

'I am sure Black sin is going to get you the best lawyer in the business and she's not going to stop fighting until you get your child, every one of your children.' I knew it was risky promising anything in that case, but I also had a lot of faith in Black sin.

'Now I know why she likes you so much.' Amber's face folded into a smile.

'Unh?' I asked, stunned speechless.

For months, I tried to shut off my feelings for Black sin and it was going to be unfair if she knew how much I was suffering and said nothing.

'A couple of weeks ago, she came in, but I pretended like I was sleeping because I didn't want to speak with anyone. She then began to confess how much she liked you and how distance was the cure she thought was best.'

That was very unfair of Black sin, the least she could do was tell me. Her silence and distance forced me to get together with George, something I absolutely did not want to do.