
The Truth [2] - Alicia's Part

'Thanks. And now that you're here, I need to ask you about Amber, have you heard from her lately?'

'No, but she's not the reason I'm here.' Alicia's gaze rested on me.

'Is something wrong?' I asked.

'Yes, how do you know this Foreign guy?' 

The conversation I was not ready to have was what she had come to my room early that morning to have. 

There was no way I could shut her out, I had to talk to her about it.

'I don't know him, why would you think I know him?' I was trying to buy time to think about how to tell Alicia that Desmond had taken the risk to see me, and he made her a bad person in his story.

'Kassy, that guy is really dangerous, and I just want you to be careful. I thought he decided to get off the grind and the face of the earth, how did you find him and please don't tell me he's the one that came after you.'