and he might have found them red-handed. Now here she is changing the story, I take off my hat her.

"I haven't bought a house yet dear and I am still not back yet from my vocation. Why don't you go to a hotel for a while or ask your dad to help you out his house is big enough to accommodate you too."

"It's okay I will see what I can do, anyway, when are you coming back? George has been asking me about you. I know he hurt you but you can't blame him for not wanting to have kids at the moment." This woman is too much.

How come I did not see how much of a hypocrite she is. "Our relationship cannot be repaired Jane. He never defended me when his mother called me a chicken that does not lay eggs in front of him. He never said anything knowing fully well that it was all his doing.

I can't stay with a man like that. Divorcing him is the best solution for me. Let's drop it Jane, George does not deserve me. So how are you going to deal with your cheating boyfriend?" I can't believe I said that about my husband Mark.

"Phew!" She breathes out loud. "There is nothing I can do about it. He said that she is not the only girl he has been sleeping with so what's the big deal. Can you believe his nerve?" Yeah lady you have the nerve to lie blatantly like that. "He is a real scum." I say.

(Sorry my dear husband I have to go with the flow) I apologise to Mark in my head. "So what about Rosie? I assume he is Rosie's dad right? I am taking the first plane back tomorrow I want to confront him, he has me to deal with if he thinks he can just dump you when you gave him such a wonderful baby girl."

I ask knowing very well who the father is. I am looking forward to hearing her response for this. " No. No, Lydia he is not Rosie's dad. Her dad is some guy, who did not tell me that he was married. He makes sure that Rosie does not lack anything in order for me not to tell his wife. It's okay Lydia no need to confront him, let him be." She stresses.

"Okay." I agree. This woman's capability of twisting black to white is amazing. "I am so sorry dear for meeting such bad people." I say that while yoarning obviously still sleepy and need to go back to sleep. "I am sorry I can't help you, I will see you when I get back." I say ending our conversation. "Okay dear see you when you get back." We say our good bye's and I can hear disappointment in her voice.

I video call Mark as soon as our call ended with Jane. "Hello." I hold in my laughter. "Hello to you Mr. Stutton, what have you been up to so early in the morning?" "Huh? What are you talking about?" he asks me obviously a bit confused.

"Well, my best friend called me just now in tears telling me that she caught her boyfriend red-handed in bed with another woman. Do you have a clone because when I remember correctly no one barged in to our bedroom this morning? Or was I unconscious?" I ask and he burst out laughing.

"Wow! So that is the story she will be telling people? Huh! I underestimated her, she is really talented." He responds. "So this is the surprise you prepared for me?""Yeah and I will show you my acting skills when I get back. My acting was great even if I say so myself." He boasts. We chat a while more and remind him not to fire her from her work as yet.