
Mr. Codero

'That is fine. If everyone is ready to order now, I'd like to call the waiter.' Mr. Codero said.

'I am ready.' Black sin said and looked at me and Amber.

We both nodded.

'Alright then,' Mr. Codero said, 'waiter!' He shouted.

I almost ran away because I was scared. His voice was so deep.

The waiter came over and took our orders then we began discussing. 

'How did you hear of the adoption agency?' Black sin asked.

She had her pen and note in her hand.

'My wife. She said a few of her friends tried it and it worked. We were very desperate so what could we really do?' He asked.

'Okay, so how did you choose Amber to be the mother of your child?' Black sin asked.

'Well, my wife and I were given a few files to go through and they asked us to choose the woman that appealed to us the most. My wife liked Amber's eyes and so we chose her.' He said.

'Were you assured of Amber's consent?' I asked.