
We All Need A Sarah

It was a nightmare knowing I was going to be with Kolin alone for long hours. If babies were going to be so much stress, then I did not want one unless of course, it was going to be your baby too. 

I caught myself changing all of my principles for you, there was no need for anyone to tell me I had found my perfect match.

The rest of the evening with Eric was very nice, I had never spent that much time alone with him and I began to understand why Alicia loved him so much.

He had a lot of stories to tell, mostly from his childhood. The stories were really funny because he had been a rebellious child, just like Nate but he changed as soon as he met a girl named Sarah.

I asked him why he did not end up with her and he said Alicia came along. It did not make so much sense to me that he was ready to change his ways for Sarah but somehow, Alicia got him to marry her.