
Empty Plate

'You should check on Albert, he's sick but he's keeping it from you. He might die.' I said.

'His brain tumor?' She asked.

I nodded.

'Well, the doctor called me as soon as he knew. I know Albert doesn't want me to know. I also know about his unhealthy lifestyle but I will continue to pretend like I don't.'

'I got some prescription from the doctor and I've been slipping it into his food. He'll get better. Don't worry about him.' She smiled.

That did not go as I planned at all.

'Okay. I guess he's going to be alright then.' I moved uneasily on the bench.

'Not if he continues this lifestyle of his. He was a social smoker before, now he just cannot live without it. It isn't affecting only him, it's killing me to see my husband like that.'