
Your Mum Is In The Drug Business?

'I'm not going to stop being a good dad to you anyway. I love you Kassy and you know that. It hurts to see you in and out of hospitals so I'm going to ask you as your father to rest.' 

'You don't have the right to ask me as my father. You abandoned me and when you returned, you built our relationship on a rock of lies. How can I look past that?' I questioned.

'I'm not asking you to look past it, I'm asking you to forgive it. I deserve a second chance after all these months of proving myself to you.'

'You don't deserve anything. I thought you were someone else and I made excuses for you but you're the same guy that abused mum and pushed her to the drug business.' I hadn't realised what I had said for many seconds and when I finally did, I wanted the ground to swallow me. 

I had promised not to tell anyone yet, it was so easy for me to blurt it out.

'Kassy, what was that?' He sauntered to me as cops did to criminals in movies.