
The Reunion - ???

'Where is Kolin?' I asked.

'What do you mean?' She stared at me with a puzzled look on her face.

'You took Kolin, so where is he before I sign my baby to you.'

'Kassy, I gave your mother the permission to give you Kolin a long time ago.' She said.

She was serious. Mum was with Kolin.

'Mum was with Kolin?' I asked.

'She took him for me, Kassy, and I asked her to give him back yesterday. She's been with him all his time.' She said.

I wanted to run to the car to give mum a piece of my mind, but I just stood there, unable to move.

'I thought you worked with Frank to take Kolin.' I said.

'Frank was not in on it, and he ran away like a woman, I know I had a child with him but that was a wrong move on my part.' She laughed.

'Kolin is not back with us.' I said.

'That isn't my fault, Kassy. Talk to your mother about that.' She said.