
Shots Fired!

'I'm sorry about that. Well if you lived here that young then you must have found ways to sneak in and out whenever you got grounded or when you returned after your curfew.' Black sin raised a brow.

'Yes. My brother was the mischievous one but he managed to tell me all the exits of the house but when I got married twenty-nine years ago, I sealed them all.' He relaxed in his seat.

'I understand that you must have done that for your children's safety but you have to tell me, where are these exits, and just how sealed are they?' She brought out her notepad.

'There are only two. One is in the kitchen and the other is in the general bathroom. But if I may ask, did something happen in this house?'

'Yes. Kassy got a letter and we need to know how it got in. Alicia said she did not leave the house all morning yesterday so whoever dropped it did not come in through the front door. They must have used one of the other two entrances.' Gatlin said.