
Do Therapists Go For Therapy?

'I told you mum knows. She probably knew since we visited Victoria.'

'We might need a lawyer or something. I can't believe we're going though all this trouble for Nate.' She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

I followed her. I was scared. Suddenly everything started to become clear to me. We were really in trouble and there was almost no way out.

'Do you want to eat anything?' She asked.

'I'll just have some ice cream.' I walked to the kitchen and took out a bowl of ice cream and the scooping spoon.

'I know you don't want to hear this right now but I spoke with Eric's aunt today. She thinks it'll be helpful if you saw her as soon as possible.'

I knew Alicia only wanted the best for me. I also knew she needed therapy just as much as I did. We were both going through so much and she had it worse because she was Nate's victim too.

'I'll go to see her tomorrow then you can stop making so much fuss about it.'